Personal Mentorship Program to Help You Find Your Path & Purpose

Starseeds need a completely different navigation system to find their path and purpose on Earth. Stellar souls from the etheric lace of stardust, have lived thousands of lifetimes across the galaxies and stars. You know you came to planet Earth with a unique path and purpose.

Yet, you feel lost and confused, wandering through the forest of life without a map, a compass, or even a flashlight and it’s getting cold. Yikes!

Why is it that we don’t worry about a compass until we’re lost in a wilderness of our own making?

A compass serves as a reliable guide for determining direction, with its needle unwaveringly pointing to the north. By using the compass, we can confidently navigate our way back home, even when we feel lost.

The Starseed Compass takes this way-finding even deeper to help you find your way back home to your soul. This is where The Starseed Compass can deeply support you. It is a personal navigation system and magical mentorship program designed to help you find your path and purpose on Earth AND to anchor you pointing true north to your star homes and galactic family too.

Being a Starseed on Earth is intense, isolating, and all too easy to lose our way when we are following a system that wasn’t designed for us. There are so many distractions and distortions on Earth that it often cripples us with sensory overload, endless dark nights of the soul, and throws us out of alignment with our true essence.

Being a Starseed means being in a constant state of alchemy, transformation, and perpetual vision quests. There is always another rebirth, another rebrand, and a new stage of evolution on your ascension (and incension - inward ascension) journey.

Traditional and antiquated models of therapy simply don’t work to navigate the types of ancient scars, and insurmountable pain that Starseeds came here to heal. Coaches and mentors even in the spiritual realms don’t have the right map to help galactic souls activate their ultimate path, purpose, and gifts that lay dormant within them.

When you get the right support, from the right mentor, everything seems to fall into place and you no longer feel like a wandering star in the empty sky - you become the whole sky - connecting and shining brightly with all your star family and galactic guides right by your side.

You deserve to connect with other Starseeds who have been around the galaxy more than a few times, just like you, and that resonate with your cosmic energy.

Having the right mentor reactivates the compass of your soul and reignites that inner spark so you can go from lost in the forest about to be eaten by a pack of hungry wolves to a badass galactic treasure map of codes for the most fulfilling path forward as the sparkly ancient soul you have always been.

Being an awakening, aligned, and activated Starseed Light Warrior with a working soul compass is a walking, talking, breathing library of cosmic wisdom and psychic superpowers. A pure channel of true light who radiates love from the depths of their ancient soul everywhere they go, in everything they do, to heal and awaken everything they touch.

When your soul’s navigation system is working seamlessly, you become a Lighthouse for others, guiding those lost ships safely to shore and shining brightly even through the darkest, foggiest nights.


Are you ready to activate your Starseed Compass???

  • Souls looking for guidance, direction, and exploration of their unique path and purpose

  • Those who have tried traditional, antiquated therapy or coaching programs with no results

  • Souls feeling lost, drained, depleted, stressed, overwhelmed, stuck, stagnant, and isolated

  • Souls who are ready to go even deeper into their celestial lineage on Earth and beyond

  • Perfect for those looking for an experienced healer, guide, mentor, astrologer, and quantum alchemist who can support them like they’ve never been supported before

  • Those ready to embark on a magical and mystical inner journey in the search for personal growth and transformation
  • Souls needing inspiration to stay on track towards their goals and aspirations so they can feel a greater sense of purpose and direction
  • Imagine how it will feel to deeply innerstand the timeline of your soul, the many past/parallel Earth and Galactic incarnations, & your soul origin - most Starseeds know one or two of their origins, but you have dozens of cosmic connections and Earth lives to unveil on your path

  • Think about how empowered you will feel to know how to read your Akashic Records for deep healing, potent activations, and manifestations - imagine having a flash about a past or parallel life and then just diving into the book of your soul to get the details - life changing!

  • Imagine connecting with an expert who provides you customized guidance on the exact Quantum Alchemy methods your frequency will respond best to AND how to continue using these transformation tools for life - bye bye entity attachments and outdated belief systems!

  • Imagine fully reclaim your sovereignty, banishing all curses, making any old soul contracts null and void, and telling your inner demons to F ALL the way OFF so you can feel vibrant again
  • Think about being the glitch in the matrix you’ve always wanted to be by removing Shadow or Synthetic Matrix attachments that are keeping you sick, sad, and blocked - you are that glitch!
  • Imagine realigning your soul with its original blueprint and reconnecting with your star family, spirit guides, and future versions of you - the love and support you have in the multiverse is waiting for you like a warm hug from the sky and all the stars
  • Feel the unwavering peace and clarity you will have working with Timeline Alchemy to close shadow timelines, heal your inner child, activate parallel self gifts, and quantum leap onto your ideal timeline for a more abundant and fulfilling life now


This is what it means to have a Master Quantum Alchemist, Multidimensional Healer, Starseed Astrologer & Akashic Expert as your personal Starseed Compass Mentor.

Someone who knows exactly what you need to awaken your dreams into existence and activate your path toward True North.

This is a mentorship program like no other.

Three Months of Customized One-on-One Mentorship with Heather

Three 1:1 60 minute virtual
sessions each month

Recordings of all sessions saved for you to watch or review at your leisure

Voxer Coaching - text and voice app for support and questions between sessions M-F

 PLUS - when you pay-in-full, you'll get access to the Quantum Alchemy Course included!

(value $888) 


Hello Gorgeous Souls!
I’m Heather, founder & CEO of The Starseed Sanctuary, and I’ll be guiding you on this Starseed Compass Mentorship.

As a practitioner of the healing arts, I have been doing this work for over 20 years now!
I have worked in the fields mental health, addiction treatment, and the healing arts my entire adult life. I really love helping others live their best life, work through trauma, and find their soul purpose.

Just so you have a little more background on me and who I am, here are my qualifications:

đź”®Founder and CEO of The Starseed Sanctuary

đź”®Creator of The Quantum Alchemy Method

đź”®Doctorate in Clinical Psychology (PsyD)

đź”®Certified Professional Astrologer

đź”®Starseed Galactic Origins Specialist

đź”®Certified Galactic Akashic Records Reader

đź”®Lifelong Psychic, Quantum Medium, and Intuitive Energy Healer

đź”®Writer and Published Author

đź”®Spiritual Coach & Ascension Guide

đź”®Teacher & Multidimensional Mentor

đź”®Writer and Published Author

đź”®Spiritual Coach & Ascension Guide

đź”®Teacher & Multidimensional Mentor

đź”®Pleiadian-Andromedan-Avian-Apollonian-Lyran Starseed with Unicorn & Dragon Soul Origins

đź”®I have lived thousands of past/parallel lives in the stars and hundreds on Earth with STRONG connections to LEMURIA

Above all else, I LOVE empowering and teaching others how to be their own healers and awakeners, how to unlock their self-healing superpowers, and find their Soul Path!

A good healer doesn’t heal you; they teach you how to heal yourself.

A great mentor shows you how to achieve your goals and empowers you along the way.

A Starseed mentor reminds you that you are the path, the portal, and the compass!


I can't wait to help you discover your soul's lineage and activate your Starseed Compass!


Pay In Full


Pay-in Full and Get Access to the Quantum Alchemy Course!


3-Month Payment Plan


Join today & make 3 easy monthly payments of $997!


6-Month Payment Plan


Join with this extended payment plan & pay easily with 6 monthly payments!