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August 2024 Starseed Astrology: The Truth About "Lion's Gate"

Aug 01, 2024

Welcome to August 2024!

In this video we cover some hard truths about The Lion's Gate false light deception that has become pervasive in various spiritual communities and The REAL Lion's Gate aka The Regulus (heart of the lion in Leo) Alignment with the Sun.

If you want to educate yourself more about this check out these videos linked below:

Ahaumna AhMaYah: Hard Truth's About Lion's Gate

The Shamanic Self: Lion's Gate Deception

The Cosmic Space WitchSirius & the "Lionsgate" 8/8 is NOT the DATE!

Mercury will be retrograde most of August - Watch The 10 High Frequency Benefits of Mercury Retrograde HERE to learn more about how to make the most of the "RE-Magic" of Mercury's backstroke.

Now let's talk about the Starseed Astrology for August 2024...

Starseed Alignments for August 2024

Each star and star system has its own unique energy and ability to help guide us as we continue our multidimensional journey through this lifetime and the omniverse.

Astrological alignments are incredibly useful when you are trying to connect with your starseed guides and align your soul with the cosmos above us for greater spiritual insight. Starseed Alignments also help us raise our personal energetic frequency and the collective energies on planet Earth.

It is best to meditate in the daytime during ALL Direct or conjunct Starseed Alignments. I like to meditate when the sun is directly above my head or when I am watching the sun set or rise.

If you meditate when the sun is directly overhead, focus on your crown chakra during the meditation. If you meditate while you are watching the sun set or rise, focus on your third eye.

You are literally absorbing lightcodes through the sun from the star system you are focusing on during the direct alignments and, therefore, may experience powerful connections to those star guides, energy upgrades, and/or activations of dormant soul gifts pertaining to that star system or starchetype (Archetype of that Galactic Family).

During the Opposite Starseed Alignments that happen six months later, The Star System of choice will be opposite the Sun and visible in the night sky. During this time, meditation generally occurs at night under the stars for optimal results and can support us with shadow work, healing, and integration.

Asteroid Astrology for August 2024

These are some of the most potent asteroid astrology transits this month. The latter half of the month seems to be more aligned with manifestation, abundance, and good fortune, especially as Asteroid Abundantia stations direct on the 16th. Asteroid Mony aligns with the South Node on the 25th, encouraging us to alchemize any past/parallel life money wounds. Merlin Conjunct The Super Galactic Center (Black Hole between The Milky Way & Andromeda Galaxies) is the most potent asteroid astrology aspect this month, radiating an energy of magic and mysticism for us to connect with for our highest good. 

We kick off the month with The Ursa Major Alignment. This is a HUGE constellation and we can enjoy alignments with The Great Bear at many key dates in August and September. 


The day after the Full Moon the main star in Hydra, The Water Snake will align with The Sun. Snakes get a bad wrap in the mainstream world, however the serpent, or snake, is one of the oldest and most widespread mythological symbols. Many cultures view the snake as symbolic of fertility, the umbilical cord, and the mysteries of life and death.

The Sun aligns with Royal Fixed Star Regulus, the heart of the Lion - which if anything is going to be considered "The Lion's Gate" it would be this cosmic alignment, not the 8/8 date which has been used for nefarious agendas as we established above in the the intro and video. This is a great day to honor matters of the heart and a more benevolent day for manifestation rituals. 

Near the end of August, The Sun Aligns with the main star in Draco, The Dragon Constellation.  We are celebrating the year of the Dragon in 2024 and the original dragon elementals were guardians of earth's leylines. The Draco Star System has both light and shadow qualities, as do all galactic archetypes.

If you are up early in the morning on August 28th, check out this rare planetary parade in the sky - inner planets will be most visible!

Starseed Astrology Calendar for August 2024

Thank you for watching!

And a very special thank you to my fellow astrologers and soul family practicing discernment!!

If you'd like to book a reading with me - August calendar is now open:

Book a 1:1 Virtual Starseed Astrology Reading

The Starseed Sanctuary

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Remember: this post is for informational and entertainment purposes only and may not be the best fit for you and your personal situation. It shall not be construed as medical advice. The information and education provided here is not intended or implied to supplement or replace professional medical treatment, advice, and/or diagnosis. Always check with your own physician or medical professional before trying or implementing any information read here.

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