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The Starseed Sanctuary

Transformational Magic for Spiritual Warriors
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Thank you gorgeous souls for embarking on this wild and whimsical journey with me.  My soul mission is empowering YOU on yours! I'm here to teach you how powerful you are, how to be your own healer and awakener, and how to reclaim you soverignty.

We ARE the glitch in the matrix! 


Let's Connect
So glad you're here!

I'm Heather.
Your Starseed Astrology, Akashic Records and Quantum Alchemy 

Read my story  ➝

Your Life Can Transform, Let's awaken Your Power Within.

After working in the field of healing arts for over 20 years and enduring a lifetime of soul-crushing trauma, I know this to be true:

*A good healer doesn't heal you - they teach you how to heal yourself

*A good teacher doesn't teach you - they teach you how to reclaim the wisdom encoded into your soul

*A good alchemist doesn't transform you into gold - they teach you how to transform yourself into the gold, badass mofo you've always been!

My mystical methods aligned with my magical courses, will deeply support you in living your most optimal timeline as an activated Light Warrior, Starseed Supernova, and all-around Divinely Sovereign Soul. The world needs your light!

Let's Work Together.

See My Offerings and Services.

Quantum Alchemy

Get certified as a Quantum Alchemy Practitioner in only 8 weeks!  Master Advanced Entity Clearing, Energetic Shielding & Protection, Transmuting Synthetic Matrix Systems, and Multidimensional Gridwork so you can transform your life, activate your greatest Soul Mission, purify your Lightbody, elevate your timeline, and offer these Divine Services to others.



Multidimensional Travel

Have you ever wanted to travel to higher dimensions, explore the multiverse, and connect to star beings, but don’t know where to start?

In this incredibly powerful course, you will learn how to create the foundation for safely traveling to expand your consciousness, visit cities of light and gain mastery in communicating with higher dimensional beings of true light.



Starseed Astrology

Reading to Learn Who You Really Are?

Unlock the Secrets of the Stars with Dr. Heather's signature Starseed Astrology style. This Whole Sky Astrology approach is an integration of Fixed Star Astrology, Tropical & Sidereal Zodiac Systems, combined with Asteroids, Galaxies, Black Holes, Nebulae, and MORE! Check out the current Starseed Astrology offerings.



Starseed Origins & Galactic Archetypes Course

This is the most comprehensive course on Starseed Galactic Origins available. Unlock the secrets of over 88 different Starseed Archetypes, Cosmic Codes in your birth chart, and Alignment & Activation days throughout the year with various Galactic Families and Star Systems.

This one-of-a-kind course ignites a deep soul remembrance, past and parallel life memories, and a deeper awakening of your Starseed Soul gifts so you can help others and more fully innerstand who you are an why you came here!

Take Me to The Mothership
Video Poster Image

The Origin Story of The Quantum Alchemy Method

Sep 03, 2024

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