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CHIRON: The Rainbow Bridge & Key to Unlocking Your Self-Healing Super Powers

astrology awakening chiron healing Nov 11, 2023

Chiron is one of the most powerful and underrated aspects in our natal star charts, our solar return charts, and the collective sky chart as the years pass by.

In this article, I will provide some helpful information to more fully INNER-STAND the power of Chiron as a cosmic key for unlocking our core wounds and activating our self-healing superpowers.

According to Greek mythology, Chiron was a healer, philosopher and teacher who, ironically, could not heal himself. Chiron’s placement in the chart (see details below) can reveal a core wound that may take a lifetime to work through.

But Chiron is not simply insight into one's deepest traumas...oh no...our Chiron placement is also our cosmic key to fully activating our self-healing super secret powers! In fact, the symbol for Chiron is shaped like a key since unlocking his powers opens up a portal to deep, inner peace.

Chiron orbits between two intensely oppositional planets—uptight, restrictive Saturn and liberated, revolutionary Uranus. His role as the metaphysical mediator can help us synthesize the energy of both. Where do we hold ourselves back (Saturn) and where can we be destructively rebellious (Uranus)?

We must understand both extremes in order to find the middle ground. In “Astrology and the Rising of Kundalini,” author Barbara Hand Clow refers to Chiron as the “rainbow bridge” between Saturn and Uranus. Aptly named, since integrating the full spectrum of emotions is the key to wholeness.

Chiron in Astrology

While Chiron generally stays in a single zodiac sign for eight years, when he enters Saturn’s orbit, he can buzz through a single sign in under two years. (It’s up to him whether he wants to undergo outpatient surgery or opt for a longer course of therapy.) Since Chiron takes approximate 49 years to journey through all twelve zodiac signs, we all go through a “Chiron return” near our 50th birthdays. At this point, our core wounds may rear up for another round of therapy, especially if we’ve resisted doing any deeper self-examination. 

Between ages 49-51, the “Chiron Return” (when Chiron returns to the sign it was in when you were born) will certainly insist upon soul searching. If we’ve done our work we may be called into leadership roles that allow us to spread our wisdom and flex our healing gifts at this time.

Chiron is currently transiting the sign of Aries until April 14, 2027. This marks a time of healing from anger, violence and self-hatred.

Inner-standing your Chiron sign can reveal your core wound in this lifetime, and also hold the key to unlocking your personal superpower.

The degree that Chiron is at in your natal astrology chart can also give you insight into the age at which your original wounding/core wound began and/or the age it peaked (e.g. Chiron @ 19º = age 19).

Chiron Symbolism

Where Chiron is in our charts, we are especially sensitive and vulnerable, and while this is the case with Saturn, for example, the difference is that there is usually much self-honesty and self-awareness or openness to understanding these insecurities.

We tend to overcompensate in the Chiron areas because we don’t feel good enough or that we can ever do enough; and if we choose to ignore these areas, we hold onto unreasonable levels of guilt. We hold tremendous wisdom and unique views in these areas because of our hypersensitivity. We should watch for unreasonable expectations of ourselves in these sensitive areas.

The key to resolution is not only learning to trust ourselves but also to embrace our sensitivity and find beauty in our imperfection. In other words, this is not necessarily about “getting over” problems in these areas–it’s about recognizing our vulnerabilities in Chiron areas and working with them AND transmuting these wounds in your soul's SUPER POWERS!

How to Find Chiron in Your Star Chart

If you don't know your natal Chiron sign and house you can simply look it up by visiting the link below and putting in your birth info:

Once you know the Zodiac Sign of your natal Chiron and the house placement you can blast off below and unlock the core wound you need to heal in order to activate your most potent self-healing superpowers!

CHIRON in The 12 Zodiac Signs

Chiron in Aries: You are a champion for the underdog, always ready to remind others of how special and important they are. However, you can have trouble absorbing that lesson yourself, and you may go through many years of telling yourself that you count and that you sometimes need to prioritize yourself to feel whole. You know it in your head, but it’s hard to practice. Keep trying! Helping others express their strengths is a real knack, and with time, you can learn to apply this to your own life.

Chiron in Aries Wounds: Anger management, lack of self-worth, aloofness and isolationism, cutthroat competition style—needing to be #1 or refusing to participate, comparing and despairing

Chiron in Aries Healing Gifts: Empowering people to embrace their individuality, channeling anger into creative expression, fearless individuality, modeling independence

Chiron in Taurus: You may very well hold onto guilt for enjoying material things, comfort, luxury, and so forth. In your head, you know you’re entitled to spoil yourself from time to time, but it’s hard to truly convince yourself of this deep down. You’re wonderful at helping others understand that they’re worth it, however! Whether you compensate by over- or under-indulging, you’re likely holding onto too much guilt. Your needs for security and safety run very deep, and sometimes they work against you if you’re not careful.

Chiron in Taurus Wounds: Stubborn resistance to (and fear of) change, following the flock instead of forming your own values and beliefs, addiction to comforts like eating and drinking, materialism and money struggles

Chiron in Taurus Healing Gifts: Creating serene environments, savvy financial planning, holding down the fort during turbulent times, calm in the storm, practical magic, teaching/modeling traditional wisdom

Chiron in Gemini: You believe in the power of the mind and the concept of “mind over matter,” as well as the power of conversation, expressing oneself unapologetically, and so forth, but you don’t always practice this yourself. In fact, you can either speak too much or too little, or more likely, swing between these two extremes, never feeling entirely comfortable talking, feeling guilty for saying too much or too little, and questioning whether you represented yourself accurately. You’re quick to help others with information and advice, and very skilled at it. Most importantly, your desire to help is genuine.

Chiron in Gemini Wounds: Fear of being alone (without a “Twin“), approval-seeking, nervous chatter or addiction to gossip, constant pivoting that makes it impossible to finish what you start (Sparkle-pony Syndrome), anxiety about being judged, sibling rivalry

Chiron in Gemini Healing Gifts: Play-based learning, communication arts, cooperation and mediation, using wit and humor as a tool for connection, putting people at ease/inclusivity

Chiron in Cancer: You are warm and concerned for others, and you express this kindness quite readily, but you don’t always apply it to yourself. You are a champion of the underdog or the “ordinary,” encouraging others to enjoy themselves instead of performing or seeking out outer-world success, but you may hold guilt for underperforming, finding it difficult to apply your own advice and beliefs to yourself. You may also have trouble feeling truly comfortable and “at home” in places that are not your home.

Chiron in Cancer Wounds: Trouble feeling “at home” or safe—both in your body and in the world, hoarding resources and money, emotional eating, xenophobia and “stranger danger,” family dysfunction (possibly with the mother)

Chiron in Cancer Healing Gifts: Creating a safe haven for community, empowering women, nutritional wisdom/nourishing with food, savvy financial planning

Chiron in Leo: You champion standing out as unique, taking pride in yourself, and enjoying life to the fullest, but you can have some difficulties applying these beliefs to your own life, perhaps feeling guilty about being prideful, bragging, or showing off when you’ve done well for yourself. You might even feel guilty for enjoying downtime, doing childish things, or you could feel inadequate on a creative level, even though in your head you genuinely believe you should embrace these things. You make a powerful teacher, guide, and motivator. While you’re all for the philosophy behind the expression “dance as if no one’s looking,” you have trouble doing so without self-consciousness, and these are the wounds you’d be wise to reflect upon and work through.

Chiron in Leo Wounds: Need for validation, attention and approval, presenting a false front, addiction to drama and intensity, romance/love addiction, chasing the high

Chiron in Leo Healing Gifts: Empowering others through authentic self-expression, playfulness and healthy hedonism, using the arts to uplift and spread a positive message

Chiron in Virgo: You are wonderful and skilled at helping others with interesting tidbits about improving their lives, particularly “life hacks”, and you can thoroughly enjoy assisting others to get organized, but you may not always pay the same attention to or apply your ideas to your own life, frequently feeling a little behind, disorganized, and overwhelmed. Watch for rather intense insecurities about being unhealthy, disorganized, or not “together” enough, as your expectations of yourself in these areas may be unreasonable.

Chiron in Virgo Wounds: Debilitating perfectionism, people-pleasing, distorted self-image (body image), anxiety about people’s judgments, being excessively critical of others, hypochondria

Chiron in Virgo Healing Gifts: Creating structures to help people improve their lives (from home organization to wellness), being a storehouse of practical wisdom, creating empowering media

Chiron in Libra: You staunchly believe in seeing the other side of a story, mediating, and meeting people halfway, and you have great wisdom about relationships, making an excellent counselor. Even so, despite these powerful beliefs and philosophies, it can be hard to practice these things in your own life. You may frequently give far more than you receive, even with your strong belief in equality. Interpersonal conflicts can cause a tremendous amount of anxiety and guilt in your life.

Chiron in Libra Wounds: Inability to commit to relationships, paralyzing indecision, romanticizing, trying to force peace at any price, trouble ending relationships

Chiron in Libra Healing Gifts: Fostering peaceful communication and harmonious compromises, diplomacy, creating beauty and heart-opening experiences, being a messenger for Cupid

Chiron in Scorpio: Your awareness of attachment and loss is exceptionally well-developed, perhaps to the point that you limit yourself in your relationships and with projects and goals. Because of your keen understanding of power dynamics, personal psychology and motivations, jealousies, and intense emotions, you make an authoritative guide and powerful counselor. However, applying your perceptions and philosophies to your own life can be a challenge. Learning to embrace your feelings, attachments, and the power of loss and recovery is another story altogether. Fear of loss of self is intense, yet you are also drawn to situations where you might lose control or lose yourself.

Chiron in Scorpio Wounds: Nihilism, sexual addiction (possibly springing from childhood sexual abuse), power struggles, jealousy and obsession, trouble leaving bad relationships

Chiron in Scorpio Healing Gifts: Soul-deep sexual healing, alchemy (turning “trash” into treasure), helping people through extreme life passages such as births, deaths and other transitions

Chiron in Sagittarius: You have an intense craving for meaning and belief in something greater than yourself, and you champion free thinkers and encourage others to find their own personal philosophies. You believe in the power of positive thinking and manifestation. You help others to find their truths, to follow their inner guide, and to gain life experience. Still, you can often feel somewhat lost on these levels, and while you likely have many brilliant and original ideas about life’s meaning and purpose, you might also hold a sense of disconnection with your ideas and beliefs, feeling some insecurity about them. Learning to trust in your unique vision of the world is empowering.

Chiron in Sagittarius Wounds: Fanatical or zealous beliefs, disruptive nomadic tendencies, aggressive or tactless communication style, chasing the “high” of the next big thing

Chiron in Sagittarius Healing Gifts: Revealing higher truths with compassion, fostering diversity and inclusivity, creating conscious media, laughter as medicine

Chiron in Capricorn: You have a strong sense of structure, direction, rules, and boundaries. In fact, you are terrific at guiding and helping others structure their lives, as well as motivating them to apply themselves to reaching their goals. However, you can find it difficult to apply these concepts to your own life due to a hypersensitivity to your calling, status, standing, or responsibilities. You can find it hard to appreciate your own contributions or to discipline yourself, but you are fantastic at helping others discipline and organize their lives. You feel incredibly responsible, often to your detriment. Do consider that you expect far too much from yourself.

Chiron in Capricorn Wounds: Obsessive ambition, using career as an escape, fixation on gaining status and approval, family dysfunction (possibly showing up as daddy issues)

Chiron in Capricorn Healing Gifts: Level-headed leadership, environmental consciousness, utilizing resources to provide for everyone

Chiron in Aquarius: You believe in people and the power of the group. You’re a true humanitarian who champions individuality. You are fantastic at encouraging others to march to the beat of their own drum. Even so, you might often feel quite disconnected or self-conscious in a group setting or with friends, as if you don’t truly belong. You are especially sensitive to your place in the group or community, and this is where you become wise. Your gift of understanding lies here, but it’s also where you can feel quite insecure–as if you are never doing enough. Learning to trust yourself is empowering, as you discover that giving up on an intense quest to find out where you belong helps you to do just that.

Chiron in Aquarius Wounds: Destructive rebellion, scientific detachment from emotions, trying to “fit in”

Chiron in Aquarius Healing Gifts: Social justice/activism, fostering utopian communities and a sharing economy both online and IRL, uplifting idealism

Chiron in Pisces: You have a distinctly soft side, and you’re ready to consider people’s backstories–or presume they have valid ones–before casting judgments. Your main problem can be forgiving others too quickly. While forgiveness is a strength, if it’s taken too far, it can keep you in an awkward place, perhaps holding onto things that would be better off left behind you. Consider that you take on far too much guilt. You can be an excellent counselor, but you tend to give more than you get, and you’re often behind on your own self-care in the process.

Chiron in Pisces Wounds: Fear of asserting boundaries, escapism, addiction, denial/not living in reality, having a parent with an addiction or who was mentally ill

Chiron in Pisces Healing Gifts: Helping people let go of limiting beliefs, spiritual and esoteric leadership, psychic/metaphysical/shamanic powers, helping people live out their fantasies.


Chiron through The 12 Houses

For even further insight into your Chiron, look at what house it fall in and this will show you the area of your life wounding and healing alchemy can be accessed more deeply.

Chiron in the First House
In the first house, it may indicate a journey of self-discovery. Possibly, there were restrictions in early childhood that will have had the effect on you of either retreating into yourself or having to fight to be noticed. There will be a need to find personal meaning in existence. Some will do this by being overly aggressive, others by withdrawing. Having a job or interest that is really enjoyed will give a positive direction to your life.

Chiron in the Second House
In the second house, it can indicate great self-confidence, so long as there are physical comforts. There may have been little or no affection or even inappropriate affection, in childhood. This could now be shown through stubbornness and a dismissive attitude to others’ opinions. You could be a great teacher of self-worth, when you have dealt with your own issues.

Chiron in the Third House
In the third house it may indicate, perhaps unintentional, criticism by parents or siblings about the way you expressed yourself, producing a lack of self- confidence. There may have been some injury to your voice or you may have been too shy to speak. Your thoughts and words may take time to be expressed so as to be correct. Any errors you make will be excused so as not to appear to be in the wrong. Do not let yourself be hampered by technicalities, and learn to admit to mistakes.

Chiron in the Fourth House
In the fourth house, it may indicate an insecure early family life, so much so that feelings of abandonment or being the ‘black sheep’ persist. A lack of self- confidence may make you think doing anything with your life is a waste of time. You probably have a lot of time for other people and have great empathy. Try to bring out the unique you by using this feeling of being ‘different’.

Chiron in the Fifth House
In the fifth house, it may indicate a feeling of having to take life too seriously, too early. You are easily deflated due, probably, to parents who told you that you could not do ‘that’ – though you would have known that you could. There will be a need to draw boundaries for ego survival. Though do not go so far as to cut yourself off from people completely. You are very creative but do not recognize it. Just do it.

Chiron in the Sixth House
In the sixth house, it may indicate a preoccupation with health issues, maybe to do with accidents when you were young. You tend to obsess about your own health. You have great healing ability and when you have come to the point of dealing with your own issues, you will achieve great success in this field.

Chiron in the Seventh House
In the seventh house, it may indicate a feeling of rejection to do with relationships, maybe the parents split-up or were distant with each other. You may marry early and there may be more than one marriage or close relationship. You are quite empathic and even psychic. There is a need for finding a balance between you and your partner – you are not one person. Find yourself and work on your relationship to self.

Chiron in the Eighth House
In the eighth house, it may indicate losses through the death of loved ones but also gains through births. Personal desires will be very important to you, to the point of ‘anything goes’. You will have psychic abilities that, when trained, will be a great force for good. You could be a mystic with great insight.

Chiron in the Ninth House
In the ninth house, it may indicate some crisis to do with spiritual teaching. A strong belief of one sort or another that must be channeled correctly to give the right balance. Being the eternal student should be enjoyable, not stressful, so take time to relax. You could be a very good teacher, if your extreme opinions are modified.

Chiron in the Tenth House
In the tenth house, it may indicate a strong desire to prove your self-worth because of childhood rejection. Your need for status may become obsessive, and your good leadership quality needs to be controlled. Improving the lot of others, close to you, is admirable but not if it brings you down. It will only make you feel resentful and bitter. Try to accept yourself as you are.

Chiron in the Eleventh House
In the eleventh house, it may indicate rejection from peers because of being ‘different’. You may feel some discomfort in large groups, so you only associate with people of like mind. You have a capacity for leadership, if only you would loosen-up with strangers – we are, after all, connected to everything and everyone. You have a special thing to do in this life, you ‘just’ have to realize what it is.

Chiron in the Twelfth House
In the twelfth house, it may indicate nervous tension, perhaps picked up from a close family member. You probably have psychic, empathic and healing abilities. Don’t keep shutting yourself off from people – they need your unique abilities. Help others by learning to use these ‘gifts’ – it will give great, personal benefit but you will need to be emotionally strong and mature.

***As a final note, you can further access the healing and awakening power of your Chiron magic on new and full moons in your Chiron sign and during those astrological seasons.

Sending galaxies of gratitude and superpower activations to YOU!


To learn more about your Chiron and all the other star magic in you STAR charts book a reading with me HERE


The Rainbow Bridge, by Barbara Hand Clow

Astro Twins


The Starseed Sanctuary

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