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Polaris, The North Star: How to Discover Your True North

astrology galactic origins north star polarian starseeds polaris soul mission starseed astrology® starseed origins Jun 12, 2024

Polaris, commonly known as the North Star or Pole Star, holds a special place in astronomy and navigation as it is located very close to the celestial North Pole. In Starseed Astrology, it represents the Polarians, one of the most ancient galactic families. Where Polaris falls in your natal chart shows you how to discover your "True North" and adds another layer of depth to the reason you are here on a soul mission as a cosmic being of light.

In this article, I will be covering everything you need to know about Polaris! So let's dive into deep space...

Polaris & The Ursa Minor Constellation

Polaris, also known as the North Star, Alpha Ursae Minoris or Star of Arcady, is the brightest star in Ursa Minor constellation. It is the closest bright star to the North Celestial Pole. The pole marks true north, which makes the North Star important in navigation, as the star’s elevation above the horizon closely matches the observer’s latitude.

The North Star has a reputation for being bright, but it is not among the top 10 or even the top 40 brightest stars in the night sky. It is only the 48th brightest star, and owes its reputation to the fact that it is the nearest relatively bright (second magnitude) star to the North Celestial Pole.

Polaris is also the star that marks the end of the Little Dipper‘s handle, a famous asterism in the constellation of Ursa Minor. It is approximately 434 light years distant from Earth.

Polaris goes by many different names, including the Northern Star, Pole Star, Lodestar, Guiding Star, and Cynosūra, derived from the Greek κυνόσουρα for “the dog’s tail.” In ancient Greek times, Ursa Minor was taken to represent a dog, not a bear.

Alpha Ursae Minoris is slightly off the pole, making a circle around it roughly 1.5 degrees across. As a result of the 26,000 year precession of the Earth’s axis, the celestial pole is currently moving closer to Polaris. Once it reached the separation of 14 arc minutes around the year 2105, the pole started to move away from the star again. Eventually, another star will take over as the navigational benchmark for true north.

Polaris wasn’t always the North Star. Around the year 2500 BC, the celestial pole was near Thuban, located in the constellation Draco. Around the year 400 BC, the pole was closer to Kochab, Beta Ursae Minoris, than it was to Polaris. Around the year 14,000, the much brighter Vega in Lyra constellation will be the nearest star to the pole.

Polaris will make its closest approach to the pole on March 24, 2100, when it will come within only 27.15 arc minutes of it. After the 21st century, the celestial pole will move away from Polaris and, by the 41st century, it will come near Gamma Cephei in Cepheus constellation.

How to find Polaris, The North Star in The Night Sky

Because the Little Dipper is not bright enough to be seen from areas where there is too much light pollution, the easiest way to locate the North Star is by using the stars of the bigger and brighter Big Dipper in the nearby Ursa Major constellation.

The stars Dubhe and Merak in Ursa Major, also known as the Pointers, are the easiest way to find Polaris. These are the two bright stars that outline the outer part of the bowl of the Big Dipper. An imaginary line through these stars leads directly to the North Star. Polaris is located at about five times the distance between the Pointer Stars. It is the first bright star in that direction.

The Big Dipper completes a circle around Polaris every 23 hours and 56 minutes, with the Pointer Stars always pointing toward the North Star.  The only nearby bright stars that are readily seen are Kochab and Pherkad, which are also part of the Little Dipper. The two stars are known as the “Guardians of the Pole” because they appear to march around the North Star like sentries.

Polaris marks the end of the handle of the Little Dipper, or the tip of the tail of the Smaller Bear. The stars of the Little Dipper are relatively faint and can only be seen without binoculars in good conditions, with clear skies, no light pollution, and little or no moonlight.

Polaris lies almost in a direct line with the Earth’s rotation axis, which is to say almost exactly “above” the North Pole. The star is almost motionless, with all the other stars in the northern sky seemingly rotating around it. The North Star never rises or sets at night, but stays in almost the same position above the northern horizon throughout the year, while other stars appear to circle around it. For observers at the North Pole, the star lies directly overhead. For observers in New York, it stands 41 degrees above the northern horizon, which corresponds to the latitude of the city. For observers at the equator, Polaris sits right on the horizon. The star climbs higher in the sky the farther north you go and drops below the horizon for observers in the southern hemisphere.

 Other Neighboring Constellations to Ursa Minor and Polaris are Ursa Major, Draco, Cepheus, Cassiopeia, Camelopardalis, and Gemini.

The Polaris Star System

Polaris is not a single star, but a multiple star system. The main component, Alpha Ursae Minoris Aa, is an evolved yellow supergiant star belonging to the spectral class F7. It is 2,500 times more luminous than the Sun, 4.5 times more massive, and has a radius 46 times that of the Sun. The star is classified as a Cepheid variable, showing pulsations over a period of about four days.

Alpha Ursae Minoris Aa has two companions. The one closer to the supergiant, designated Alpha Ursae Minoris Ab, is a dwarf belonging to the spectral class F7. It lies at an average distance of 17 astronomical units and has an orbital period of about 29.6 years. The star has a highly eccentric orbit that takes it between 27 and 6.7 astronomical units from the primary component.

The star further away from the supergiant, designated Alpha Ursae Minoris B, lies 18 arc seconds away. It is a dwarf star with the stellar classification F3 1.4. It is at least 2,400 astronomical units away from Polaris A and has an orbital period of at least 42,000 years. Polaris B was discovered by William Herschel in 1780. It can be seen in a modest telescope.

Polaris also has two more distant companions, Alpha UMi C and Alpha UMi D. Polaris is the brightest in a small semicircle of stars known as the “Engagement Ring.” The stars lie within a field which is six degrees wide.

Mythology of Polaris

The myths surrounding Polaris have been ingrained in civilizations across known time. It has been aptly named the ‘Lodestar’ and ‘Ship Star’ due to its role in historical navigation. Many myths commonly associate Polaris with qualities such as steadfastness, dependability, and guidance—traits that are often reflected in the astrological interpretations.

Ancient Greeks saw Polaris as tied to the myth of Callisto, turned into a bear and then into a constellation, symbolizing protection.

Nordic traditions linked it to the Norse god Odin and his two ravens, suggesting wisdom and knowledge.

Historically, Polaris has been revered across numerous ancient societies. Often known as the indomitable anchor in the sky, it was a critical navigational aid to voyagers and contributes to its esteemed status today. In many early cultures, it was thought of as the Spiritual Sun, a celestial body that oversees the motion of the heavens and the passage of time.

The Ancient Egyptians aligned their pyramids with the stars, with the North Star serving as a link to the divine.  Native American folklore often referenced Polaris as a chief star, guiding the spiritual journeys of the living and the pathways of the souls of the dead. By recognizing Polaris’s historical significance, you can appreciate its enduring role as more than a mere point in space but a foundation of cultural and spiritual narratives.

Symbolism of Polaris

Fixed Star Nature: Polaris is a fixed star, and in astrology, fixed stars are considered to have enduring and stable influences compared to the more dynamic movements of planets and luminaries.

Navigational Symbolism: Due to its proximity to the North Pole, Polaris has been historically used in navigation as a reliable marker of the northern direction. In astrology, this symbolism can be interpreted as providing guidance or a sense of direction in one’s life.

Stability and Guidance: Polaris is associated with stability and steadfastness. In astrology, individuals with prominent Polaris placements might be seen as having a stable and guiding influence in their lives. They may be perceived as reliable and capable of offering guidance to others.

Influence on Career or Life Path: Some astrologers associate Polaris with one’s life path or career direction. Its stable and guiding nature could be reflected in a person’s sense of purpose or the way they provide direction in their professional endeavors.

Polaris Starseeds & Polarian Souls

Are You A Polarian Starseed?

There are very few Polarians on our Earth. These starseeds are cautious of human beings as they find us unpredictable and sometimes selfish, which are behaviors that don’t exist in their world.

The few Polarians who braved the experience of reincarnating in the human form came to restore balance to our planet and spread the philosophy of unconditional love. Polarion starseed people came to heal our Earth, raise our vibrations, and help us connect with our Highest Self.

These starseeds originate from Polaris, also known as the North Star. Polarians are grounded, enjoy deep conversation, feel a strong connection with all living beings, and value community.

Unlike others starseeds, who may be upfront with their intentions to change our world, Polarians are very low-key even though their mission on Earth is equally important.

Polarian Souls have evolved into fifth dimension beings, and their native home is a highly structured utopia where order, high levels of morality, and integrity are upheld.

In their utopian world, everything is organized to benefit the group or community. Polarians do not resonate with individualism. In their native home, there are several species of humanoids and nordics. Many Polarians have very light, pale, almost translucent skin.

They have almond-shaped eyes, and their pupils, shaped like an inverted teardrop, are typically silver, gold, or blue. Humanoid Polarians also have a silver-gray or very light blonde hair color.

When they incarnate on Earth, Polarians resemble human beings. They reincarnate into any ethnicity and can be light or dark-skinned.

Polarian Starseeds on Earth will vary greatly depending on where fixed star Polaris falls in the natal chart and important planetary conjunctions (which I go over in detail below). In general Polarian Starseeds often embody the following traits.

Polarian Starseed Traits

1: Emotionally sensitive

Polarians feel deeply and believe they are part of something greater than themselves. Because they think and feel deeply, they are more prone to depression, anxiety, and emotional trauma. In relationships, they may be the more emotionally needy partner and may sometimes come off as clingy even though this is not their intention. Polarians thrive in emotionally healthy relationships, especially ones with clear boundaries.

2: Helpful

Polarians are more likely to be the charitable or philanthropic type. They help others easily and will do whatever it takes to alleviate other people’s suffering.They are more likely to be affiliated with causes that work to alleviate poverty, illiteracy, hunger, and conflict.

3: Loyal

These starseeds are loyal to a fault. A Polarian can be an excellent life-long romantic partner and friend. You can always trust them to have your back. They commit easily and genuinely to those they love and will live a life of morality and integrity.

4: Down-to-Earth

Despite being blessed with so many outstanding qualities such as intelligence, beauty, clairvoyance, and humor, Polarian starseeds show a lot of humility. They understand their privilege, but they don’t misuse or take it for granted. Polarian starseed people make for great transformative leaders as they are least likely to exploit their power. Instead, they use their privilege to better the community at large.

5: Humorous

Polarians have a great sense of humor and are generally fun. They don’t take themselves too seriously and prefer a more laid-back approach to life. Even in seemingly difficult situations, they find a way to lighten things up and put a smile on those around them.

6: Clairvoyant

These starseeds come from a higher fifth dimension, making them more spiritually advanced. Polarians who reincarnate on Earth are more likely to report seeing things in other dimensions. For example, many can see and interact with deceased loved ones. The ability to see auras is a big Polarian starseed confirmation (ability is usually activated later in life).

7: Seekers of Knowledge

Despite being highly intelligent, Polarians have an insatiable hunger for knowledge. They read deeply and widely and keep an open mind to learn things they may not know.

8: Deep connection with all living things

Polarians connect so easily with other people. They also love animals and spending time out in nature. In fact, the best way for Polarians to restore their balance is to spend time outdoors, for example, walking in the woods or lying on the grass. These starseeds also love to stargaze to reconnect with their native home.

9: Loving and compassionate

Polarians radiate love and genuine kindness. They extend love to friends, family, and strangers alike. They treat everyone with respect regardless of their age, background, or appearance. Whether you have known them for a day or years, you will feel genuinely loved by the Polarian in your life. People, young and old, are easily drawn to Polarian starseeds, as they are easy to talk to and generally delightful to be around.

10: Ability to Heal & Skilled Quantum Healers

Their ability to see beyond the physical dimension, sense different energy frequencies, and connect to Earth’s cycle makes Polarians more likely to become quantum energy healers and advisers. They often take on the role of therapist, counselor, alchemist or even shaman. Because of their gentle nature and ability to connect with Earth’s energies, a polarian starseed can easily tap into their clients’ energy.

11: Very High Empathy

Polarian starseeds can easily pick up other people’s energy and vibrations. As a starseed empath, they feel others’ pain and difficulties, so they are quick to help make the situation better. On the downside, picking up other people’s vibrations can be mentally and emotionally draining. Polarians deal with this energy overload by spending extended periods alone, making them come off as snobbish or introverted.

12: Interest in creative fields

Polarians tend to be very gifted and talented in creative endeavors such as music, arts, dance, and theater. Their natural intelligence and emotional inclinations make them attracted to these types of activities. Interestingly, these starseeds don’t do art, dance, or music for its sake. Rather, they believe that they can spread the philosophy of unconditional love, balance, and togetherness through the pursuit of creative activities.

13: Feeling disconnected and isolated

Like indigo starseeds, Polarians often feel out of place and find Earth to be a strange place. In their native home, Polaris, they are used to order, morality, and structures that exist for the betterment of the majority.

As we all know, this is not how the human race operates. We tend to be unpredictable and self-centered, and we organize for the interest of the few.This kind of imbalance and exploitative existence is frustrating to Polarians. If they don’t find societies or communities that work toward balance, justice, and equality, they can feel very disconnected from themselves and others.

Polaris Starseed Codes

 Finding Polaris in Your Natal Chart - you can use one of the many free astrology websites like or The Time Passages App to get a free birth chart wheel with the degrees. See if you have any planets, luminaries, or asteroids within 1-2º of Polaris:

28º54' Gemini (Tropical Zodiac)

04º43' Gemini (Sidereal Zodiac)

Most free astrology website default to the modern, western aka "Tropical" zodiac which is based upon the Sun's trajectory across the ecliptic and the solstice and equinox points, not the actual true sky coordinates which are shown with the Sidereal system.

I believe both are important to look at and innerstand. You can always start with the tropical (3D) system and expand into the true sky more (5D) system later.

*Important to note that the planetary placements may change signs, but the fixed stars do not - therefore if you Sun is conjunct Polaris it will be conjunct Polaris in either system - only the degree and sign may change.

If you do have any planets or luminaries conjunct Polaris I have included a detailed outline below of what that may mean for you since this is such a significant star - our North Star!

Polaris Conjunctions

The significations, mythology and galactic history all lend a rich tapestry of symbolism to Polaris in astrology. By borrowing these narratives, us astrologers can offer a more colorful and layered reading of its influence, helping you to discover how its constancy plays into your personal mythology and astrological makeup. The tales woven by our ancestors are not just stories; they’re the threads that connect past wisdom to your present and future self.

Innerstanding the role of Polaris can enlighten you on the fixed stars in your chart that might otherwise be overlooked but still hold potent meanings. It can act as a celestial compass, pointing you towards discovering your true north amidst life’s many crosswinds.

By embracing the light of Polaris in your astrological interpretations, you allow the star’s ancient myths and modern meanings to illuminate your path to self-discovery and personal growth.

Polaris Conjunct Sun:

The Sun represents the core identity and life purpose. A conjunction of Polaris with the Sun may suggest a person with a strong sense of guidance and purpose in life. The individual may feel a deep connection to their inner compass, seeking to align their identity with higher principles or a sense of spiritual direction.

Polaris Conjunct Moon:

The Moon signifies emotions, instincts, and the subconscious. A conjunction with Polaris might indicate a person whose emotional life is guided by a sense of stability and inner direction. The individual may seek emotional fulfillment through a connection to higher ideals or a spiritual path.

Polaris Conjunct Mercury:

Mercury governs communication and intellect. A conjunction with Polaris could suggest a person with a clear and guiding communication style. The individual may excel in expressing ideas that provide direction or guidance to others, perhaps through teaching or mentoring.

Polaris Conjunct Venus:

Venus is associated with love, beauty, and values. A conjunction with Polaris may enhance the person’s appreciation for beauty and harmony. There could be a sense of inner guidance in matters of love and relationships, with a preference for values that align with higher principles.

Polaris Conjunct Mars:

Mars represents energy, drive, and assertiveness. A conjunction with Polaris may suggest a person with a directed and purposeful approach to pursuing goals. The individual may channel Mars’ energy into endeavors that reflect a sense of guidance or a higher purpose.

Polaris Conjunct Jupiter:

Jupiter is linked to expansion, growth, and abundance. A conjunction with Polaris might amplify the person’s aspirations and desire for personal and spiritual growth. There could be a sense of optimism and an inclination to explore and expand one’s horizons in alignment with a guiding philosophy.

Polaris Conjunct Saturn:

Saturn represents discipline, structure, and responsibility. A conjunction with Polaris could indicate a person who approaches life with a sense of responsibility and inner guidance. The individual may build a solid foundation in their endeavors, seeking to align with higher principles.

Polaris Conjunct Uranus:

Uranus is associated with innovation, originality, and sudden change. When conjunct Polaris, there may be a harmonious blending of Polaris’ guiding and stable influence with Uranus’s desire for unconventional and progressive approaches. This conjunction could suggest an individual who brings a unique and guiding touch to their innovative endeavors. The person may be drawn to avant-garde pursuits that align with higher principles or a sense of spiritual direction.

Polaris Conjunct Neptune:

Neptune is linked to spirituality, imagination, and transcendence. A conjunction of Polaris with Neptune may enhance the person’s spiritual and creative capacities. This alignment could indicate someone with a heightened sensitivity to inner guidance, a deep connection to higher ideals, and an ability to channel inspiration in a harmonious way. The person may excel in artistic or spiritual pursuits with a profound and guiding quality.

Polaris Conjunct Pluto:

Pluto represents transformation, power, and regeneration. When conjunct Polaris, there may be a potent combination of Polaris’ guiding nature with Pluto’s transformative intensity. This conjunction could suggest an individual with a powerful drive for spiritual and personal transformation. The person might seek to bring about profound changes in themselves and others, guided by a sense of higher purpose.

Polaris Conjunct Ascendant (Rising Sign):

The Ascendant represents the individual’s outward personality and how they present themselves to the world. Polaris conjunct the Ascendant suggests a person with a stable, guiding, and potentially spiritual or purpose-driven persona. This alignment may enhance the individual’s natural ability to provide guidance and direction to others, making them a stabilizing force in social situations.

Polaris Conjunct Descendant:

The Descendant is associated with partnerships and relationships. Polaris conjunct the Descendant suggests that the person may seek or attract relationships that embody the qualities of stability, guidance, and purpose. There might be a preference for partners who share similar spiritual or guiding values, and relationships may play a role in the person’s journey of personal and spiritual growth.

Polaris Conjunct Midheaven (MC):

The Midheaven is linked to one’s public image, career, and aspirations. Polaris conjunct the Midheaven suggests that the individual’s career path and public image may be strongly influenced by the qualities associated with Polaris. There could be a focus on providing guidance, stability, or a sense of purpose in the public sphere, and the person may seek recognition for their contributions in these areas.

Polaris Conjunct Imum Coeli (IC):

The Imum Coeli is related to one’s roots, home, and family. Polaris conjunct the IC suggests a person with a strong connection between their guiding and familial aspects. There may be an emphasis on creating a stable and purpose-driven home environment. Family dynamics may also be influenced by a shared appreciation for stability, guidance, and spiritual values.

Polaris Conjunct North Node:

The North Node represents the direction of growth and development in an individual’s life. Polaris conjunct the North Node suggests that the person’s path to fulfillment and personal growth may involve the cultivation of qualities associated with Polaris, such as stability, guidance, and a sense of purpose. Pursuing these qualities could align with the person’s karmic path and contribute to their evolving sense of direction.

Polaris Conjunct South Node:

The South Node reflects past experiences and tendencies. Polaris conjunct the South Node indicates that the person has familiarity with the qualities of Polaris from past experiences. While these qualities may have served them well, the lesson is to integrate them into the current life path without becoming overly reliant on familiar patterns. There may be a need to move beyond comfort zones while maintaining a sense of stability and purpose.

Polaris in The Houses

Even if you don't have any placement conjunct Polaris, you can still look to the house that Gemini rules in your natal chart for more information about what area of life for you this Polaris, North Star energy is heightened. It is also very helpful to innerstand the house Polaris occupies if you do have conjunctions in your natal chart to The Pole Star.

Polaris in The 1st House

North Star energy is a big part of who you ARE! The first House is the House of self, the physical body, personality, appearance, self-image, and early environment. Polaris in this house will greatly influence your personality and how others perceive you - you may be a gifted healer and know how to provide stability and guidance to those around you - just make sure you do that for yourself too!

Polaris in The 2nd House

These folks find great value in following their true north and can make a good stable income when they do find and follow their Polarian Mission. This House refers to your own money and possessions, what you value, your hidden talents, sense of self-worth, self-esteem. If Polaris is in your 2nd house, you may be hard on yourself when you lack stability and can learn to embrace higher dimensional values rather than just the material goods.

Polaris in the 3rd House

Polaris in the 3rd house indicates communication is strongly influenced by The North Star. The 3rd house also includes the intellect, the lower mind, thinking patterns, and early education. Communication includes messages, deliveries, phone calls, visits, reading and writing. Many published authors have Polaris in the 3rd house (as well as the 9th and 10th houses).

Polaris in the 4th House

Those with Polaris in this house are tasked with anchoring Polaris energy into their roots, their home, and the earth - they may have also had an upbringing associated with living or visiting more northern latitudes. On a deeper level, the 4th house is the base of consciousness or the center of our concrete existence - very strong indicator of past lives on Polaris, regardless of other placements.

Polaris in the 5th House

Polaris in the 5th often indicates a person's children, hobbies, or romantic pursuits are influenced by the polarian energy of stability, empathy, healing, and unconditional love. The 5th house is all about you being yourself and enjoying it.

Polaris in the 6th House

Those with this placement are influenced by Polaris, their North Star, in daily work and health routines and may even work as some kind of healer, writer, or guide. This placement of Polaris must be mindful to balance time alone with being of service to others due to the propensity to get drained easily.

Polaris in the 7th House

The North Star is a big part of your committed relationships and one of your biggest accomplishments or goals in life could be to find the right partner. The 7th house relationships are about cooperation and sharing, and they generally serve some functional purpose in the larger social community, which is ideal for Polarian Starseeds.

Polaris in the 8th House

The 8th House is one of the most misunderstood Houses. This is probably because the things represented by the 8th House seem to have nothing in common with each other, or they seem to be negative. This House governs death, regeneration, taxes, inheritances, wills & legacies, sex, latent occult ability, joint resources, your partner’s money and possessions, spouse's money, bankruptcy, losses, personal sacrifices, alimony, clairvoyance. Polaris in the 8th house, I have actually seen a lot in the Starseed Readings I've done and these folks are usually incredibly psychic, but are afraid of their gifts. It's almost like their North Star of being fully clairvoyant feels out of reach until they can learn to overcome the fear of the unseen.

Polaris in the 9th House

This is the House of big thoughts and big ideas - The North Star in this house functions quite well because it is so expansive and yet, stable as well. The 9th house "innerstanding" is more complex than 3rd house "knowledge". The act of "knowing" belongs to the 3rd house because it implies simply the direct contact of a person with something in his environment. The 9th house involves the synthesis of known data. Those with this placement are skilled at teaching Polarian ideals and may be gifted writers as well. This placement may also love to travel to northern destinations or vacation in places that feel aligned with their "true north."

Polaris in the 10th House

This is where my natal Polaris lands conjunct my North Node! The 10th House is connected to, honor, prestige, and professional career. It's not about gaining "material stuff" as it is in the 2nd house. The 10th house wants success for the sake of honor.

This House encompasses the most public areas of one's life, and the career that you grow into, as opposed to daily work and odd jobs ruled by the 6th House. Many with Polaris in the 10th make great healers and may even change careers midlife to ensure they are aligned with their "true north" - myself included. Planets in the 10th house, the sign on the cusp of the 10th house, and its ruling planet will greatly influence your career.

Polaris in the 11th House

Finding your people and the communities you feel safe and aligned with is so important to Polaris in the 11th, although sometimes it can be hard to find your tribe. The eleventh House is the House of community, large groups, and friends. It refers to memberships, hopes, goals, ambitions, wishes, social groups, associations, humanitarian interests. It also refers to self-realization, liberty, legislation and regulation. This placement may also have friends that embrace the Polarian Starseed Mission of spreading love and unity.

Polaris in the 12th House

This is probably the most misunderstood house of all. The twelfth House refers to the subconscious, the hidden self that exists apart from our physical everyday reality. This includes the unconscious mind, subconscious memory, subconscious habit patterns from the past, mental illness, karmic debts, self-deception, escapism, spiritual realization, limitations, frustration, and ultimately our self-undoing. Polaris in the 12th may get stuck in hermit mode due to heightened sensitivity and overwhelm and needs to learn how to protect their energy so they can venture out into the world at times.

The Polaris Alignment

Just as a quick reminder Polaris never rises or sets at night, but stays in almost the same position above the northern horizon throughout the year, while other stars appear to circle around it. For observers at the North Pole, the star lies directly overhead. For observers in New York, it stands 41 degrees above the northern horizon, which corresponds to the latitude of the city. For observers at the equator, Polaris sits right on the horizon. The star climbs higher in the sky the farther north you go and drops below the horizon for observers in the southern hemisphere.

For this reason, Polaris is a wonderful star to connect with year round in most latitudes worldwide. It really is always guiding us!

Navigating Life Transitions with Polaris as a Guide

Transitions, whether expected or sudden, often trigger a sense of disorientation. The Polaris Alignment is a wonderful time to re-evaluate where you are heading in life and check and see if you are facing your North Star. If not, Polaris and Polarian Star Guides can help redirect you, offering a sense of direction when you feel lost.

The North Star’s fixed position is particularly resonant during life-changing events, such as:

✨Career changes

✨Major relocations

✨Starting or ending significant relationships

✨Undergoing spiritual awakenings

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