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The Starseed Sanctuary Blog

10 Benefits of Saturn Retrograde

astrology saturn saturn retrograde starseed astrology® Jun 17, 2024

Saturn Retrograde gives us the opportunity to get REAL with ourselves.

In this very helpful Saturn Retrograde MEGA-Blog, I will be covering the Astrology of Saturn, The Symbolism of Saturn, and everything you need to know about Saturn Retrograde - which happens every year for approximately four months!

Most people have been conditioned to think retrogrades are bad or scary, but they are NOT. All retrograde cycles of all planets and asteroids offer us a much needed time to slow down and focus inward on the themes that specific cosmic body imbues.

When a planet goes retrograde, the astrological event encourages you to slow down and turn inward to explore its themes, and Saturn retrograde is no different. Every year, the solar system's strictest teacher, Saturn, the planet of boundaries, limitations, and commitment, appears to move backward through the sky in what's known in astrology as a planetary retrograde.

During Saturn retrograde, which lasts about four and a half months, the taskmaster planet moves backward from our vantage point on Earth (it doesn't actually do the backstroke - it appears that way due the difference in orbits of planets).

In astrology, Saturn's purpose is to help you do the work that will ultimately translate to foundations in your life. It's known to throw obstacles in your path, or, in some cases, encourage you to create boundaries of your own. Saturn retrograde, specifically, is a time to explore those obstacles in a self-reflective, meditative way.

You can also think of Saturn as the planetary equivalent of a stern parent, as it will often require you to set or follow rules, commit, and grow up. For instance, when Saturn's interacting with your zodiac sign, it could spur a desire to step up and take on more responsibility.

Saturn in Astrology

Saturn is very much linked with karma, time management, and how we create structures in our lives to support us achieving our goals. While Saturn can be a tough teacher, he ultimately wants us to be successful.

Most of us are familiar with the infamous Saturn Return cycle that happens every 27-29 years depending on the sign and degree of your natal Saturn. If you are not sure what your natal Saturn is you can check out this link HERE - to learn what sign, degree, house your natal saturn is in and when you will experience your Saturn Returns.

Saturn Symbolism

Innerstanding some of The Symbolism of Saturn can also be very helpful when working with this planetary energy and how Saturnian influences are expressed on Earth.

When Saturn retrograde is happening, we all have an opportunity to do meaningful, serious inner work that could ultimately lead to personal growth. Read on for the meaning of Saturn retrograde, as well as details of what each sign can expect as the planet of boundaries moves backward in 2024.


What Is Saturn Retrograde?

In order to understand what happens when Saturn is retrograde, it can help to consider how the planet affects your zodiac sign when it's moving forward. Saturn tends to shed light on the areas of your life that require putting your nose to the grindstone to achieve a particular goal.

When Saturn syncs up with, squares off against, or opposes other planets in the sky or in your birth chart, it can spur a certain level of serious, industrious, and, yes, even somewhat gloomy vibes. Its purpose is to give you a reality check in an effort to promote personal growth, wisdom, and maturity. Just like any other planet, Saturn's effect when it's moving forward can be most felt in an external way.

When Saturn is retrograde, however, it's less concerned with affecting the things happening in your world and more interested in inner work. It'll push you to think about the foundations you've set and why you've set them, what you've accomplished and why, and possibly ask you to question and rework it all over the next few months.

We actually get to see a softer side of Saturn when he is retrograde.

What Does Saturn Retrograde Mean in Astrology?

Think of Saturn retrograde as an opportunity to get real with yourself. Depending on how Saturn has been hitting your birth chart, this period may be about acknowledging how far you've come and challenging yourself to take your emotional work and growth to the next level. But if you've been brushing off its prodding, this period could feel like a bit of a wake-up call.

It bears noting that, as with any astrological event, you may not feel this Saturn retrograde as acutely as you might experience a faster moving transit. That's because Saturn's effects tend to build over the course of its long-term transits versus knocking you off your feet over the course of one particularly dramatic weekend.

In 2024, Saturn's retrograde will take place in Pisces, the empathic, sensitive, psychic mutable water sign, requiring you to do meditative, self-reflective work around healing old emotional wounds, all in order to better understand yourself and level up your personal growth.

Around Aug. 19, when expansive Jupiter in Gemini squares off against Saturn, the magnifying effect of the biggest planet in the zodiac could put your Saturn retrograde lesson in sharp focus. And on Sept. 30, Mars in Cancer forms a harmonious trine to Saturn, highlighting and amplifying your desire to take action on whatever you've been meditating on over the course of the retrograde. Nov. 4 marks a sweet sync-up between the sun in Scorpio and Saturn, as well, setting the stage for moving even closer toward your goals.

Here are 10 Benefits of Saturn Retrograde to help you make the most out of this cycle every year!

 1: It’s a time to ask what feels right on a soul level.

2: It’s a great time to focus on what commitments are most important and worth your energy.

3: It’s a time to let go of past commitments to create space for ones more aligned with your highest goals.

4: It’s a time to reassess and refine boundaries.

5: It’s easier to resolve any current or past/parallel life karma, let go of baggage, and integrate lessons.

6: We can heal our relationship to time, how we use/create time, and even transcend time as the multidimensional badass mofo YOU ARE!

7: Helps us own our feelings and to be accountable.

8: Taking full ownership of our lives, opens up doors for rapid growth & empowered work.

9: It’s a lovely time to engage in “RE-Magic”- the Saturnian Way - REfine, REstructure, REprogram, REflect on where you can be a more adulty adult 10: Saturn Rx is here to help you get your shit together and level up your life in practical ways.


Starseed Astrology of Saturn Retrograde

This Saturn Rx cycle will be transiting different fixed stars each year and these Galactic Families can give us extra insight into how Saturn's Rx cycle will impact us, as well as, karmic themes around higher states of consciousness, activation of psychic gifts, transmutation, mental self-mastery, and having clear boundaries within yourself and the higher dimensions highlighted by these Galactic Families.

ime to brainstorm a strategy for saving up that down payment or getting clear about where you want to lay down roots.

Capricorn: Saturn's retrograde takes place in your third house of communication, encouraging you to think about how you're interacting with others, perhaps using social media, making plans with friends and siblings, and enjoying short-distance travel, Capricorn. While certain routines might require reining in, you could realize you've been a bit too strict about limiting your bandwidth for others. Basically, this retrograde gives you the chance to reassess and rework the boundaries you've set around exerting your mental energy.

Aquarius: Saturn's backspin occurs in your second house of income, so money matters, values, and self-worth are front and center now, Aquarius. It's time to grapple with the foundations you've set related to these aspects of your life. If the way in which you're bringing in cash isn't in line with your heart or you could stand to work on recognizing your value and standing up for what you're worth, you might contemplate what led up to this moment in time — and what changing course might look like.

Pisces: Saturn's retrograde falls in your sign and first house of self, making this an incredibly reflective time, during which you might think about how you present yourself out in the world and how that's serving your passion projects and long-term goals, Pisces. Your assignment from the taskmaster planet is to get real with yourself about who you are and what you need to do to make your dreams a reality. Sounds daunting, sure, but know that retrogrades require revisiting territory you're already quite familiar with, so chances are you know exactly how to make the most of this moment.

Saturn Retrograde Chart Study & Journal Prompts




Which natal house(s) does Saturn retrograde occur in for you?

This is the house where Pisces falls in your chart (through 2026; then Aries from 2026-2029)

What does this house rule?

How could there be more restrictions than usual, and with what?

What could be limited, and you have to work through that?

What lessons might pop up?

How can you use clear karma or past baggage with whatever the house(s) rules?

Potential impact & plan to manage:


I hope you found this Saturn Retrograde Super Blog Helpful :-)

Have a magical and productive Saturn Retrograde!


Want to unlock all the secrets of retrograde magic in your astrology chart? Book a reading with me HERE

The Starseed Sanctuary®

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