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October 2024 Starseed Astrology: Month of Mayhem & Magic

astrology eclipse starseed alignments starseed astrology Oct 01, 2024

Welcome to The Starseed Astrology Overview for OCTOBER 2024.

This is truly a month of mayhem and magic as we close out Eclipse Season with the final eclipse of 2024 and the last eclipse in Libra until 2033. 

Let's dive into all the big and bold Starseed Astrology for the witchy month of October...


Conjunct Corvus, Ummit, Lilith, Makemake, & Mercury @ Libra 10º Tropical; Virgo 15º Sidereal

New Moon Solar Eclipse Conjunct Gienah (Gamma Corvi) in Corvus The Crow

South Node Conjunct Asteroid Sphinx

This eclipse is loaded with big conjunctions to Corvus (The Crow), Ummit (Wolf 424), Black Moon Lilith, Dark Moon Lilith, Makemake, AND Mercury. Additionally, the North Node is Conjunct Alpha Reticuli, neighbors to Zeta Reticuli Grays while the South Node is Conjunct Asteroid Sphinx. There is a deep and mysterious pull into the liminal, the void, and the shadow aspects of ourselves and the collective during this eclipse.

The two prominent Starseed Families in very close conjunction to this eclipse are Corvus, The Crow and Ummit (Wolf 424) in Virgo, which I will cover more below. Visible from part of Southern Chile and Argentina, the annular solar eclipse is often referred to as the “Ring of Fire.” During this eclipse, observers can see the bright ring of sunlight around the moon as the sun is in conjunction.

Corvus is heavily associated with the unknown and with the void. Starseeds from Corvus are very sensible and practical souls, who incarnate to help others awaken through using the crossroads, the liminal. This ability to connect with the liminal and use their skills, makes them excellent healers. This eclipse connects us to the liminal and the void.

Where does Corvus fall in your natal chart? Look to the house ruled by Libra (Tropical) or Virgo (Sidereal), depending on what system you prefer.

That will show you the area of your life most influenced by this eclipse, Corvus and Ummit energy discussed below. Also make note of any planets near 10º of Libra (Tropical) or 15º of Virgo - these same degrees/signs will apply for Ummit below as well since Gamma Corvi is only a few minutes away from Ummit.

Virgo star and expoplanet Ummo (aka Wolf 424) that is home of the Ummit or Ummites. The binary star system of Wolf 424 is located between Spica (the brightest star from Virgo), Arcturus (from Boötes) and Denebola (Leo). They often appear in a warm beautiful silver or gold light orbs. The Ummites are extremely telepathic and benevolent. They make practical use of at least ten dimensions of reality and are aware of far more. They continue to visit Earth supporting our innerstanding of the cosmos so our civilization can advance safely and become a galactic and interstellar civilization as they are. Higher dimensional interactions with technology and telepathy activation are also heightened during this eclipse with the conjunction to Ummit and Mercury – messenger of the gods. Pay special attention to messages that come to you during this eclipse.

Additionally, Black Moon Lilith and Dark Moon Lilith are both conjunct this eclipse. There are three Liliths in astrology. We have Black Moon Lilith, Asteroid Lilith and the lesser known Dark Moon Lilith. They are often used together as the Triple Moon Goddess – Maiden, Mother, Crone.

Asteroid Lilith describes the first stage in the mythical journey where she is suppressed, humiliated and flees in rage to the desolate wilderness. Dark Moon Lilith depicts the pain of her exile where she plots and executes revenge. Black Moon Lilith shows how she transmutes her distorted image back into its natural healthy expression. Black Moon Lilith is the most commonly used Lilith and is the lunar apogee. The Black Moon is the apogee of the Moons orbit, the point that is farthest from the earth. To innerstand the Black Moon Lilith is to connect with the Dark Goddess archetype, associated with sex, death, obsession, addiction, transformation, resurrection, magic, the occult and taboo. It is the birth-canal between the spiritual dimension, (underworld) and life on the physical plane. Black Moon Lilith can show a hidden inner power within you to stand up and speak out. Combine the Mother and the Crone and it may be an intense day for the shadow side of us to come through and support our greater evolution.

Finally, a quick note on Makemake also joining the conjunction party @ 10º of Libra for this eclipse. Named after the fertility god of the Rapa Nui people of Easter Island, Makemake was discovered in 2005 and has an orbital period of 306 years.

Astrologically, Makemake is considered to be the higher octave of Uranus and has been linked to everything from higher dimensional communication, spiritual epiphanies, extreme ideology, irrationality, large-scale destructive events, social estrangement, spirituality, social dissociation, individual differentiation and scientific research on hypnotism and hallucinogens.

This is an intense eclipse for many reasons, so please rest and be cautious of who you interact with as projections and mass hysteria may ensue. 

Eclipses make us more susceptible to psychic attacks and energy distortions due to the extremes in energy for the collective and a potential weakening of our energetic defense mechanisms. If you want to learn how to powerfully protect yourself and prevent psychic attacks please check out my Quantum Alchemy Course HERE - it is the ultimate resource for light warriors called to this work.

Now let's talk about The Starseed Alignments for October 2024...

Sun Conjunct Corvus, The Crow Constellation October 3rd – 11th
Sun Conjunct Gienah Ghurab (Gamma Corvi) in Corvus October 4th
Sun Conjunct Alchiba (Alpha Corvi) in Corvus October 5th
Sun Conjunct Algorab (Delta Corvi) in Corvus October 6th
Sun Conjunct Kraz (Beta Corvi) in Corvus October 10th

Corvus is a small constellation that is most commonly seen from the Southern Hemisphere. Corvus’ name is latin for “crow” or “raven”, and its associated with the Greek myth of Apollo and his raven. 

Corvus Starseeds are heavily associated with the unknown and with the void. Corvus starseeds are messengers, that go back and forth between realms, gathering knowledge to assist and teach others. They are embodiments of knowledge and change. This ability to connect with the liminal and use their skills, makes them excellent healers. They are naturally intelligent when it comes to practices that are most commonly seen within traditional witchcraft. The Corvus Alignment is perfect for spell work, connecting to the liminal, and embracing the void. Activate your inner Wednesday Addams!

Sun Conjunct Ummo (Wolf 424) in The Virgo Constellation October 4th – 5th

The galactic beings from Ummit wear smart suit is technology, so usually they look glittery, because you have tiny particles of metal work like an armor. You can shoot someone – it won’t go through. They often appear in a warm beautiful silver or gold light orbs. The Ummites have this particularity of a high forehead, are mainly blond/Nordic and their life expectancy is about 200 years. The Ummites are extremely telepathic. They very much believe in the existence of the soul and in a Creator God. They make practical use of at least ten dimensions of reality and are aware of far more. They are able to travel such far distances in such a short time in their spacecraft is that they use folds and warps in the space continuum. They have sophisticated technology, and their craft can exceed the speed of light.

They continue to visit Earth supporting the scientific development of our innerstanding of the cosmos so our civilization can advance safely and become a galactic and interstellar civilization as they are. Ummites are working actively with the Galactic Federation of Worlds on a scientific program aiming to assist the development of Terran/Earth sciences. The Ummit Alignment is a wonderful time to engage in advancing your consciousness by reading something you don’t normally reading or learning something new. Higher dimensional interactions with technology and telepathy activation are also heightened.

Sun Conjunct The Sombrero Galaxy M104 (NGC 4594) October 6th

Mantis Beings are from the Sombrero Galaxy or M104 which is 28 million light years from earth. Yes, in a galaxy far far away. These are insectoid beings that have features similar to the Praying Mantis insects of Earth, but they stand upright and are at least 8-9 feet tall. Higher dimensional forms are energy beings that maintain their Mantis shape with colorful light. They evolved hundreds of millions of years ago on a planet of insects. They became the first to develop advanced self-awareness and became highly advanced in the use of frequencies to change their environment and to communicate with each other. In their past, Mantis’ were matriarchal. They have strong female figures who dominated their cultures.

The Mantis beings are masters with vibrations of sound and color. They use this mastery to heal and create. They are artists of universal light. They dance through frequencies and alter their surroundings as they do so. Mantis beings create bubble like force fields to travel through time and space.  In lower dimensions, they create living spherical ships of light. In higher dimensions, they can send their light bodies in single bubbles of light across the universe.

There are many Starseeds with connections to the Mantis. Many of these starseeds feel completely out of place on Earth and in a human body. They have felt the need to hide their inner truth in some way. Once they open up, their intensity, art, and ability to know what needs to be done to create the perfect environment is uncanny. They are usually artistic in some way. They are writers, musicians, poets, designers of space and events. Their gifts lie in bringing energy, aesthetic appeal, and vitality to whatever they do. They are here to use these gifts to infuse higher frequencies into hearts and environments through form, sound and color.  They are also a huge help to the new generation of souls being born with advanced DNA as they help them align with their higher potential. The Mantis Alignment is a perfect time to share your art with the world and use the modalities of sound and art to enhance your life. 

Sun OPPOSITE The Andromeda Constellation October 3rd – November 3rd
Sun OPPOSITE Andromeda Galaxy M31 October 17th – 19th

Comet Tsuchinshan-ATLAS at its brightest – October 12th
In October, we can catch the brightest comet since 2020 – C/2023 A3 aka Tsuchinshan-ATLAS will shine as bright as the most luminous the most luminous stars – don’t miss it! This comet will be visible everywhere.

“ALMOST” LUNAR ECLIPSE FULL SUPER HUNTER’S MOON Conjunct Eridanus, The River Constellation October 17th @ 4:26am PST @ Aries 24º Tropical; 0º Aries Sidereal
Moon Conjunct Acamar, Theta Eridanus (the end of the river)
Sun Conjunct Arcturus and Juno

The Sun, Earth, and Moon will be very closely aligned on this day, but there will be no lunar eclipse – it’s an “almost lunar eclipse” – which has some interesting symbolic interpretations. This Supermoon will be the biggest and brightest Full Moon of 2024 and the closest to Earth and aligned with Eridanus, The Cosmic River.

Sun Conjunct Arcturus in The Boötes Constellation October 16th – 17th

Arcturus is a star in the Boötes Constellation (The Herdsman). Some Arcturians are beings from Lyra that chose to stay in nonphysical form and others came from Andromeda. They are one of the most ancient galactic families. Arcturians are known by their deep compassion and unfailing kindness towards all walks of life in all dimensions. Precise intellect, telepathic, alchemists, analytical, scientific, reserved, deep structured thinkers, code breakers, mathematical, healers, interdimensional travelers. Arcturians are experts in use of geometry, color and sound vibrations for altering time, space, atmosphere, and states of being. Energetic alchemist, architects, builders and healers.

They see beneath the surface of things and use precise methods to create and alter environments including the health of a vessel. Using sacred geometry to move through space and time and shift realities, their methods of interdimensional travel and communications are used throughout the universe. Arcturians are often the master minds behind the crop circle signatures. They create amazing ships of light that can traverse many dimensions.

Arcturians are known as Masters Healers. They are capable of helping us with many different aspects of our multidimensional self, such as with energetic purification, grounding, soul awareness and with working in energetic ways with our chakras and light bodies.

There are many million Arcturian souls born on Earth and a good portion are among the younger generation. It is felt that these starseeds can play an important role as ambassadors to elevate humanities capabilities in their areas of expertise. These starseeds will be the planners and builders of a new society through their innovations. They can be cutting edge mathematicians, physicists, geometry artists, architects, community planners, system designers, technology wizards, musicians that have a talent for precise use of tones for affect, and energy healers that use geometry and sound to heal specific organs and mental states.

This Alignment is ideal for working with sacred geometry, energy healing, and lightbody meditations and activations supported by The Arcturians.

Sun Conjunct Spica in The Virgo Constellation October 17th

Spica is the brightest star in the constellation of Virgo. A double star in the wheat sheaf of Virgo, often referred to as "The Lucky One," associated with courage, fame, honor and lasting wealth, exceptional talent, especially beneficial for scientists, writers, artists, sculptors, and musicians, special passion for personal rights. Spica means "Shaft" (of Wheat) held in the Virgin's left hand.

Spicans as starseed souls are very rare. On their home planet, Spicans lived as etheric light bodies and they have a very angelic vibe about them. The living environment there was far less dense than that of the Earth. Spicans intuitively prefer to live in quiet areas outside of busy and loud cities.

To be with a Spican brings you sense of serenity that is so rare in the world today. It is like stepping into a lake in the forest. A lot of the Atlantean technology would be from Spican origin. But unlike the Atlanteans, the Spicans are a very well balanced race, with integrated male and female selves. On Spica technology is not abused. The Spicans have a multidimensional or spherical experience and conception of time. This Starseed Alignment is ideal for creating some quiet time to rest, gain clarity, or detach from overly stimulating environments.

Sun OPPOSITE Cassiopeia October 25th – November 14th

We also have The Sun Conjunct Haumea later this month and, of course, HALLOWEEN! 

Watch the FULL Starseed Astrology Forecast for October 2024 HERE

Be sure to sign up for my email list to get the weekly Galactic Gazette for even more Starseed Astrology Updates, Freebies, and stunning original art by yours truly ;-) - link to sign up is at the bottom of the page.

Thank you and I hope you have a magical month of October.


The Starseed Sanctuary®

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*Remember: this blog is for informational and entertainment purposes only. It shall not be construed as medical advice. The information and education provided here is not intended or implied to supplement or replace professional medical treatment, advice, and/or diagnosis. Always check with your own physician or medical professional before trying or implementing any information read here.

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