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Mirror Clearing Ritual

alchemy energy protection healing rituals May 13, 2024


INTENTION: To cleanse negative energy and any negative attachments from the mirrors in your home.

REASON FOR MIRROR CLEARING: Mirrors are among the most mystical objects as they have the ability to absorb the energy of the situations and environments they reflect. Unless you know where the mirror has been, or have a very good intuitive feeling about it, I would always recommend clearing second hand mirrors. Even when you know exactly where the mirror came from and who has used this powerful reflection decor, it is an excellent practice to regularly cleanse your mirrors throughout your entire home and vehicle. Bonus points for cleansing any makeup with mirrors in the compact like eyeshadow pallets.

When you stare into something for long enough or you wear it. It absorbs your energy and often the energy of trauma. 
First we program mirrors and they program us in response. Russian cyberneticist Vitaly Pravdivtsev studied the mysterious characteristics of mirrors and came to a conclusion that we program the mirror into further programming us. You can read more about this fascinating mirror research HERE

On the one hand, mirrors are material, and on the other they are phantom, an intangible reflection. The history provides much evidence of mysterious phenomena connected with the mirror. Vitaly Pravdivtsev puts forward three hypotheses of the mirror.

First, mirrors are the instrument that brings people into a modified state of the conscience. Second, a mirror is an optical device that helps see images of the subtle world. And third, a mirror is an instrument that helps other people see those images that get formed in the conscience of one human.

People say that mirrors can remember some events. Vitaly Pravdivtsev tells a story of a couple who furnished their apartment with antiquarian items. Once, they bought a very beautiful antiquarian mirror from some old lady in St.Petersburg. They hung the mirror up in the bedroom, but soon after that they started dreaming that they were burning and even woke up because of their own screams. Vitaly Pravdivtsev recommended to hang the mirror in some other room; after the mirror was taken out of the bedroom, the couple no longer saw terrible dreams.

When they visited St.Petersburg next time, they once again met the old lady from whom they had bought the mirror. The woman told that in the time of Leningrad blockade during WWII, the mirror was hanging in the room where her brother got terribly burnt and died of severe burns.

So, Vitaly says that mirrors can remember emotions and feelings of people that they experience in front of the mirror. The conscience interprets these records its way and revives those images that resemble somebody's personal experience.

Like any other thing, mirrors are the reflection of their owners- individuality.

Some scientists state that mental emanations of every human can arrange tiny particles of the universe into unique patterns, the imprint of our thoughts and emotions. Things that people use can retain the same imprint.

In Russia, there is a tradition to cover mirrors in the room where a dead person stays. Some people say it is done because the soul of a dead person may use the mirror to lure living people into the other world. Others say that other people's lost souls and astral beings may get into the house if mirrors are not covered there when dead bodies remain in. There is a legend saying that souls of dead people may get into mirrors and stay there like in a trap. People who buy such mirrors may have serious problems. Mirrors with the souls of dead people inside are usually very cold; candles go out when brought to such mirrors.

Within 15 years, researchers from one of New York institutes studied the effect of mirrors upon humans with the help of an ultrasensitive magnetic-acoustic detector. As it turned out, people who spend too much time in front of mirrors and like to stare into their own eyes feel fatigued and experience worsening of memory.

The experiments revealed that mirrors can accumulate people's energy and thus act as energy vampires. People lose their energy after three minutes of looking into the mirror. And the researchers also made a sensational statement: people who look into the mirror too often get older quicker. Bioenergetics explains this phenomenon with the fact that energy we emanate gets reflected with the mirror and then destroys our protective aura.

I don't know about you, but after reading all this wild mirror research and paranormal phenomena I was super ready to cleanse all the mirrors in my home!


Choose to either use water and a towel, or to use the smoke from a local herb such as cedar or rosemary. Feel free to get creative with the tool you use! For example, you can put rose petals in the water or charge it out in the moonlight.


1. Stand in front of your mirror.

Find a sturdy, grounded stance and close your eyes. Take several deep breaths and connect to the divine, to mother earth, and to the power of your highest, most aligned self.

2. Say a powerful protection mantra.

You can repeat this clearing and shielding mantra or create your own, but SUPER important you clear and shield yourself FIRST! Say it aloud: "I am a divine and sovereign fractal of true Source. I place a triple layer sphere of impenetrable protection around me, casting out and shielding from all harmful energies, across all dimensions of time and space. Thank you, thank you, thank you. And so it is." You can also call on your spirit guides, guardian angels, or star guides if you have benevolent protector allies you trust. 

3. Set your intention.

You can create your own, or use the following: "With the power of my intention and in alignment with the one true Source, I now choose to clear this mirror of all energies that no longer serve me, my home, my pets, etc.. I choose to infuse this mirror with the highest energy of purity, clarity, and self-love." In your intention for your mirror, ask your guides to cancel, clear, and erase any old situations, environments, and/or memories that the mirror might hold. and to please infuse it with the light of positivity and love. You can also visualize a white flame clearing the mirror of all negative energies.

3. Open a window or door to allow any stuck energies to leave your home and with your cleansing tool of choice (herbs or water), cleanse the energy of the mirror.

As you do this, listen to your intuition and your intention to speak words of healing and clearing over the mirror.

Herbs: Light your herb and fan out the fire so that the bundle is smoking. Guide the smoke all around the front and back of your mirror, using a feather if you have one. Get all sides of the mirror, so that the smoke covers it completely. Throughout this process, speak your words of intention aloud. Rosemary is an excellent choice for herbs. Copal, Frankincense, and Dragon's Blood resins are the most powerful for this type of ritual, but you can use whatever you feel called to or in alignment with your sacred rituals and practices or ancestry. 

Water: Hold your bowl of water in one hand and use the other hand to sprinkle the water on all sides of your mirror. You may also choose to use a sprig of an herb, such as rosemary, to dip into the water and sprinkle it. Be thorough, ensuring that the water reaches the entirety of the mirror. Use a clean towel to wipe the mirror clean. Throughout this process, speak your words of intention aloud.

Example of spoken intention:
"Thank you, mirror, for receiving this clearing. I command that all old, negative perspectives and energies be cleansed from this mirror.

I allow all the energy this mirror is holding which does not serve to be cleared away with ease and grace. I give this mirror new life.

This mirror is now an ally and a magical tool to allow me to feel confident, radiant, and beautiful in every way. I proclaim that this mirror is cleared and aligned with the highest frequency of self-love.

And so it is!"

4. Close your eyes again.

Place your hand on your heart and take several deep breaths. Feel your power, your radiance, and your unique beauty. Keep your eyes closed until you feel your power and your radiance at its peak. When you do, open your eyes and gaze at yourself in the mirror for three breaths.

5. To close the container, simply say:

"I love and honor my body and my beauty. I close this container. It is done!"

Repeat as often as needed. 

*Bonus points for doing uplifting mirror work with your home mirrors to program them with the most positive and empowering energy. Simply say positive affirmations like, "You are beautiful." and "I am learning to love and accept myself more everyday." This is a wonderful way to improve your relationship to yourself and reprogram your mind and mirror to align with your higher self. 

Happy Cleansing!


The Starseed Sanctuary

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