Get certified as a Quantum Alchemy Practitioner in only 8 weeks!

Master the Art of Alchemy  - Energy Healing, Clearing, Shielding, and Transmutation -so YOU can live a vibrant life on your highest timeline, create soul-aligned manifestations, activate your psychic gifts, and claim your full soul sovereignty across all dimensions of time and space. 

Whether you're a beginner or a seasoned veteran, this course will teach you how to effectively clear and protect your energy, your home, loved ones, business, and facilitate powerful energy work for others. For deep, lasting transformation to occur on a physical level, it must occur first on an energetic level. Gain the skills you need to become a true light warrior!

Get certified as a Quantum Alchemy practitioner in only 8 weeks! 

Learn to Master Advanced Energy Protection,
Transmute Synthetic Matrix Systems, Multidimensional Gridwork, and Advanced Timeline Alchemy
so you can deeply transform your life, activate your greatest Soul Mission, purify your Lightbody, elevate your timeline, and offer these Divine Services to others.

You deserve to navigate the Quantum Realms as an Activated Light Warrior, harness advanced spiritual methods, rise in Sovereignty over Psychic Attacks & Malevolent Energies, and transform yourself and others through the evolutionary healing of The Quantum Alchemy Method.

Become the Divine Architect of your reality
and live your New Earth Timeline Now!

  • Awakening Souls who want to learn the most powerful methods of safe and effective Energy Shielding & Protection, Quantum Alchemy, and Deep Soul-Level Transformation

  • Perfect for those wanting to have a deeper inner-standing of the Multidimensional nature of reality, The Matrix, The Synthetic Matrix, and Psychic Self-Defense

  • Excellent for soul who continue to attract psychic attacks and negative entities, because their light is shining so bright and they don’t have the proper methods of how to shield, clear, and protect themselves from organic matrix and synthetic matrix attachments

  • Anyone who is ready to deeply transform past/parallel/current life negative attachments, and wants to reclaim their sovereignty on all levels of being

  • Those ready to offer soul-led services to others and take their spiritual business to the next level and help their clients and the collective alchemize across all dimensions of time and space

  • Feel confident when working in the etheric realms and non-physical dimensions so you can protect yourself, your home, and other spaces to which you travel

  • Deep Quantum and Multidimensional Healing of past/parallel/current life challenges

  • Experience great peace and assurance that nothing can come into your energy field or siphon your vital life force anymore

  • Mastery of an entire Quantum Alchemy toolbox of the most advanced methods to continue activating your psychic superpowers

  • Gain crystal clear clarity on your soul mission and soul gifts

  • Accelerate your ability to manifest, quantum leap, and live out your highest timeline

  • Facilitate powerful group journeys for your clients and community that teach them how to activate their multidimensional gifts and abilities

  • Reclaim your sovereignty on all levels of being and empower others to do the same

  • Become the active and aligned Light Warrior you are destined to be

  • Join the healing and awakening “Ground Crew” of souls on Earth helping others during this profound time of change on the planet

8 In-Depth
Training Modules

8 Bonus

8 Weeks to become a
Certified Quantum Alchemist

 What's Included in this course: 


 MODULE 1:  Origin Story of The Omniverse & Multidimensionality

  • The Origin of This Reality and BEYOND...
  • Demystifying The Matrix & The Synthetic Matrix
  • Myths About Entities, Energy Alchemy, and Psychic Self-Defense


 MODULE 2:  Energetic Attachments, Signs & Symptoms

  • How Entities Attach & How to Recognize Energy Distortions
  • Specific Signs of Attachments for Starseeds, Lightworkers, & Healers
  • Consensual vs Nonconsensual Energy Attachments 
  • Red Flags When Channeling & Working with Higher Dimensions


 MODULE 3:  Quantum Alchemy Methods & Techniques

  • Overview of Quantum Alchemy Methods & Techniques
  • Mindset, Intention, & Energetic Frequency
  • Activating Psychic Gifts
  • Preparing to Alchemize
  • The Golden Orb, Creating Your Custom Shield, & Forcefields of Protection
  • The Rainbow Rays & The 12 Chakra System
  • The Rainbow Flames & Uses for Each in Quantum Alchemy
  • The Quantum Alchemy Method: Shielding & Multidimensional Energy Protection
  • The Quantum Alchemy Method: All Purpose Energy Clearing
  • The Quantum Alchemy Method: Mini Energy Clearings
  • Multidimensional Light & How to Work in alignment with True Source Codes


 MODULE 4:  Types of Entities, Attachments, & Energy Distortions

  • Introduction to Module 4 & Recommendations for This Section
  • Four Types of Psychic Attacks
  • Psychic Attacks & Secondary Psychic Attacks
  • Ghosts & Earthbound Spirits
  • Parasitic & Vampiric Entities
  • Manifested Dark Energy
  • Advanced Shapeshifters & False Light Beings
  • Hooded Entities & The Underworld
  • Black Goo
  • Black Cube & Black Box Technology
  • Malevolent ET & AI Technology
  • Synthetic Matrix Keepers & Controllers (Mr. Smiths)
  • The Synthetic Matrix Consciousness


 MODULE 5: Quantum Alchemy Tools, Resources, & Soul Full Self-Care

  • Sound
  • Light
  • Plants, Flowers, & Essential Oils
  • Crystals
  • Quantum Self-Care


 MODULE 6:  Advanced Quantum Alchemy Methods & Unique Situations

  • Portals
  • Energetic Tethering & Energetic Cords
  • Aggressive Entities
  • Sleep Paralysis & Sludge on The Astral Realm
  • Implant Removal
  • Soul Contracts & Pacts
  • Placing Sentries
  • Clearing Cords & Attachments Related to Romantic & Sexual Partners
  • Special Considerations working with Children & Pregnancy
  • Quantum Alchemy for Energy Fields
  • Quantum Tunneling
  • Mind Control, & Indoctrination
  • Psychological Operations (PsyOps) & Psychological Warfare (PsyWar) 


 MODULE 7:  Using Quantum Alchemy to Support Others

  • Working as a Quantum Alchemist & Client Sessions
  • Quantum Alchemy with Groups & Types of Offerings
  • Quantum Alchemy for Pets & Animals - both domesticated and in the wild
  • Ethical Considerations for Quantum Alchemy & Energy Healing
  • Legal Resources for Starting Your Quantum Alchemy Business


 MODULE 8:  Quantum Alchemy for Homes, Land, & Intro to Multidimensional Gridwork

  • When & Why to Clear Homes & Land
  • Mirror Clearing Ritual
  • Special Considerations & Procedures for Working with Land Guardians
  • Quantum Alchemy Methods for Homes, Land, & Other Environments
  • Introduction to Multidimensional Gridwork
  • Types of Earth Grids
  • Types of Galactic Grids
  • How to facilitate Multidimensional Gridwork on Earth and BEYOND

 PLUS - 3 amazing bonuses! 

 BONUS #1: 
Advanced Quantum Alchemy for Toxic People, Places, & Things

The MOST advanced Quantum Alchemy Techniques for the trickiest situations, abusive and toxic people, and how to protect yourself from Cults & Cult Leaders

 BONUS #2: 
Quantum Alchemy for Money, Business, & Timelines

Level up your energetic relationship with your coin &
create the abundance you deserve in business and personal areas of life. Learn the core essentials of Timeline Alchemy for manifesting anything and greatly supporting the collective ascension process

 BONUS #3: 
Guided Quantum Alchemy Meditations

8 Potent Guided Journeys for you to anchor in your new reality as a Certified Quantum Alchemist!  Including: Reprogramming The Subconscious, Rainbow Flames Activation, 12 Chakra Clearing & Alignment, The Golden Orb, The Multidimensional Column of Light, Clearing Blockages with Elemental Energy, Diamond Lightcodes Activation, & Quantum Leaping


Why should you let me take you on this journey?

Hello Gorgeous Souls!
I’m Heather and I’ll be guiding you on this journey to become a Certified Quantum Alchemist!

I founded The Starseed Sanctuary in 2020 after a near death experience that involved a very traumatic secondary psychic attack and a subsequent wild activation of my soul gifts and abilities. It is my Divine Mission to support awakening souls just like you, to learn to heal and protect themselves as we journey through this multidimensional reality together to create the New Earth. 

Here are the reasons I am qualified to take you on this journey:

  • I have been working in the healing arts for over 20 years!
  • I have four degrees in psychology including my doctorate
  • I have extensive experience helping others heal from trauma and energetic ailments of all kinds
  • I value talking openly about difficult topics that too many avoid to their detriment
  • I care deeply about empowering others to learn how to be their own healers and awakeners
  • On the awakening path since 2012 and I have been able to heal, awaken, and learn so much
  • As a lifelong paranormal experiencer, Starseed Lightworker, and psychic soul, I know how challenging it can be to navigate the shadow realms of our reality
  • A HUGE part of my soul mission is to share what I have learned through my personal and professional experience of overcoming a lifetime of trauma, negative attachments and reclaiming my energetic sovereignty
  • In my sacred work as a Quantum Alchemist and Intuitive Energy Healer, I have created a powerful method of deep transformation to clear, shield, deprogram, heal, activate, expand, and profoundly upgrade your energy system, your life, and your timeline
  • I know these methods work and I believe that all healers, lightworkers, and awakened or awakening souls NEED to know about the light and shadow aspects of this work - we cannot spiritually bypass and live in toxic positivity anymore

After 20 years of working in the field of mental health, I retired and unplugged from that broken system so I can devote myself 100% to this - my soul biz and soul mission helping people just like you - that is how important I know this work is!


Pay In Full


Get a bonus 30-min. Quantum Alchemy Session with Dr.Heather!

  • Pay in Full Customers get a SPECIAL BONUS -  A 30-minute Quantum Alchemy Session with me, Dr. Heather (over $300 in value) where I will channel into true Source and your guides to get crystal clear insights, information, and cosmic downloads about what you need to alchemize currently in your life and exactly how to do it!

2-Month Payment Plan


2 Easy Monthly Payments


3-Month Payment Plan


3 Easy Monthly Payments


 Are you ready to Master
The Art of Quantum Alchemy?

 Are you ready to Master The Art of Quantum Alchemy?