In this video, we journey into the mysteries of Asteroid Bennu - WATCH HERE
*Does Asteroid Bennu hold the secrets to our Galactic Heritage & Extraterrestrial Origins?
*Astounding recent discoveries from Bennu
*Mythology & Symbolism of Bennu
*Bennu Asteroid Astrology
*How to find this asteroid in YOUR natal chart
*What is Asteroid Bennu Activating for YOU?
💥There are some MAJOR transits to Asteroid Bennu over the next few months so be sure to sign up for The Galactic Gazette - my FREE weekly newsle...
The Zeta Reticuli aka "The Grays" are the most infamous of the extraterrestrial, interdimensional, and multidimensional galactic groups. These are the little gray or green men that we stereotypically think of when the topic of "aliens" is explored, mostly because that is what we have been conditioned to think of from the programs in Hollywood and entertainment.
If you have followed my work for sometime, you know that there are well over 88 different galactic families or starseed archetypes tha...
Some of my favorite books I have ever read on Galactic Civilizations, extraterrestrials, and multidimensional cosmic concepts (and I've read A LOT) is the works of Futurist Alfred Lambremont Webre.
One of the most interesting concepts he discusses is Adduction versus Abduction.
We have all heard of abductions. Green or gray men coming from the sky to abduct humans for genetic experiments that often cause the person being abducted a great deal of harm and trauma. Many abductions are actually or...

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