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Psychic Codes in Astrology: Discover Your Extrasensory Gifts & Abilities

Mar 13, 2025

Did you know you natal astrology chart can help you discover your psychic gifts and abilities?

Particular aspects that are often found in the natal chart that indicate extra sensory abilities.

Having more than a few of aspects listed below can indicate very strong psychic potential and this may help you in discovering your strongest intuitive skill sets so you can deepen you connection to spirit, or to simply identify your innate psychic gifts. Everyone has some type of extrasensory or intuitive ability and many of us have dozens of these psychic gifts!

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Clairvoyance - clear seeing. The ability to see visions with either the mind's eye or with the physical eyes. Pictures forming in the mind or people, places, symbols, situations and colors. This includes seeing spirits and auras. Tend to be visual learners, sensitive to the aesthetics of their environment and can see or visualize things that others cannot.

Clairvoyance Markers in the Natal Chart:

*Mercury-Neptune Aspects, especially Conjunctions, Trines, Sextiles, & Oppositions
*Mercury in a Water Sign (Cancer, Scorpio, or Pisces)
*Neptune in the 1st, 3rd, 8th, or 12th house
*Neptune aspecting Sun, Moon, Mercury, Uranus, or Makemake 
*Mercury in the 1st, 8th, or 12th house
*Sagittarius Ascendant/Rising
*Pisces Ascendant/Rising
*Scorpio Ascendant/Rising
*Mercury is chart ruler - Virgo or Gemini Ascendant/Rising
*Jupiter in Pisces, Cancer, Scorpio, Sagittarius in aspect to 3rd House esp. Sun, Mercury, Moon 
*Mercury and/orNeptune Conjunct Galactic Center, Super Galactic Center, The Great Attractor, or The Shapley Attractor (or any other black holes or cosmic anomalies indicating multidimensionality *South Node in Water Sign and/or in 8th or 12th house
*Stelliums (3 or more planets) in the 8th or 12th house
*Taurus Moon in Aspect to Neptune, especially Conjunctions, Trines, Sextiles, Quintiles & Oppositions

***Major planetary conjunctions to fixed stars: Rasalhauge (Third Eye of Ophiuchus), Altair (Aquila, The Eagle), Corvus (The Crow), Aldebaran (The Bull's Eye), and all stars in The Pegasus Constellation.

Clairsentience - clear feeling. The ability to receive clear information about others through their own emotional responses, feelings, and sensations in the body or on the skin. Highly sensitive (either skin, emotions or both). Can detect the energies of an environment. Mat feel uncomfortable in dense public places or around a lot of electrical equipment.

Clairsentience Markers in the Natal Chart:

*Water Ascendant/Rising (Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces)
*Neptune in the 1st house
*Moon in the 1st or 6th house
*Fire Moon or Fire Mars (Aries, Leo, Sagittarius)
*Sun in 4th, 8th, or 12th house
*Sun in Water Sign (Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces)
*Sun in aspect to Neptune
*Taurus Sun, Moon, Rising and/or Mars & Taurus Stelliums
*South Node in 4th, 8th, or 12th house
*Stelliums (3 or more planets) in the 2nd, 4th, or 8th house
1st House Ruler in strong aspect to Neptune or Moon (Conjunction, Trine, Opposition, Squre)

***Major planetary conjunctions to fixed stars in The Pleiades, Hadar (Beta Centauri), Nihal (Lepus, The Hare), Antares (The Heart of The Scorpion), and Lyra or Vega.

Clairaudience - clear hearing. The ability to Channel information through sound, in mind's ear or physical ears. Hearing disembodied voices in one's mind or externally in the environment. Tingling/buzzing sensations in the ear. Hearing sentences, words and conversations in ones mind. Voice seems to come from slightly above inside the mind, where as you reading this, the sound of the words in your mind may feel as though they are coming through the centre of the brain. Hearing messages in songs, other people's conversations or read in books that are significant to you and your current situation.

Clairaudience Markers in the Natal Chart:

*Mercury in Pisces or Aquarius
*Moon in 3rd, 9th, or 12th house
*Uranus in the 3rd house and/or Conjunct Jupiter or Neptune
*Neptune in 3rd house
*Mercury in strong aspect to Uranus, Neptune, or Moon
*Gemini or Virgo Ascendant/Rising with Mercury in aspect to outer planets
*Gemini, Pisces or Aquarius Moon in aspect to Neptune or Pluto
*South Node 3rd or 9th house, especially in water or air sign
*Air moons (Aquarius, Gemini, Libra)
*Stelliums in the 3rd or 9th houses

***Major planetary conjunctions to fixed stars of Andromeda Constellation and/or Andromeda Galaxy, Ursa Major, Toucana, and Regulus.

Claircognizant - clear knowing. The ability to intuitively know things about people, places and events as if the information was already present within the mind. Sudden bursts of information, deep innerstanding and revelations.

Claircognizant Markers in the Natal Chart:

Pluto 1st
Uranus 1st
Uranus in aspect to mercury
Uranus aspecting sun, moon, mercury from the 12th or 8th house
Mercury in aspact to pluto
Jupiter 3rd (well aspected)
Mercury in aspect to neptune
Sagittarius moon/sun/rising/mercury (enhanced by aspects to out planets)
Moon/Jupiter aspects (enhanced by aspects to outer planets)
South node in 9th in air/fire/water
Heavy 9th/11th house

***Major planetary conjunctions to fixed stars - Sirius, Fomalhaut, Noctua (The Owl), Hydra, Serpens, and Arcturus. 

Planetary placements, houses and aspects that are important to psychic ability.

NEPTUNE/PISCES/12th HOUSE: These are often the most obvious in regards to connection to spirit and psychic ability. Reason being is that Neptune naturally ruling the 12th house, it blurs the boundaries between the physical ‘reality’ of the 6th house, into the realm of spirit.

Neptune’s watery energy is hypersensitive, allowing the recognition for subtle vibrations to be identified by the body and the fixed senses, though we often have a difficult time believing the psychic information we receive, because it doesn’t seem logical or rational and therefore psychic information doesn’t seem tangible.

Neptune is essentially our auric field, our astral body and etherial energy, and the health of this body is reflected by the health of our physical body.

To have Neptune in preferably an easy aspect to other planets in the natal chart such as the moon (which is highly receptive and intuitive), the sun (identifying with the realms of the spiritual worlds) and especially mercury (our mind, how we communicate) is quite often seen in the charts of well balanced and strong intuitives. Neptune in easy aspect to Mars shows that one is able to take action based on intuitive guidance.

To have harder aspects to the personal planets from Neptune can also indicate strong spiritual connection to spirit, however this may at times be to the degree of being overwhelmed, becoming ungrounded easily or becoming confused due to having difficulty discriminating between whats imagined and what is true psychic information.

MERCURY/3rd HOUSE/GEMINI: Mercury, the 3rd house and gemini are a crucial part to psychic ability, and even more so for readers. The reason being psychic ability is a form of communication.

Essentially when you see a psychic reader or even connect with spirit yourself, you or the reader is communicating! Having receptive planets in the 3rd house, in aspect to the 3rd house ruler or mercury, or gemini on the 8th/12th can give an individual the ability to clearly communicate with spirit.

The most common aspect I have seen in the charts of clairvoyants is Mercury Trine (or sextile) Neptune, which is quite important if you need to clearly and affectively relay messages from spirits or what you ‘see’, ‘feel’, ‘hear’ or ‘know’ to someone you’re reading for, or when reading for yourself.

Often our strongest clair comes from the method in which we best LEARN and understand INFORMATION. It is quite possible for an individual to have a highly intuitive chart, though if mercury is poorly aspected, the individual may often disregard psychic information or it may go un-noticed all together.

Hence why when it comes to enhancing psychic ability, meditation is often encouraged to ‘still the mind and listen’ as mercury is the gateway in which we convert messages from spirit into information - hence why this is so difficult for most people as it is a highly un-natural thing to do. 

PLUTO/8th HOUSE/SCORPIO: Another recognized highly intuitive sign/house/planet. These astrological placements are all about kundalini, raw spiritual energy, mergence with another, and ‘sharing’. In regards to psychic ability, those with (preferably easy) aspects from Pluto to the Sun, moon, mercury and even mars, can truly dive deep into ones subconscious mind through shamanic spiritual connection.

Pluto is a transformative Sharman, who has a very dark and etherial aura, who sits in silences as their glair right through your physical body into the dark corners of your mind. You feel exposed, but locked into place as you feel as if your body has solidified. Caught in the Sharman’s gaze, flashes of past traumas, self limiting beliefs and fears all seem to purge from you all at once. You’re in tears, shaking, and crying, though this great sense of purging brings you an immense sense of relief. You sit down, and feel as though you are now of pure light. All that was blocking you previously has seemingly been reaped from you from the powerful transformative energy of the Sharman.

This is the power of Pluto.We obsess with Pluto because Pluto is obsessed with us. It wants us to let go of what no longer serves us, and so does spirit.

The 8th house is the gateway in your chart between you and your body (opposite the 2nd) and that of spirit and the deceased. The 8th house holds the energies in which is transmuted to our psychic tools. Tarot cards, pendulums and other divination systems are simply another more than a 2nd house object - but when embedded with the energies of spirit, they become a powerful gateway between our world an theirs.

Those with strong Pluto/scorpio energies are the souls to have a reading from in times of self limitation and stagnation that is blocking you from getting where they want to go. These people due to their raw energy aren’t always gentle - but they are very real, and very authentic. These people make great reiki and energy healers, as well as psychic readers that can deeply get to the deep rooted core of your issues.

MOON/4th HOUSE/CANCER: It is quite clear that the water signs, houses and planets play an important role when it comes to psychic ability, as these all have a particular ability to receive information from spirit from heightened sensitivity.

The Moon on the other hand, plays an important role to the receptivity of psychic information in the form of emotional responses. The moon will be quite literally our ‘gut feelings’. Our emotional responses are not always stimulated from the basis of the external environment, but is most commonly a response to ‘thoughts’ - hence why if you’ve ever heard about the moon ruling ‘the mind’ in other astrological posts, this is why. When we think a thought about something, usually of a PAST experience (moon ruled), it is stimulated by an emotional response. Hence why guided meditations are fantastic for people with strong moon placements, as they are quite receptive to the thought provocations given by the meditation guide.

To be able to receive thought from other people and spirit is the ability to connect with the emotional energies another person is projecting. Cancerians can pick up the underlying emotions of another, and a greatly stimulated by instinctual reactions to their environment.

There’s a much more deeper understanding to the moon when it comes to psychic information. One things to understand is that our moon sign, house and aspects are our subconscious programming. 

Because the moon indicates our primitive nature on the basis of self care, nurture and instinctual reactions, the condition of our moon will indicate how well we receive intuitive information and utilize it. Raising ones vibration in oder to meet with spirit is an act of greatly enhancing, calming and relaxing the emotional state (moon) and the mind (mercury) in order to receive information.

Once well practiced in the art of calming the mind and raising ones vibration, an individual can then easily tune into spirit quite easily, and without much effort. Those with Moon in (preferably easy) aspect to Uranus, Neptune or Pluto will greatly indicate someone who can easily tap into the spirit realm or receive intuitive information.

Uranus to the moon will indicate more of a claircognizant form of obtaining information, as these intuitive hits will strike the individual like lightening out of no where, and sudden downloads of information may be quite prominent.

Neptune to the moon is very, very, VERY sensitive to others and spirit. They may get much guidance (and even care and nurture) from spiritual beings more so than those in their physical environment. Their ability to tap into the psychic stream is phenomenal, in that they have the instinctual nature to feel out where spirits are, and be highly receptive to others.

Pluto to the moon is again the image of the wise Sharman, who’s instinctual nature is to help heal and transform another. These individuals can look through you like glass, and their presence can be quite healing in of itself. These people may be on the verge of also being mediumistic, being able to sense those who have passed on to the other side. These people are great healers, and may sometimes enjoy working with energy and darker elements of the psyche.

I hope you found this article helpful!

The Starseed Sanctuary® 

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