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August 2024 Aquarius Full Moon Conjunct Cygnus & Super Rare Grand Cross

aquarius astrology cygnus full moon crystals full moon rituals starseed astrology® the great conjunction Aug 19, 2024

Buckle up cuz this is the most intense full moon of the entire year and it kicks off a 13-month Saturn - Jupiter Square, which is the waxing square of The Great Conjunction in 2020!

This month's Aquarius Full Moon occurs on August 19, 2024 @ 11:26 am PDT (2:26 pm EDT) @ 27º Aquarius (Tropical) and 3º Aquarius (Sidereal) CONJUNCT fixed star Gienah Cygni in Cygnus, The Swan Constellation and one of our Avian Star Families.

We have A LOT going on right now astrologically, individually, and collectively. If you have been feeling off, overwhelmed, extra emotional, or just depleted please know you are not alone.

We have been experiencing the most intense time to be on Earth in thousands of years and we have to take extra time to rest, laugh, and find the fleeting moments of joy amidst the chaos. Life is too serious to be taken seriously all the time ;-)

Here are some important reminders about our current astrology:

✨Mercury is retrograde thru 8/28 at 5:14 pm

✨Pluto is retrograde thru 10/11

✨Saturn is retrograde thru 11/15

✨Neptune is retrograde thru 12/7

✨Chiron is retrograde thru 12/29

✨Uranus begins his retrograde cycle 9/1

Just less than 24 hours before this Aquarius Full Moon, we have a Mercury Cazimi (exact conjunction/alignment of Mercury and The Sun). The word “cazimi” is a Latin transliteration of the Arabic term kaṣmīmī, which means “as if in the heart.” Very appropriate for Leo Season, which is ruled by the Sun and rules over our hearts and creative spark.

The Mercury Cazimi occurs August 18, 2024 @ 6:58 pm PDT Conjunct Alphard, the main star in Hydra - The Water Snake or Water Serpent.

💎Starseed Astrology for The Grand-Crossed Aquarius Full Moon & The Diamond Mind💎

This Fixed Grand Cross is astrology's most intense aspect pattern - it can bring challenge and opportunity. A Grand Cross is A grand cross, or “grand square,” is a rare and potent chart aspect that occurs when four planets are separated by 90 degrees—forming a square shape.

 This six-planet Grand Cross includes the Moon (Conjunct Cygnus), Sun (Conjunct Hydra), Mercury (Conjunct Sun & Hydra), Pallas Athena (Conjunct Arcturus), Vesta (Conjunct Hydra), and Uranus (Conjunct Algol - Medusa's Head).

Mundane astrologers are going to tell you this aspect is intense, stubborn, confusing, resistant to change, and overwhelming. While all of those interpretations may be relevant to the Grand Square or Grand Cross Aspect, I believe in adding a different perspective as well. So, when we rotate the square 90º, we shift from the hard edges of the square or box that encloses us in these narrow confines to The Diamond.

Mercury rules communication and Uranus is the higher octave of Mercury - both in the mix with this Diamond aspect that I am calling "The Diamond Mind."

The Diamond Mind is a term that is also used in the spiritual realms as both an innerstanding of our deepest human nature and a path to realizing and developing our fullest potential. With a precise method for inner work, it incorporates spiritual wisdom and psychological insights to offer effective practices for self-realization, spiritual maturity, and inner freedom.

Because of Mercury, a central theme of this lunation is learning and communication that genuinely electrifies you! What knowledge gap are you passionate about filling? What information are you excited to share with the world? Mercury and the Sun are in Leo, which invites you into the spotlight as a leader or entertainer.

The warrior goddess Pallas Athena can help you do this with appropriate assertiveness. She can also help you be clever and strategic. And Vesta, the asteroid goddess of selfless service, encourages you to consider how your actions support the greater good.

Any Aquarius Full Moon is great for release or adjustment in several areas.

Are you embracing your individuality inwardly and expressing it outwardly?

Are you following your intuitive hits?

Are you serving others with the special talents you most love to use?

Are you cultivating your genius?

Are you working for the good of the collective?

Aquarius rules all of my favorite things: UFOs, aliens, higher dimensional communications, telepathy, astrology, humanitarian causes, electricity, cosmic downloads, and all things WEIRD. Aquarius is also my natal moon sign, so I'm really loving this month's lunation vibes.

Here are some helpful reminders for Rituals & Crystals the next two weeks:

Check out the Starseed Activations in the online store to connect to your star guides and to see which ones resonate with you the most for this full moon.

Now let's talk about this other BIG Aspect...

13-Month Jupiter-Saturn Square!

Expand or contract?

See the glass as half-full or half-empty?

Dance in ecstatic celebration or top off your emergency supplies?

With Jupiter square Saturn (17°27′ Gemini-Pisces), you might be pulled in both directions.

Jupiter and Saturn came into orb (began to influence each other) on 7/6, and make an exact square today (8/19).

Because Jupiter will turn retrograde on 10/9 with this square still in orb, this aspect’s influence will last an unusually long time: nearly 13 months!

There will be two more exact Jupiter-Saturn squares on 12/26/24 and 6/15/25. This aspect’s influence will finally end on 7/31/25. This will give you plenty of time to make the most of its opportunities!

Be flexible. Sometimes Jupiter, the planet of expansion, optimism and celebration, will lead. Jupiter may also invite you to focus on philosophy, religion, and foreign travel or influences.

At other times heed Saturn, who embodies seriousness, maturity, boundaries and limitation. He may call for you to focus on your goals, plan your work and work your plan, and keep your nose to the grindstone.

The signs of the social planets add other life-affirming potentials. Jupiter is in Gemini, while Saturn is in Pisces. The supports intuitively inspired thinking and communication, as well as enhanced Quantum Manifestation opportunities.

It will be easier to brainstorm to achieve practical outcomes. And you can balance blissfully productive periods “in the zone” with downtime for playful celebration!

This is the waxing square of the Great Conjunction of 2020. This marks the first major turning point of that momentous Jupiter-Saturn conjunction, one of this decade’s most important influences.

Think back to December 2020 when we had The Great Conjunction. What was going in your life then? How can you make the most of this invitation for integration and manifestation now?

The Jupiter-Saturn conjunction happens every 20 years. In 2020 the proximity also increased its power, and we hadn't had a Jupiter-Saturn conjunction that close to the earth since 1623.

This is one of the most celebrated celestial omens in ancient astrology. In fact, it was their most important event! Back in those times they didn’t know about anything beyond Saturn. When the two slowest planets they knew about, Jupiter and Saturn, came together, it was the biggest deal of all. Many believe that the Star of Bethlehem, which lit up the ancient night sky in 7 BC, was a Jupiter-Saturn conjunction in the spiritual sign of Pisces.

The New Beginning Energy of December 2020 is getting tested now with this square aspect. There might even be something that you started or changed around that time that needs to be revisited, renewed, or adjusted in some big or small way.

The Great Conjunction of 2020 was such a big deal because it happened at 0° Aquarius. There are lots of different opinions about when the Aquarian Age starts. Many said it began on this day.

This Aquarian energy is widely known as the New Age movement, which has been steadily blossoming ever since. Things like meditation and yoga, which seemed weird and radical to many in the 60s, have now become mainstream.

The changing of an age doesn’t happen all at once. The Age of Aquarius had a major kickstart in the 1960s, thanks to that decade’s mighty Uranus-Pluto conjunction. The Great Conjunction of 2020 will give the Aquarian Age another major energy boost - and we have absolutely seen this the past FOUR years with the AI expansion, more emphasis on humanitarian issues, and freedom in general.

The Great Mutation

What ups the ante even more is that this wasn't just a Great Conjunction. It's also a Great Mutation! A Great Mutation occurs every 200 years, when the Jupiter-Saturn conjunction series moves into a different element.

Roughly speaking, there are 10 cycles of 20-year Great Conjunctions in each element: fire, earth, air and water. In 2020, The Great Mutation shifted from earth to air. This is a HUGE deal combined with the 0º Aquarius Jupiter-Saturn Great Conjunction signifying a shift out of earth (physical) energy and into air (mental) energy and the expansion of consciousness currently occuring on Earth.

This Great Mutation air cycle will last through 2159. The earth element favors the accumulation of wealth and power in controlled settings. Air is more free, and enjoys artistic, creative, and intellectual expressions. Innovative ideas are celebrated.

This is the first Great Mutation in air signs since 1226. The biggest event of that cycle was the Renaissance. Humanity emerged from the stagnant and corrupt Middle Ages into an extraordinary flowering of culture and creativity.

How to Work with This Big Inner-G

Astrological energy is inherently neutral. Whether it expresses positively or negatively is up to us. So use your imagination.

What kind of life-affirming, awe-inspiring world can we create together? How can you manifest this more wonderful reality in your own life, right now?

Aquarius rules intuitive flashes. Are you getting intuitive hits about the things you can do to help co-create this awesome new age?

Are you stepping into the highest expression of Aquarius: using your special gifts and talents, in ways that delight you, to serve the collective?

Don’t wait for some external authority to tell you what to do. Your own inner wisdom – those intuitive knowings that resonate in your bones and your gut – is your most reliable guidance system. Your higher self sends down these intuitive hits. It created your human self, and knows your optimal course of action at every moment.

Happy Full Moon!

 Heather ✨✨✨

The Starseed Sanctuary®

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