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BIRTHDAY MOON PHASE: Discover Key Aspects of Your Personality & Soul Mission

archetypes astrology moon phase moon signs starseed astrology Aug 11, 2024

Do you know what phase the moon was in when you were born?

Many of us know our moon sign, but the phase of the moon is equally important and can reveal key aspects of your personality and SOUL MISSION!

The moon phase you were born under reveals your fundamental personality and karmic mission. The Sun and the Moon’s relationship form the foundation of how astrology works. But because it is so obvious, it is sometimes overlooked. Once you "innerstand the lunation cycle, you will innerstand all the other planetary cycles.

*Important Side Note - many people debate if the moon is in fact "real" or not. From my work with the Akashic Records, I have come to believe that the current moon we are able to see in the 3D skies is a synthetic structure or satellite. The earth originally had THREE moons during the time of Lemuria and this is as far back as we can trace the origins of astrology. That being said, the solitary moon we see in the current timeline's sky is still important symbolically, even if it has a Synthetic Matrix origin point. 

Now back to discovering your moon phase and how it can significantly help you with insight into why you are here.... 

The Moon Cycle & The Twelve Lunation Archetypes

1. NEW MOON 0° - 45° (Sun Conjunct Moon): The Explorer

2. CRESCENT MOON 45° - 90° (Sun Sextile Waxing Moon): The Innovator

3. FIRST QUARTER 90° - 120° (Sun Square Waxing Moon): The Leader

4. PRE-GIBBOUS 120º - 135º (Sun Trine Waxing Moon): The Lightworker

5. GIBBOUS MOON 135° – 150° (Sun Quincunx Waxing Moon): The Philosopher

6. PRE-FULL MOON 150º -179º (Sun Opposition Waxing Moon): The Individualist

7. FULL MOON 180º - 210º (Sun Opposition Waning Moon): The Enigmatic

8. PRE-DISSEMINATING MOON 210º - 240º (Sun Quincunx Moon): The Artist

9. DISSEMINATING MOON 240° – 270° (Sun Trine Waning Moon): The Sage

10. LAST QUARTER 270° – 300° (Sun Square Waning Moon): The Empath

11. PRE-BALSAMIC MOON 300º - 315º (Sun Sextile Waning Moon): The Alchemist

12. BALSAMIC MOON 315° – 360° (Sun Conjunct Waning Moon): The Mystic

Below are detailed overviews of each Birthday Moon Phase Archetype.

Which Moon Phase Was I Born Under?

If you're not sure what phase the moon was in when you were born Astro Style has a fabulously convenient Moon Phase Calculator HERE

Discovery Your Birthday Moon Phase Meaning, Key Aspects of Your Personality, Soul Mission, and Sacred Archetype 

1. NEW MOON 0° - 45° (Sun Conjunct Moon): The Explorer

Novelty. Instinct. Spontaneity. Soul Mission = Explore it ALL

The New Moon is a phase of fresh starts, unlimited possibilities, and intuition. Events that occur during the New Moon represent the pursuit of new ideas, new creations and new experiences. Gifted at seeing the potential in life, those born under the New Moon tend to be optimistic and enthusiastic. If your birthday falls within this phase, you were born when the moon had no light; thus, you have learned to depend on your intuition. You work best when you live in the moment. You are usually very flexible and great at meeting challenges as they arrive.

New moon souls are coming out of the dark. The soul breaks through its metaphorical eggshell. New moon souls still sometimes feel like they are still in the dark lunar womb and the bright planet earth is blinding to them. New Moon souls are not always brand new souls, but they are definitely starting a new cycle. These souls may be very old souls on a brand new cycle of ascension-descension.

No matter what life throws at them, New Moon types will bounce back very quickly. They are not tired of being on Earth like some other moon phases, and have more reserves of energy. They can often appear spaced out, but their heart is in the right place. They are still adjusting to having a physical form as they may not have been in 3D for many incarnations. New Moon souls, more than others, need to spend time grounding themselves in the natural world. They will often crave nature and feel a close, instinctual connection with lunar animals like rabbits, deer and owls. Anything you will find in a magical forest!

2. CRESCENT MOON 45° - 90° (Sun Sextile Waxing Moon): The Innovator

Action. Creativity. Learning. Soul Mission = Creativity

The Waxing Crescent phase is one of actions as the moon transitions from dark to the first sliver of light. Events that occur during this phase can often be characterized as breakthroughs, marked by a heavy emphasis on creativity, art and innovation. Likewise, those souls born under the Waxing Crescent Moon are highly action-oriented, known for their ability to take an idea and turn it into reality. With this artistic personality comes the tendency to cling to ghosts of the past. Additionally, those born under the waxing crescent are unusually quick learners and consume information at a rapid rate, giving them keen awareness.

Crescent Moon souls are the teenagers of the moon types. They are growing and know they have to let go of the past to make progress. They are excited as they soar high in the sky with their new wings. However, there are still moments when they realize how far they are from their nest, making them anxious. In this incarnation, life is about overcoming fears and insecurities and building self-confidence, just like a teenager. At the same time, they are eager to please, so they can still fall prey to being emotionally manipulated. As the crescent Moon grows up, their talents flourish as they have the fresh new energy of the waxing Moon combined with maturity. These folk will be inventors and artistic innovators often way ahead of their time. Psychic protection is paramount with this moon phase. 

3. FIRST QUARTER 90° - 120° (Sun Square Waxing Moon): The Leader

Management. Action. Willpower. Soul Mission = Leaderships

The First Quarter is a phase characterized by movement, steadfastness and overcoming barriers. Events that occur under the First Quarter Moon are marked by their decisiveness. Those souls born under the First Quarter Moon are extraordinary for their ability to thrive in any crisis. The more stressful the situation, the better they are at handling it. If your birthday falls within this phase, your impulsivity and creativity apply to the physical world as well as to ideas and concepts. You are probably very firm in your opinions. This, in combination with your natural managerial skills, often puts you in a position of leadership.

During this waxing growth stage, the soul is impatient to build their personal empire and establish themselves in the world. During this time, they will inevitably come into conflict with the competition. This lifetime is one of building foundations. Reflected in the square aspect are the struggles which epitomize the energy of the waxing quarter moon. They will come against challenging obstacles in this incarnation and may meet a few of their old past or parallel life foes. In this very karmic cycle, the first quarter moon soul may find themselves in one crisis after another until they learn to control their knee-jerk defensiveness. Their pioneering energy is best used to clear away overgrowth and boulders to make way for new structures.

Waxing Sun square moon souls develops great stamina and power in this incarnation, and they cannot wait to flex those new muscles. Their impatience and tendency to domineer can upset others. Once first quarter souls get over their initial reluctance, they are keen to establish new businesses and occupy unchartered territory as the leaders they are meant to be.

4. PRE-GIBBOUS 120º - 135º (Sun Trine Waxing Moon): The Lightworker

Consciousness. Karmic Healer. Luminosity. Soul Mission = Lightworker

For the Pre-Gibbous Souls light increases to stimulate the plant bud and the lightworker emerges from the soil. You can see a marked difference from the list of souls with the square to the trine moon phase aspects. The luck of the waxing trine is creating harmonious alignments with higher consciousness that is required of lightworkers and healers. The Moon is approaching fullness during the waxing quarter/gibbous phase and is luminous with potential. The Moon is increasing in luminosity in tandem with the soul’s consciousness.

They are now aware that they are a luminous soul. They have overcome obstacles and handled one crisis after another with grace. They are able to now shed light and help others confront their shadows as a true worker of the light. So this trine represents karmic reward. In this stage of the plant, the root system is complete and supportive; now, the buds are starting to swell. The soul feels like it’s on the very verge of enlightenment! All the gibbous Moon Soul has to do now is to be patient and wait for the flower to bloom. The Gibbous stage is one of perfecting and refining one's gifts and embodying the soul's luminosity.

5. GIBBOUS MOON 135° – 150° (Sun Quincunx Waxing Moon): The Philosopher

Purpose. Analysis. Growth. Soul Mission = Spiritual Growth & Karmic Healing

The Waxing Gibbous Soul is the most philosophical of the moon phases, embodying the search for meaning and purpose. Events taking place during this phase represent growth and a striving for deeper significance beyond the everyday. Those souls born under the Waxing Gibbous moon have a strong need to inner-stand and never stop asking “why?” If your birthday falls within this phase, you may be quite spiritual. Your strengths lie in seeing the big picture and you are focused on the greater good. You strive to learn all you can and create a sense of purpose–both for yourself and those around you. You help people inner-stand themselves and situations better and are motivated by growth.

Gibbous Moon Souls are defined by the energy of the quincunx. The quincunx is supposed to be the adjustment aspect; some say karmic or spiritual adjustment. The tweaking and refining energy fits so well with the gibbous phase soul, but there is also the danger of boredom and dissatisfaction. Gibbous folk are often tested to see if they have the perseverance to see projects through. They are at the point in their evolution where the culmination is in sight, but they still should not let go of the reins. They have a thorn in their side that never allows them to relax and rest fully. They are always kept on their philosophical toes and deep in thought.

6. PRE-FULL MOON 150º -179º (Sun Opposition Waxing Moon): The Individualist

Boldness. Uniqueness. Epiphanies. Soul Mission = Be Uniquely YOU

the Waxing Sun Opposition Moon Soul has a similar energy to the quincunx; only this one is more about relationships. Oppositions always ask you to consider the ‘other’. At this stage, the bright Moon is considered more fortunate in planetary magic because the Moon is still waxing. Yet it is not quite a full Moon either. Here we are at the point of culminating, stepping up to the peak of the mountain and defining oneself as a true individual.

Waxing full moon souls have come to the point in their journey where they are about to discover their karmic mission. If they spend the rest of their lives in service to others, they will usually attract luck and abundance into their lives from midlife onwards. The pre-full moon phase generally is the point of peak individualization as the Sun and Moon are as far apart as they will ever get. Usually, souls with this placement will be very secure in their identity and will not care about what others think of them. They are bold and dialed into receiving cosmic epiphanies regularly.

7. FULL MOON 180º - 210º (Sun Opposition Waning Moon): The Enigmatic

Idealism. Duality. Fulfillment. Soul Mission = Integration of Duality

The most enigmatic of the lunar signs, the Full Moon is a phase of opposing forces. Events that occur during this phase are characterized by duality–creative and logical, imaginative and practical, spiritual and worldly. Full Moon phase events may represent instability, but also present the opportunity to find balance between opposites. Those souls born during the Full Moon are susceptible to great swings in temperament and are likely deeply emotional. If your birthday falls during this phase, you are idealistic and constantly seek perfection. Your strength comes in the ability to find common ground between forces that others see as irreconcilable. You are an embodiment of duality, but must be careful to not become too polarized. 

The challenge for these souls is to integrate the polar opposite swings of their nature. Full Moon souls will be hugely attracted to their opposite sign. Men will be fascinated by women who embody the energy of their moon sign. Due to the polarity of this moon phase, these souls can come across as enigmatic or paradoxical in nature.

The concept of the soulmate will be crucial to them. The paradox of this position is the need to find that other half even though they are at peak individuality. The waning motion means a return to the Sun. So the individual craves romantic union but cannot make the necessary compromises to sustain a harmonious relationship. Some individuals will have a succession of broken partnerships until they get the message. It IS you, not them! Later life, if the soul has learned its lessons, the harvest should come in relationships and their careers. Life can be a struggle with a waning full moon birthday. They experience many dramatic plot twists, but they do get there in the end.

8. PRE-DISSEMINATING MOON 210º - 240º (Sun Quincunx Moon): The Artist

Edgy. Creative. Quirky. Unforgettable. Soul Mission = Transmuting pain through ART

Waning quincunx possibly has a more difficult time making the karmic adjustments than the waxing version. Only because now the soul is quite weary and exhausted from so many attempts to refine itself. They may have experienced many failures and now feels doomed to repeat past mistakes. So these souls will have an urgency about them that they absolutely must get it right this time! There is frequent frustration and impatience when errors are made. Like the disseminating phase that follows, they want to get their message out, but the words are raw and unprocessed. This makes for great artistic angst and a need to channel this frustration into some form of art or expression. On the plus side, the waning quincunx is refreshingly honest and often celebrated for their edgy quirks.

There are a number of writers and singers with this birthday moon phase including Dolly Parton, John Coltrane, and Trent Reznor (to name a few) and all seem to have that quincunx quirkiness about them. As always, even though the quincunx is an edgy and uncomfortable aspect, it is still jazzy. The more evolved souls with this aspect will be highly original in their creations. They are incredibly inventive, and their unusual and often disconcerting style makes them unforgettable.

9. DISSEMINATING MOON 240° – 270° (Sun Trine Waning Moon): The Sage

Wisdom. Communication. Conviction. Soul Mission = Communicating Wisdom

Communication thrives for the Waning Gibbous Phase Souls. Events that occur during this time bestow insight and wisdom and are often marked by feelings of enlightenment. Those born under the Waning Gibbous Moon are described by friends and family as wise beyond their years. If you have a birthday during this phase, you are a natural communicator ready to spread your message to the world at large. You feel compelled to share your thoughts with others and may even feel responsible for those you attempt to enlighten. You are often strongly aligned with a cause and leave a lasting impression on those whose paths you cross.

The trine aspect shows its luck here with the number of famous persons. They are the most Mercurial of the moon phases. At this stage, our metaphorical plant also bears ripe fruit, which is now ready to eat. The soul has learned to navigate relationships now and realizes its dharma. These souls have honed their message and cannot wait to disseminate it to anyone who will listen. Communication is the prime motive for the disseminating Moon.

Dissemination will be effortless, and most information they release to the world will naturally go viral. Their problem is that they only feel validated if everyone else on the planet falls in line with their views. While it’s great they feel passionate about worthy causes, the must be cautious of becoming self-righteousness. Again, as with all moon phase traits, age brings more sensitivity, serenity and wisdom.

10. LAST QUARTER 270° – 300° (Sun Square Waning Moon): The Empath

Empathy. Individualism. Metamorphosis. Soul Mission = Honoring Feelings

The Last Quarter Phase Souls are on a journey of metamorphosis and discovery; what exists in the beginning is markedly different than that which emerges at the end. This moon represents transition, thus events that occur during this phase are associated with development. Those souls born under the Last Quarter Moon are the most emotionally aware of the lunar signs. If your birthday falls within this phase, you have intense empathy, feeling others’ emotions as your own more aptly than others are capable of. As a result, you require more alone time than most in order to find and center yourself. A true individual, you’re not afraid to listen to your guiding inner voice.

Last quarter moon souls bring a crisis in consciousness. Where the first quarter dealt with material matters, the last quarter is about ideas and beliefs. So here, old, outdated and redundant belief systems need to be discarded. Sometimes there is nothing new to replace them with immediately, and the native can feel lost and confused. The feel of this cycle is very Uranian. They are tearing down the old to make way for the new. Some of these souls might have a very successful life, but somehow it seems meaningless. Their life will always have a theme of rebellion, so maybe their sudden change of heart is not so unexpected. The biggest challenge for the last quarter moon person is to sever ties with abusive relationships of the past and move away from repeating negative childhood behavior patterns so they can truly metamorphosize.

11. PRE-BALSAMIC MOON 300º - 315º (Sun Sextile Waning Moon): The Alchemist

Transmutation. Resurrection. Shadowdancer. Soul Mission = Alchemist

The path of The Alchemist is not always an easy or glamorous one. The waning Sun sextile Moon falls between the last quarter moon and the dark balsamic Moon. The sextile is not as benign and harmonious as one would expect, much like spinning lead into gold is laborious work. 

So it is with this cycle, there is a feeling that any success will be short-lived, so waning Sun/moon sextiles will want to gorge themselves silly while it lasts.There is the feeling of forbidden fruit here too. Sweet but dangerous. These souls work best learning how to transmute energy, recycle and repurpose ideas, similar to the balsamic cycle phase that follows. Their gift is resurrecting old material and presenting it in a new style. They are not afraid to dance in the shadows and alchemize the bitter parts of life into something sweet. This is actually their greatest gift! These souls are natural alchemists and can master this art with practice and dedication, truly part of their souls' missions. 

12. BALSAMIC MOON 315° – 360° (Sun Conjunct Waning Moon): The Mystic

Awareness. Spirituality. Enlightenment. Soul Mission = Mysticism

Events that occur under the Waning Crescent Moon are deeply aligned with the greater universe. This phase represents the transition from the physical to the spiritual, so events that fall under the Waning Crescent typically embody an intersection of past and future. The past has a significant bearing on how the future will unfold. Those with a birthday during this phase hold a great inner-standing of spiritual and mystical aspects. As a Mystic, you’re highly intuitive and may often be able to perceive things that others are unaware of. You have a confidence that only comes through a deep understanding of the universe.

Balsamic Moon Souls are the ‘old souls’. It is also the one most feared as it is that spooky dark Moon! The Mystic fears nothing, luckily, having traversed the deepest realms of the underworld. The vibration of this moon phase is very Plutonic. Balsamic moon people are the cycle’s black sheep, witches and outsiders. They are specialists in endings of all kinds and live in that netherworld between life and death. Balsamic Moon folk are often gothic, esoteric, and otherworldly in vibrational frequency.

The Balsamic cycle comes with a great deal of karmic baggage. However, this cycle has the great advantage of shed loads of experience and wisdom. These are the wounded healers, shaman, and mystics of the Moon phases. Their Balsamic cycle is a very busy one as they have to finish off so many projects. They only have to make sure they recharge themselves regularly. Often the recharging is from a new career or relationship. Balsamic Moon people are the kings and queens of reinvention and mysticism.

I hope you enjoyed this magical birthday moon phase article!

Sending you all galaxies of love and gratitude!


The Starseed Sanctuary
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5. my professional astrologer software {Sirius} & Akashic Records research

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