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July 2024 Starseed Astrology: Medusa's Third Eye, Retrogrades Galore, and Timeline Healing

starseed astrology® the starseed sanctuary® Jul 02, 2024

Welcome to July Starseeds!

As of July 1st the moon is waning (we had the first of two back to back Capricorn Full Moon on 6/21 @ 1º Capricorn in the Tropical Zodiac System (Sagittarius in Sidereal) and the second will be coming up on July 21st at the 29º - the anaretic or crisis degree. Every year we have 13 full moons and one of the zodiac signs is graced with two in its sign.

This double Full Moon Cycle represents a culmination of the last month’s emphasis on Capricorn, ruled by Saturn (who just stationed retrograde on June 29th), and things like authority, government, structures, responsibility, karma and time. Timeline work, including collapsing and merging timelines and quantum leaping has been a huge theme for the collective as so many of us are making major changes to our lives at this time.

We have some big themes this month coming up around facing unbearable truths and working to integrate the collective shadow so we can collapse time, heal and merge timelines, and quantum leap onto higher timelines. We see this with all the Capricorn energy, the many retrogrades, and the Uranus-Mars-Algol conjunction.

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Enjoy the July 2024 Starseed Astrology Calendar Below...

Now let’s talk about the Starseed Alignments for July 2024!

This month we celebrate the following cosmic alignments as these star systems align with The Sun: Monoceros (The Unicorn), Sirius, Procyon, Castor & Pollux, Praesepe (The Beehive Cluster), and Rho Cancri aka 55 Cancri – The Diamond Planet. These Direct or Conjunct Alignments with The Sun are excellent for activating dormant soul gifts, receiving energy upgrades, and for connecting with spirit guides associated with that star system through the portal of The Sun.

There will also be some big starseed alignments opposite The Sun and more visible in the night sky with Lyra, Vega, The Ring Nebula, Aquila (The Eagle), Cygnus (The Swan), and Toucana (The Toucan). Opposite Starseed Alignments are wonderful for stargazing and absorbing star codes to support healing and letting go of any past/parallel life karma or trauma from past/parallel lives associated with that star system and/or star family.

Starseed Alignments help us raise our personal energetic frequency and the collective energies on planet Earth. It is best to meditate in the daytime during ALL Direct or conjunct Starseed Alignments to optimize your results. You are literally absorbing lightcodes through the sun from the star system you are focusing on and may experience powerful energy upgrades, and/or activations pertaining to that star system or starchetype.

During the Opposite Starseed Alignments that happen six months later, The Star System of choice will be opposite the Sun and visible in the night sky. During this time, meditation generally occurs at night under the stars for optimal results.

Starseed Alignments for July 2024:

URANUS Conjunct ALGOL (Medusa’s Third Eye) ALL Month (and throughout the next 12 months!)



Sun Conjunct Plaskett’s Star: July 2nd
Sun Conjunct Delta Monoceri: July 11th
Sun Conjunct Alpha Monoceri: July 21st
Sun Conjunct Zeta Monoceri: July 28th

Sun OPPOSITE Lyra July 1st – 20th
Sun OPPOSITE Vega (Alpha Lyrae) July 5th – 7th
Sun OPPOSITE The Ring Nebula, M57 July 13th – 14th

Sun Conjunct Sirius in Canis Major (Big Dog) July 4th – 6th
New Moon Conjunct Sirius July 5th (MAC DRE DAY!)

Sun Conjunct Canopus in Carina Constellation July 7th – 8th

Sun Conjunct Castor in Gemini Constellation July 12 -15th
Sun OPPOSITE Alpha Pavonis in Pavo (Peacock) July 15th


Sun Conjunct Procyon B in Canis Minor (Little Dog) July 17th
Sun Conjunct Procyon A in Canis Minor (Little Dog) July 19th

FULL BUCK MOON Conjunct Lyra July 21st

Sun OPPOSITE Cygnus (the Swan) July 21st – August 24th
Sun OPPOSITE ALTAIR in The Aquila (The Eagle) – July 22nd
Sun OPPOSITE Toucana, The Toucan July 28th


Sun Conjunct Praesepe, M44 (Beehive Cluster) July 28th


Sun Conjunct Rho Cancri, The Diamond Planet July 30th

Opposite Alignments best for NIGHT/STAR Codes meditation & Stargazing
Conjunct Alignments best for DAY/SUN Codes meditation & Sungazing

ASTEROID (and Minor Planets/Evolutionary Planet) ASTROLOGY FOR JULY 2024:

Sedna Conjunct The Pleiades @ 0º Gemini – ALL MONTH!
Nurturing The Soul‘s Path of Destiny with Pleiadian Star Guides

Salacia Rx Conjunct North Node & Cetus, The Whale: July 1st
True Love Consciousness, Psychic Protection, & Quantum Leaps

Haumea Rx Stations Direct: July 14th @ 0º Scorpio
Intense transformation, exploration of hidden realms, purging of emotional toxicity and a desire for rebirth

Varuna Conjunct Venus: July 17th – 18th
Connecting our values, relationships, finances, and sovereignty

Makemake Conjunct South Node: July 22nd
Healing & Awakening Past/Parallel Life Cosmic Consciousness

Asteroid Medusa Square Uranus/Algol – July 27th
Information that blows your mind, awakening vs psychosis

Atlantis Conjunct Alpha Draconis: July 29th – August 1st
Dragon Energies, Leylines, and Gridwork is amplified these days

Varuna Conjunct The Sun: July 30th
Multidimensional Self-Mastery is Illuminated today

Have a beautiful month of July!

Want to learn more about Starseed Astrology and Discover Your Cosmic Lineage?

Check out my offerings HERE

Sending you galaxies of love and gratitude,


The Starseed Sanctuary®

All Rights Reserved © 2024

Remember: this blog and all content is for informational purposes only and may not be the best fit for you and your personal situation. It shall not be construed as medical advice. The information and education provided here is not intended or implied to supplement or replace professional medical treatment, advice, and/or diagnosis. Always check with your own physician or medical professional before trying or implementing any information read here.

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