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How to Develop Your Intuition: 8 Tips to Activating The Voice of Your Soul

awakening healing intuition psychic gifts Apr 04, 2024

Developing your intuition is a crucial skill to continually work on throughout the healing and awakening journey of life. Your Intuition is the portal to activating and using ALL your other psychic gifts and extrasensory abilities. Yet, it is sometimes the hardest to trust because we have been conditioned to do just that - not trust our innate soul gifts. This blog will help you reclaim and reactivate the voice of your soul - Your Intuition.

So what exactly is intuition?

I often refer to intuition as the “voice of the soul.” Our intuition is a loving inner voice that always guides us toward positive actions and soul-aligned outcomes.

You’ve experienced it before, even if you didn’t notice. It’s that gut feeling that steers you in the right direction, even when we’re not always aware of it.

Intuition can sometimes sound like a whisper in your ear, or like a thought that lands just a little bit different than other thoughts. It’s a bit tricky to explain, to be honest. It’s more of a feeling, or a state of being, that is in the Light and wants only what’s good for you.

Our intuition is the way our soul “speaks” to us. It can help guide us along our chosen journey to happiness and fulfillment. It’s your soul guiding you.

When we learn to listen and trust our intuition, it’s kinda like a cool superpower that can help us lead a more fulfilling life. Even though intuition is cosmically STELLAR and always serves your best good, it can feel SO hard to trust it – especially at first.

In today’s world where logic is king (or queen ;-), it can be tricky to know how to trust your intuition. Even if you want to use your intuition more, the daily hustle and bustle of life can make it hard to feel any sort of spiritual guidance.

Learning how to trust your intuition can help with the “little” things in life and the big stuff – like how to live a more super awesome life filled with joy, purpose, connection, and direction.

Here are 8 ways to learn to develop your intuition:

1. Slow Down

Stop. Yes, stop. Make space for quiet time and reflection. I know it’s hard. You need to make dinner. Or work or study. I KNOW. But this is important. This is your joy we’re talking about here. This is about you feeling Divinely supported. The first step towards learning how to trust your intuition is to let your brain rest and tune into your heart.

We are so programmed to always be doing. But doing and spinning in circles is not the same as taking inspired action. If you feel you are spinning in circles, it’s a good clue that you are trying to do it all on your own, and not letting your intuition/Higher Self guide you.

Think less. Feel more. As you stop doing and start being more, it gets easier. Take note of what feels right and true FOR YOU instead of what you believe to be reasonable or what you have been told is “right.”

2. Get out in Nature

Spend time in nature, taking in the beauty of the earth. Take time to appreciate the quiet and peace. Trusting your intuition is MUCH easier when we allow our minds to quiet. Nature can help us more easily connect with our hearts and instincts. Sit outside or go for a walk in the park. Go wild – hug a tree!

When we our connected to ourselves in the here and now, our intuition will speak to us and we will be able to hear it.

3. Be Here Now - Embodiment

How many of us have wasted countless hours thinking about the past or the future??? We’ve all been there and at times have allowed our minds to race about all the stuff that we should be doing instead of enjoying the present moment. All of that mind clutter (and illusion of control over the past or future) robs us of joy and more fully hearing our intuition too.

Live in the present moment by practicing catching yourself when you are thinking too much about what you should be doing, or focusing too much on the past, or worrying incessantly about the future. Forgive yourself and say the affirmation, “BE HERE NOW” or “I am now grounded in the present moment.” One of my favorite on this topic is: “Your presence is my present.” Another cheesy but effective way to remember to get the F out of the past or future illusion and back to here and now joy time, ya dig?

Learning how to trust your intuition becomes easier when we live in the present because it allows us to “hear” our intuition easier.

4. Meditate or Just Breathe

Meditate by simply focusing on your breath, bringing your mind back to your breath whenever you notice it has started thinking again. And it will…that’s what our minds do. There are hundreds, if not thousands, of ways to meditate – FIND ONE THAT WORKS FOR YOU! Try a guided meditation, standing/sitting meditation, or a visualization if you are more of a visual person. Meditation IS for everyone, so keep trying until you find the style that suits you best.

With practice and patience, you will begin to quiet the mind more often so that you can “hear” your Higher Self and that voice of your soul – your intuition.

5. Get Creative

One of the most fun ways to learn how to trust your intuition is to be creative!

Even if you don’t think you’re creative, I’d bet you can be! Sometimes, our rational minds don’t “do” creativity because it’s seen as inferior to logic and reason. But tapping into your creative side is one way of opening up to your whole Essence.

When you are being creative, you encourage the non-logical aspect of your Soul to open to the things your rational mind can’t even fathom! You don’t have to be Picasso to be creative. You can write, scrapbook, paint, design curtains, woodwork – whatever you enjoy!

Personally, my “creativity” comes in the form of coloring, decorating my home, and finding new ways to be weird in my backyard. You can do anything in a creative way; try it the next time you do something mundane, like paying bills or cleaning – add a creative flair and check in with your intuition along the way.

6. Know that Inspiration is Intuition

Have you ever felt SO inspired or passionate about something? Like you just have to to paint your dining room green or feel SO excited about signing up for yoga. Inspiration is one way your intuition speaks to you.

In fact, the word INSPIRATION, literally translates to – IN SPIRIT – when you are inspired you are in your spirit aka your soul, and can more effectively hear the voice of your soul, your intuition.

One of the easiest ways to learn how to trust your intuition is to follow your inspired feelings.

*Does it light you up when you think about starting a blog? Do it!

*Does the thought of volunteering at the local food pantry make your heart sing? Whatcha waitin’ for?

*Dream of traveling to Italy? Feed that passion – buy an Italian cookbook or learn to speak Italian!

Remember, our intuition wants to guide us to our Highest Good—that place where we will be happy, and peacefully open to the wonders of life.

7. Raise your Vibration

I know, I know...this has become a cliche in the spiritual realms, but it really does matter. We are all energetic, spiritual beings that “vibrate” at certain frequencies. When your vibration is high, you feel happy.

Saying “raise your vibration” is like a fancy way of saying do what makes you happy, at peace, and safe within yourself.

Raising your vibration makes it easier to tune into what your intuition is telling you and allow inspired ideas and solutions to come to you! All the tips in this post will help you raise your vibration. Spend time doing what brings you joy—the thing you do when you lose track of time. Listen to music, dance, pet your dog, dance with your dog!

8. Start Small

When you are first learning how to trust your intuition, it can seem like you’ll never figure it out. Is this my intuition? Is this my mind? Ugh! Forget it, I’m just going to ask someone what I should do! Start small. Ask your intuition for some guidance. That’s a small step. Once you begin trusting and noticing how good it feels, your confidence in your intuition will build, and you’ll use it every day in every decision you make!

Your intuition is a sacred gift, and as you learn to connect to your intuition on a deeper level, you will see the tremendous blessings it can bring to you and those you support.

Learn to develop your intuition and become aware of the urges, feelings, inspirations, and thoughts that are the "voice" of your soul and your Divine Higher Self. Following your intuition can save you hours of work, lead you to opportunities, help you find answers, and more. Pay attention to and act upon your inner messages; make clear decisions.

Now you just have to listen to and trust your intuition. You got this!


 Check out the Developing Your Intuition Guided Meditation for extra support HERE

The Starseed Sanctuary®

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Remember: this content is for informational and entertainment purposes only and may not be the best fit for you and your personal situation. It shall not be construed as medical advice. The information and education provided here is not intended or implied to supplement or replace professional medical treatment, advice, and/or diagnosis. Always check with your own physician or medical professional before trying or implementing any information read here.

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