LEMURIA RISING: Discover Your Connections to This Lost Land & The Magic of Lemurian Asteroids
Jul 12, 2024Join me on this magical and healing journey to Lemuria...
In this webinar we will discuss:
💎The Legend of Lemuria
💎The History of Lemuria
💎The Symbolism of Lemurian Crystals
💎Lemuria Rising and the “new” earth
💎The Astrology of Lemurian Asteroids
💎Lemurian Asteroid Set
💎How to Discover Your Connections to Lemuria
💎The Astrology of Haumea & Makemake
💎How this can help us achieve our highest timeline
All Categories alchemy antares aquarius aquila archetypes arcturian arcturus aries ascension asteroid astrology asteroids astrology aurora avian starseeds avians awakening bennu blue avians chiron columba corvus corvus starseeds cosmic consciousness crystalline grid cygnus diamond lightcodes divination dna dove draco dragon earth sign astrology eclipse eclipse portal energy protection eridanus esoteric astrology exopolitics extraterrestrials felines full moon full moon crystals full moon rituals futurism galactic history galactic origins grays gridwork healing horoscopes intuition lagoon nebula lemuria leo leylines liakish starseeds light warriors lightworkers lunar new year lunar perigee lyra mars mars retrograde martian starseeds mercury retrograde mintaka mintakan starseeds monoceros moon moon phase moon signs mystery school teachings mysticism nebula astrology new new moon noctua north star northern lights omniverse ophiuchus orion orion starseeds owl pavo peacock pegasus pleiadian alignment pleiadian starseeds pluto in aquarius polarian starseeds polaris procyon psychic psychic gifts quantum alchemy quantum leap regulus retrogrades rhocancrian starseeds rituals royal stars saturn saturn retrograde seven rays solar storms soul mission soul origins space weather with dr. heather spica starseeds spirituality starseed alignments starseed astrology starseed astrology® starseed origins starseeds sun superpowers the eagle the great conjunction the starseed sanctuary® timelines uap ufology unicorn souls unicorns unity consciousness ursa major vega virgo white moon selena year of the dragon zeta reticuliAuthor
Heather Lemuria Hobson
Founder & CEO of The Starseed Sanctuary. Professional Astrologer, Quantum Healer, Multidimensional Traveler, Starseed Origins Specialist, Galactic Historian, Writer, Teacher, & Artist.