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cosmic consciousness exopolitics extraterrestrials futurism galactic history galactic origins omniverse uap ufology Feb 02, 2024

Some of my favorite books I have ever read on Galactic Civilizations, extraterrestrials, and multidimensional cosmic concepts (and I've read A LOT) is the works of Futurist Alfred Lambremont Webre.

One of the most interesting concepts he discusses is Adduction versus Abduction.

We have all heard of abductions. Green or gray men coming from the sky to abduct humans for genetic experiments that often cause the person being abducted a great deal of harm and trauma. Many abductions are actually orchestrated by the U.S. government and create a false narrative around extraterrestrials, interdimensional beings, and galactic civilizations. While there are some NAA (negative alien agenda) groups that have been known to abduct humans and be more malevolent - MOST ETs and galactic civilizations are benevolent and only aim to adduct humans if they even get involved in our affairs at all.

Abduction - to seize and take away (a person) by force; it often implies negative consequence and the prefix ab means to remove or take away something

Adduction - this is a positive substitute term for ET abduction developed by Roger Leir, MD and Leo Sprinkle, PhD meaning "taken toward the stars"; it implies positive outcomes and involvement by ethical extraterrestrials and the prefix add means to add something rather than take away.

The history of the term adduction is truly mind-blowing as it relates to the adduction of President Jimmy Carter and Project Pegasus - a covert government time travel operation.

Though it all sounds like sci-fi, it is actually true and author Alfred Lambremont Webre describes the events in astonishing detail in many of his books.

I am attaching below a free PDF: The UFO/ET Abductions of Jimmy Carter, Alfred Lambremont Webre & Andrew D. Basiago: A Path to A Positive Future for Earth Humanity in Our Galaxy

One of the reasons I like his work is that he is not overly focused on fear-mongering and he provides practical solutions and suggestions on how we can assist the collective and ascend safely after this Earth life. These are essential concepts and a BIG part of my soul mission is to ensure that us Starseeds work with the right ETs, multidimensional beings, protect ourselves from false light and psychic attacks, and learn about the ascension/afterlife process and incension/healing/awakening process in the most accurate and safest way possible. There is a great deal of spiritual traps out there and it is SO important we share information and resources like this that will deeply help our communities and each other.

Even though some of these book title might seem a bit far out there, they are very easy to inner-stand and apply the ideas and concepts. It is also important we educate ourselves and know the fabric of the Multiverse AND Omniverse so we can live our best lives, be prepared for whatever happens next (beam me up lol), and protect our energies during this polarizing times on Earth. Take what resonates and leave what does not and ALWAYS trust your intuition above all else!

Here is a list of some other recommended reading on similar topics:

Emergence of the Omniverse: Universe – Multiverse – Omniverse, by Alfred Lambremont Webre

Emergence of the Omniverse Universe – Multiverse – Omniverse; Accessing Spiritual Freedom in the Omniverse on New Earth by Letting Go of the Transhumanist Agenda, AI Artificial Intelligence Singularity, and False Afterlife/Interlife Reincarnation Matrix

Emergence of the Omniverse (2020) is one important tool of liberation from our presumed status as a prison planet for Souls in an enforced, unconscious reincarnation birth-death cycle that cosmologist Wes Penre and Futurist Webre document, providing us with powerful strategies to exit the false Afterlife/Interlife Reincarnation Matrix into the larger Omniverse.

The Omniverse Equation is:

Omniverse = Multiverse + Spiritual Dimensions [Intelligent Civilizations of Souls + Spiritual Beings + Source (God)]

Alfred Lambremont Webre’s book Exopolitics founded the science of relations among civilizations in the multiverse. Webre’s ground-breaking initial book on the Omniverse integrated empirical data from intelligent civilizations in the multiverse and from the intelligent civilization of souls in the Interlife, demonstrating a functioning ecology of intelligence in the dimensions of the Omniverse.

THE CHRONOGARCHY: How Interdimensional Quantum Access Time Travel Manipulates Human Events, Human History, and the Interlife by Alfred Lambremont Webre

The Chronogarchy is an interdimensional hidden power structure monitoring the time-space of Earth as its domain of influence, operating as a secret government using quantum access Time Travel technologies to carry out its operations and mandates.

In the third-density of Earth’s time-space dimensional hologram, the Chronogarchy develops and deploys a variety of Quantum Access Time Travel technologies to carry out its elaborate long range, past, present, and future based construction and manipulation of an artificial Time-based Meme Legend within which to entrap and enslave humanity and humans’ souls.

The Chronogarchy is an interdimensional alliance dedicated to the oppression of the community of human souls, and includes (a) factions in human institutions such as religions, governments, military-intelligence agencies, bloodline families, monarchies, media, medical-pharma, as well as (b) archonic Spiritual entities, including Fallen Angels, demonic entities, and exophenotypes hostile to the community of human souls such as the Draco reptilian and Orion greys, and (c) Sentient AI Artificial Intelligence.

Exopolitics: Politics, Government, and Law in the Universe by Alfred Lambremont Webre

EXOPOLITICS: POLITICS, GOVERNMENT AND LAW IN THE UNIVERSE – The book that founded Exopolitics & was time-traveled by the secret DARPA/CIA quantum access program from 2005 back to 1971

You can also check out some of these free resources to learn more about this author's work below:

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