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Cosmic Store

An entire galaxy of magical content awaits you...

Akashic Records Journeys
Guided Meditations
Starseed Activations
VIP Packages
Courses, Workshops, & Masterclasses
Astrology Reports (Coming Soon)
Quantum Coaching Packages (Coming Soon)

Akashic Records Journeys

Guided Meditations

Starseed Activations


Courses, Workshops, & Masterclasses

Starseed Galactic Origins

Coming Fall 2024

This isĀ theĀ ONLYĀ Masterclass of it's kind as we explore over 77 differentĀ Star Families andĀ Cosmic Groups.

This is the perfectĀ offering for Starseeds wanting to know more about theirĀ Celestial Lineage, to betterĀ innerstandĀ their soul's connection to the stars, and deepenĀ their knowledge of dozens of ET Frequencies and Galactic Archetypes.Ā 

Multidimensional Travel

Coming Fall 2024

Have you ever wanted to travel safely to higher dimensions, explore the multiverse and the worlds and different galactic beings?Ā Do you want to activate more of who you are as a multidimensional being of true light?

In this course, you will learn how to create the foundation for safely traveling to connect more fully with Source Consciousness, visit cities of light, galactic civilizations, star homes, and gain more skill in communicating with a wide range of higher dimensionsal beings in alignment with True Source.Ā 

Astrology Reports (Coming Soon)


VIP Packages


Let Others Inspire You.

"The work that Dr. Heather does is truly amazing and I cannot recommend her enough. If you are a Starseed or think you might be, check out her readings. They are so in-depth and this whole process has awakened such magic within me. Thank you Dr, Heather!"

Jordan Shultz

"Heather is one of the most magical and powerful multidimensional healers and galactic guides I have ever encountered. Our paths crossed like wandering stars in the night sky and I am infinitely grateful for the deep soul healing and insight into ancient wounds that she was able to break free for me once and for all. Thank you for teaching me how to be my own healer. Forever grateful."

Leslie Larson

The Origin Story of The Quantum Alchemy Method

Sep 03, 2024

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