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February 2024 QUADRUPLE Dragon Full Moon

asteroid astrology astrology draco dragon full moon rituals lunar new year starseed astrology® Feb 23, 2024

FULL MOON Conjunct Alpha Draconis in Draco (The Dragon Constellation) & Asteroid Drago on February 24th @ 4:30am PST @ Virgo 5º (Tropical); 11º Leo (Sidereal)

This is a VERY powerful Full Dragon Moon with Alpha Draconis, The Dragon Star, Asteroid Drago (Divine Masculine Dragon Energy), Asteroid Drakonia (Divine Feminine Dragon Energy), Asteroid and Cadmus (The Dragon Slayer) all making BIG aspects, in addition to, The Year of The Dragon we began celebrating earlier this month with the Lunar New Year.

This is a QUADRUPLE Dragon Full Moon!

Full Moons are culminations and celebrations of the past six month cycle. This Full Moon brings us clarity and resolve for the plans and intentions we seeded six months ago at the New Moon in Virgo (Tropical) on September 15th, 2023. What was going on in your life and in your mind then?

The New Moon six months ago happened when we had seven planets retrograde! It largely focused on what we'd learned from past experiences and was an opportunity to reimagine the best possible outcome with that new cycle as we started over in some way. This Full Moon shows us where we did things in alignment with our intentions six months prior and where we did too much daydreaming and not enough practical actions towards the goal.

Full Moons occur in opposition to the Sun. In the tropical zodiac system this lunation occurs on the Pisces-Virgo axis. Pisces is the dreamer and Virgo is the alchemist. They're two sides of the same coin as manifestation requires both intention or visualization (aka dreaming) and energetic work (the alchemy of turning fantasy into reality).

Full Moons illuminate and bring resolutions. This is a good moon to focus on our health and embodying the higher aspects of sacred, higher dimensional dragon energy. The original dragon souls were guardians of Earth's leylines, portals, vortices, and the planet's energy grid. This potent dragon energy returns for us to reclaim our ability to guard the stargates of our soul's and our healing vortices and portals within.

Now let's talk about the cosmic Starseed Astrology of This Full Dragon Moon...


Full Moon Conjunct Alpha Draconis, Asteriod Drago, & Isis (Transpluto)

Asteroid Drago, divine masculine dragon energy adds another layer to this Triple- Quadruple Dragon Full Moon! The divine masculine is the manifestation of male (or “Father”) energy within and around the Universe, Multiverse, and greater Omniverse. Drago embodies the sacred protection energy of the Divine Male Dragon. With every yin, there is a yang. The divine masculine has a counterpart: the divine feminine, which you will see below is embodies in Asteroid Drakonia. The two energies work together to create balance in the Omniverse. So, both the divine masculine and feminine dragon energies are present everywhere we look, including within us, as we embody balance within on this Full Dragon Moon.

Both Asteroids Drago and Drakonia are located in the main asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter and they are both HUGE – Drago is the size of Manhattan and Drakonia is the size of Cleveland!

Alpha Draconis, The Dragon Star also known as Thuban, is associated with the dragon that guarded the golden apples in the garden of the Hesperides. Ancient Fixed Star Astrology says, Draco imparts an artistic and emotional yet sombre nature, along with a sharp and analytical mind. Draco actively guards and protects the celestial pole as the Dragon Constellation wraps around the upper sky near the pole star, just like the ancient dragon souls that have guarded the Earth's Grids for eons.

Alpha Draconis conjunct this Full Moon also relates to some of the benevolent Draconians and they often appear as white dragons with gold, white and blue light. Other Draconians are a service-to-self faction, but the original dragon beings guarded the Earth and the stars. Pure Dragon souls are one of the most ancient soul types or soul origins and many of us have strong connections to this energy, past/parallel lives in the Draco Star System and deep connections to the ancient Dragons of Lemuria, Atlantis, and Avalon. This is a beautiful moon to connect with your Lemurian Dragon or other dragon guides in alignment with the one true Source.

Sun Conjunct Deneb Adige in Cygnus, The Swan & Asteroid Interkosmos

This Full Moon is opposite the Sun, which is currently occupying Pisces in the tropical zodiac and Aquarius still in the sidereal system. In both of the main astrology systems we have two huge stelliums in Pisces and Aquarius so both of these archetypal energies are enhanced for the next few weeks.

As we enjoy the final day of The Cygnus Swan Alignment on this lunation and move into The Pegasus and Phoenix Alignments this Full Moon activates some powerful awakening energies. For the next month, there’s easier support for spiritual awakening, deep healing, inspired creativity, compassion, unconditional love, and dream work. This placement can also empower the more challenging side of Pisces. So try to steer clear of substance abuse, addiction, and excessive escapism. Ditto for aimless drifting and playing the martyr! Lean into the higher octaves of imagination and spiritual connection.

Asteroid Interkosmos conjunct the Sun and in opposition to this Full Moon Interkosmos acts as a bridge between worlds and supports us in exploring the relationship between our mind/body/spirit and our experiences by tackling unusual questions that illuminate novel facets of our lives and our realities.

Mercury Conjunct Enif in The Pegasus Constellation

The messenger of the gods, Mercury, aligns exactly with fixed star Enif in The Pegasus Constellation and we just kicked off the Pegasus Alignment a few days before this Full Moon. There is a higher-dimensional aspect to our thoughts with this conjunction, despite some harder aspects to Mercury.

The Full Moon is opposite Mercury and Saturn making it harder to innerstand your feelings and to share them. Confusion, emotional bias, or polarization can cause moodiness, anxiety, irritation, and disagreements. You may become overly analytical one moment, then overly emotional the next. So, extra care is needed with sensitive discussion topics. Connect with Pegasus guides or Pegasus energy medicine through meditation or prayer to help you see things from a higher vantage point and zoom out for the big picture so you don't get lost in the mundane details.

Venus Conjunct Mars & Alpha Tucana in The Toucan Constellation

The conjunction of Venus with Mars has the potential to ignite intense passion in relationships, especially unique and colorful ones with The Toucan also in alignment with these two planets. Venus and Mars most easily partner to energize relationships and creativity. Whatever’s happening in a relationship can be amplified by this aspect. With both planets in Aquarius, explore innovative solutions and follow your intuitive hits.

The Venus-Mars-Toucan triad also supports creativity, so devote some time to your artistry. The Aquarian energy invites you to stretch your boundaries, or maybe even branch out in a new creative direction! However, caution is advised as it may also lead to unhealthy intensity if we move too quickly. This alignment may result in a potentially fiery affair.

Jupiter Conjunct Archird in Cassiopeia, The Queen

Cassiopeia, The Queen of Ethiopia, the the wife of Cepheus and mother of Andromeda, was taken into heaven in consideration of the deeds of Perseus She is said to have boasted that not only Andromeda but she herself was fairer than the Nereids, and for that reason she was bound to her chair and condemned to circle the pole head downwards as a lesson in humility.

Life can be highly prosperous when Jupiter is transiting Cassiopeia and Taurus. Jupiter is the planet of good luck and fortune, while Taurus is the sign of wealth and money. At its best, this cosmic energy can yield big dollar results. The Jupiter in Taurus transit is a good time to look into our financial standings and find chances for growth. The wise and humble Queen rules her royal jewels the best and there is a healing energy around money with this Full Moon - Cassiopeia also represent The High Priestess Tarot card so embrace this archetypal energy.

Saturn Conjunct Asteroid Drakonia & Opposite Full Moon & Asteroid Drago:

While Saturn can be more structured and disciplined, Drakonia (Divine Feminine Dragon Energy), wants to empower Saturnian energy on this Full Moon to be more creative and free-flowing.

As we strive to connect with the Omniverse and unlock its secrets (and our own potential), one of the most potent concepts to work with is that of the Divine Feminine. Simply put, the Divine Feminine is a manifestation of feminine energy in the Omniverse. It is a sacred power source that is both integral to the nature of the cosmos, as well as inherent in ourselves. (It’s important to note that the Divine Feminine is something that everyone, regardless of gender identity, can connect to.)

The Divine Feminine Dragon Energy is connected to fertility, birth, and the cyclical nature of life. It is present in the changing seasons of nature, and the cycles of the moon. Concepts of the Divine Feminine have been around since antiquity, and appear in religions and spiritual practices across the globe. You may be familiar with some of these ideas (the Divine Mother, or the Lover, for example), but there are many ways, both subtle and precise, to work with this energy. The Divine Feminine allows and reminds us to look within and listen to our bodies, encouraging thought, reflection, and emotional presence.

While The Divine Masculine (Drago) and Divine Feminine (Drakonia) Dragon energies are in opposition on this Full Moon, they are working harmoniously to create balance and common ground within and around us.

Neptune Conjunct Matar in Pegasus & Asteroid Alexandria

Pegasus makes another key aspect on this Full Moon to Neptune, the planet that support us to look beyond the veil of consciousness, AND Asteroid Alexandria - symbolic of The Great Library of Alexandria. The burning of the Great Library of Alexandria was a catastrophic event that resulted in the loss of countless priceless ancient texts and knowledge. It is believed that the library was set ablaze during the siege of Alexandria in 48 BCE, when Julius Caesar’s troops accidentally ignited the nearby Egyptian fleet. As such, the Asteroid Alexandria represents lost ancient knowledge within that we can reclaim more easily on this Full Moon.

A symbol of divine interconnectedness and transcendence, Neptune dissolves the boundaries that exist between heaven and earth, reality vs. fantasy. And this is exactly where we need to go to reclaim and reactivate our dormant soul wisdom.

Pluto Conjunct Aladfar in Lyra & Asteroid Horus

While Pluto technically remains in Capricorn in the true sky, Sidereal Zodiac, it has just recently transitioned into 0º Aquarius in The Tropical Zodiac. As many of you already know, I believe in blending multiple astrology systems and that neither is better or worse, more right or wrong. They are both accurate and they each represent different dimensions of awareness and reality. 

Typically, 0º is a critical degree since it represents a pure, almost undiluted, zodiacal energy; this is further amplified by Asteroid Horus (Christ or Unity Consciousness) joining the party. Pluto is the planet of deep transformation and regardless of the zodiac system, he will be hanging out with the most ancient star families fixed stars for several years including, Lyra, Aquila (The Eagle), and Cygnus (The Swan). 

Lot of Spirit & Lot of Fortune Conjunct Delta Monoceri in The Unicorn Constellation

Fortune and The Higher Spirit self activates on this Full Moon with magical Unicorn energy! Those of you with cardinal signs - Aries, Cancer, Libra, and Capricorn may experience a boost in luck and soul connections.

North Node Conjunct Chiron & Asteroid Cadmus

A major part of our soul mission and lessons in this lifetime is show through the North Node. The North Node in Aries, and hence South Node in Libra, transit has been showing us how to be more comfortable truly being ourselves, honoring who we are becoming and balancing this in relationship to others. Chiron symbolizes core wounds and the deep, soul-level, superpowers that come from healing and transmuting pain. Chiron conjunct the North Node has been supporting us to heal our sense of self, to heal wounds around our identity, people pleasing, codependency, and letting go of toxic relationships.

Asteroid Cadmus, The Dragon Slayer, helps us literally slay our inner demons and to heal and integrate any reptilian shadow aspects of the individual psyche and collectively as well. Let’s restore our pure true light sovereign dragon unicorn souls to wholeness Star Fam! 💯🤩

Starseed Astrology Fixed Star Chart for The Full Dragon Moon:


T-Square - A T-Square is a cosmic battle between three planets that involves an opposition and a square. The Sun and Moon form a T-Square with three other planets. Mercury and Saturn sandwich the Sun in Pisces, while all the planets square Pallas Athena.

Saturn is the most potent planet in this aspect pattern. He can help you accomplish your Full Moon goals with greater maturity, responsibility, and wisdom. He can help you use your time efficiently, and make it easier for you to “plan the work and work the plan.” It’s also Saturn’s job to raise obstacles where they serve your highest good. Does your soul growth call for you to face a particular challenge or rise to a greater level of mastery? If so, Saturn will arrange a catalyst to bring this to your attention.

Saturn’s placement in Pisces can empower your discipline to manifest and tap into psychic abilities. Pisces rules visualization, while Saturn rules crystallization. Having a clear vision of what you want in your mind can speed up its physical manifestation. If your Full Moon goals include deeper embodied awakening, Saturn in Pisces supports that too!

Saturn is four degrees past the Sun during this Full Moon, while Mercury is three degrees behind. Mercury empowers your ability to learn and communicate during this waning Moon period. Mercury’s placement in Pisces can help you receive and channel intuitive information.

The final planet in this Full Moon T-Square is Pallas Athena. Her warrior goddess energy can help you be more assertive with your Full Moon goals. She can also support you with her abilities in negotiation, strategy, and diplomacy.

Venus Square Jupiter - Relationships, creativity, and finance are amplified by a Venus-Jupiter square (10°30′ Aquarius-Taurus). Jupiter is the great magnifier, adding power and awareness to anything he influences. So notice which people, artistic desires, and money matters come into your awareness. Some may need release or healing, while others may be on track and poised for expansion. Notice what kind of opportunity Jupiter is bringing and act accordingly!

Mars Square Jupiter - Taking life-affirming action as a warrior, pioneer, sexual being, or entrepreneur is amplified by a Mars-Jupiter square during this Full Moon. But take care that this square doesn’t activate Mars’ darker impulses. These can include destructive impulsiveness, inappropriate anger, harmful sexual activity, or violence. The less spiritually awake you are, the more you could be tempted to act impulsively and irresponsibly. The more awake you are, the easier it will be to receive and act on your trustworthy intuitive hits!

General Astrology Chart for February 2024 Full Moon:

Final Thoughts on The Full Dragon Moon of February 2024

In addition to all these powerful dragon codes and full moon energies, we have been receiving a huge influx of solar flares this past week. On 2/22 we have TWO X-Class Solar Flares, which is quite synchronistic given the numerology of the day. This solar cycle is proving to be even more active than predicted. The increase in cosmic rays from the sun, solar flares, and electromagnetic energy is assisting the collective in the healing and awakening process. Yet, these are massive energies that can disrupt the power grids and our physical bodies.

Please ensure you are taking down time to rest, stay extra hydrated with water and electrolytes, and take cleansing salt baths or showers as needed to stay grounded. Try to spend some time in nature, preferably with bare feet on the earth. Sense in to the Earth's grids and sovereign Dragon energy for your highest good and the highest good of our collective.

The Golden Orb Plasma Energy Protection Meditation is a great quick energy practice to help clear your energy field and anchor in this solar energy - AND you can get it for FREE!

As we learn to hold more light in our bodies and energy fields, we are deeply helping others do the same.

Happy Full Dragon Moon!


The Starseed Sanctuary®

All Rights Reserved 2024©

3. my professional astrologer software {Sirius} & Akashic Records research
4. Fixed Stars and Constellations in Astrology, Vivian E. Robson


Remember: this blog and all products on this website are for informational and entertainment purposes only. It shall not be construed as medical advice. The information and education provided here is not intended or implied to supplement or replace professional medical treatment, advice, and/or diagnosis. Always check with your own physician or medical professional before trying or implementing any information read here.

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