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Partial Lunar Eclipse Full Super Harvest Moon Conjunct The Prophetic Pegasus

astrology eclipse full moon pegasus psychic gifts starseed astrology Sep 15, 2024


September 17th @ 7:34pm PST Conjunct Pegasus & Neptune
Pisces 25º Tropical; Pisces 1º Sidereal
Full Moon Conjunct & Sadalbari, Mu Pegasi in Pegasus Constellation
Sun Conjunct Asteroid Atlantis Opposite Moon
Venus Conjunct Spica & Arcturus

Eclipses always bring a wildcard energy to the table. Many areas of life might be building towards closure. It is a time to harvest the fruits of your labor. Take a moment during eclipse season to view your life and the world from a higher vantage point, just like Pegasus would. There is an increased ability to heal karmic wounds from past lives in Atlantis today as well.

This is a special time when the seasons change. The Full Moon is a culmination and the promise of fulfillment of that which was started at the Pisces New Moon 6 months ago. It is an emotional time – a time of romance, fertilization, and relationships. During this eclipse, the Moon is square to Jupiter enhancing the extravagant nature of this time, and its harmony with Uranus suggests we’re ready to embrace change and progress. Note that this is the first eclipse of an eclipse set occurring along the Virgo-Pisces axis. As the first in a sign set, this September eclipse can serve as the initial prompt, nudge, or push to make improvements in Virgo- and Pisces-ruled areas of life in our Tropical Zodiac charts.

This eclipse joins forces with one of the prophetic stars in The Pegasus Constellation. Many of the stars in this constellation are considered “prophetic” and enhance psychic senses, especially during the alignment with the sun and/or if conjunct one of your natal planets. Pegasus Starseeds are very heavily influenced by the other side of the spiritual veil, beyond Earth’s reality and feel a connection to the Pegasus as a star guide. They rise above the surface of the matter and observe at a higher state of consciousness. Call on Pegasus Guides to help you rise above any challenges this eclipse brings and help you see things from a higher vantage point.

What house does Pisces rule in your natal chart?

Do you have any planets near 25º Pisces (Tropical) or 1º Pisces (Sidereal)?

This is the area of your life getting a psychic superpower activation during this eclipse.

Asteroid Atlantis is in opposition to this eclipse and conjunct The Sun. Asteroid Atlantis is associated with past lives and archetypal themes related to this last golden age on Earth before the Great Flood.

Atlantis wasn’t just an island, it was a worldwide consciousness focused on mysticism, magic, and a higher vibrational way of life. Atlantis eventually ended due to the misuse of power and this eclipse is urging us to ensure we are being ethical and aligned with our spiritual and magical practices and to heal any karmic debts associated with past/parallel lives during Atlantis, which many of us have.

What house does Virgo fall in your natal chart?

Do you have any planets near 25º of Virgo?

This will show you the area of your life where themes related to Atlantis may arise and how they are expressed through the archetypes of the planets in Virgo. You may also want to look up the placement of your natal Atlantis (1198) on for further information about how your natal Atlantis is aspect to transit Atlantis during this fated eclipse.

Lunar eclipses occur with full moons, but their impact lasts longer, up to six months before and after. We usually feel eclipses when they are triggered by a transit (moving) planet conjunct (aligned with), square (hard aspect - 3 signs away), or opposite the point in the Zodiac the eclipse occurs in the months before or after.

For this eclipse, that would be a transit planet at 25º of Pisces (conjunct), Virgo (opposite), or Gemini or Sagittarius (square). 

With this eclipse occurring in Pisces, the general impact for us all can focus on baggage, karma, our subconscious, the past, and what’s hidden. Pisces is the last Zodiac sign, so it’s the sign ruling endings, and with Lunar Eclipses also ruling endings, this is even stronger.

Actually, the impact of Pisces is stronger with a Lunar Eclipse since it’s strong emotional and karmic energy, so we’re extra focused on our baggage, have to work on releasing mental, emotional, spiritual, and karmic baggage, and need to tap into our subconscious minds to get more innerstanding. We can reflect on the past, be more introspective, and can become aware of something that has been hidden from us.

Intuition can be extremely strong as well, and subtle messages can be everywhere. Pay attention to your dreams. This is the first eclipse in Pisces for this eclipse set, yet the energy of this eclipse is very much tied to endings and releasing, so it seems that the Virgo-Pisces eclipse set is starting off with a deep letting go. We need to look around at what’s weighing us down and holding us back and find ways to release that are healthy and positive. This makes room for what we’re carrying forward with the Aries-Libra eclipse set, and creating new with the Virgo-Pisces eclipse set.

Personally, it’s all about what the eclipse is doing to your own chart. First assess the house the eclipse will occur in. Think about what the house rules and how this can impact you. Lunar eclipses are times of endings, heightened emotions, and culminations, and with the Pisces energy, this can play out as major sensitivity, heightened intuition, and important endings or releases.

Want to learn how this eclipse is hitting your star chart?


Everything you need to know about this eclipse and the final eclipse in October is in this 44-Page magical workbook loaded with gorgeous galactic art and all your Starseed Astrology needs.

Have a Magical Eclipse Season!


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