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September 2024 Starseed Astrology: Eclipse Season, Atlantis Activations, & The Gods of Change 5 YEAR Transit!

asteroid astrology astrology starseed astrology Aug 31, 2024

Welcome to September Starseeds!

I keep waiting to be able to say...oh this month is a little less intense, but that is just not the case as we move into September ;-)

We have SO much going on this month including:

*Pluto moving back to 29º Capricorn - the anaretic crisis degree AND the last time Pluto will be in Capricorn before moving back into Aquarius to stay until 2044! Pluto is at 29º Capricorn through November 19, 2024. Any natal planets at 29º in your natal chart are experiencing a Pluto transit - especially cardinal signs (Aries, Cancer, Libra,) which are squaring (challenging) Pluto in Capricorn, earth signs Taurus and Virgo, which are in trine (harmonious), and of course, Capricorn placements in conjunction within 10º of Pluto.

*Uranus stations retrograde on September 1st, inviting us to revisit higher dimensional messages, insights, and to be mindful of our pull to rebel over the next 5 months. Uranus will station direct in January 2025. Uranus is also making another EXACT conjunction to Algol, Medusa's Head this month electrifying the witch wound within us and our abilities to turn horrible traumas into something beautiful, powerful, and protective as we learn to ALCHEMIZE

*My new course Quantum Alchemy goes live on 9/9 - be sure to check it out - it is like 5 courses in one and such a powerful, divinely channeled offering I am thrilled to share with you all - use code: EARLYBIRD for 20% off - through labor day

*We also have a New Moon Conjunct Ursa Major on the 2nd, which kicks off Eclipse Season! This is a perfect time to unlock your Ursa Major Liakish Starseed Codes with this magical Akashic Records Journey. 

Journey into The Akashic Records as we travel to Ursa Major and the paradise planet Liakish. Liakish or Ursa Major Starseeds come from this ancient galaxy with beautiful scenery, huge gardens, forests, jungles, and dazzling waterfalls. Going around the mass of land, is a beautiful ocean of pink. The sky also is pink from their sun and its hours of rising or setting. It is so ancient and many souls came to pass through there in their soul’s beginning, or somehow throughout their journey. Connect with your past/parallel lives in this Akashic Records guided journey, activate dormant soul memories and gifts associated with your Liakish Ursa Major lives.

Eclipse Season kicks off during the early part of September - The Eclipse Portal is OPEN!

*The first eclipse is on September 17th Conjunct Pegasus and Opposite Asteroid Atlantis

PARTIAL LUNAR ECLIPSE FULL SUPER HARVEST MOON September 17th @ 7:34pm PST Conjunct Pegasus & Neptune Pisces 25º Tropical; Pisces 1º Sidereal Moon Conjunct & Sadalbari, Mu Pegasi in Pegasus Constellation Sun Conjunct Asteroid Atlantis Venus Conjunct Spica & Arcturus

Eclipses always bring a wildcard energy to the table. Many areas of life might be building towards closure. It is a time to harvest the fruits of your labor. Take a moment during eclipse season to view your life and the world from a higher vantage point, just like Pegasus would. There is an increased ability to heal karmic wounds from past lives in Atlantis today as well. The Full Moon is a culmination and the promise of fulfillment of that which was started at the Pisces New Moon 6 months ago. During this eclipse, the Moon is square to Jupiter enhancing the extravagant nature of this time, and its harmony with Uranus suggests we’re ready to embrace change and progress. Note that this is the first eclipse of an eclipse set occurring along the Virgo-Pisces axis. As the first in a sign set, this September eclipse can serve as the initial prompt, nudge, or push to make improvements in Virgo- and Pisces-ruled areas of life in our Tropical Zodiac charts.

Get your FREE Eclipse Workbook HERE

Asteroid Atlantis is in opposition to this eclipse and conjunct The Sun. Asteroid Atlantis is associated with past lives and archetypal themes related to this last golden age on Earth before the Great Flood. Atlantis wasn’t just an island, it was a worldwide consciousness focused on mysticism, magic, and a higher vibrational way of life. Atlantis eventually ended due to the misuse of power and this eclipse is urging us to ensure we are being ethical and aligned with our spiritual and magical practices and to heal any karmic debts associated with past/parallel lives during Atlantis, which many of us have.

*We have a few big Atlantis Activations this month, including The Sun's alignment with this past/parallel life asteroid. To make the most of all this POTENT Atlantis Energy for September check out the Akashic Journey to The Crystal Temples of Atlantis

In this fabulous Akashic Records Journey guided meditation, we travel to Ancient Crystal Temples of Atlantis. Relax and receive powerful Atlantean Codes, sacred healing, expansion of consciousness, activate dormant soul gifts, and connect with the lost land of Atlantis and The Halls of Amenti deep within the inner earth where we rediscover together the luminous Atlantean Crystal temples. This is a beautiful resource for anyone wanting to explore their past/parallel life connections to Atlantis.

*Let's not forget the Sun's Alignment with The Super Galactic Center - the black hole between the Milky Way and Andromeda Galaxies - it is the higher octave of the Galactic Center, our home galaxy's black hole and a powerful portal of multidimensional energies will be occurring near the end of the month

Here's an overview of all the Starseed Alignments for September 2024:

Asteroid Astrology for September 2024:

Last, but certainly not least...we have this ONCE IN A LIFETIME transit - The Gods of Change - Uranus, Neptune, & Pluto in a Mini Grand Trine - this aspect is going to be active for the next 5 YEARS!

This is one of the most powerful and transformative transits of most of our lives and it is a harmonious time to make BIG, BOLD, LONG-lasting changes to create and live out our highest timelines!

In astrology, the outer planets are often referred to as the “Gods of Change.” And for damn good reason. When they line up in certain ways, POTENT changes happen!

One well-known example is the world-changing Uranus-Pluto conjunction that occurred throughout the 1960s and early 1970s. Its radical free-love, revolutionary energy deeply changed people and countries everywhere and left us with some of the ideals that seeded many spiritual and conscious communities today. This was the FIRST GENERATION STARSEEDS or First Wave Volunteers as Dolores Cannon refers to this generation.

The potent Uranus-Neptune conjunction was strong from the late 1980s through the late 1990s and coincided with SECOND GENERATION STARSEEDS or Second Wave Volunteers. During this transit, we saw the collapse of the Soviet Union, the end of the Cold War, Klub Kids, and more great life-changing music added to global culture. More equitable societal structures arose around the world. The internet took off. And huge numbers of people started exploring spiritual awakening, holistic health, and alternative spirituality.

These were two-planet combinations. But what’s happening now involves all three outer planets. With the game-changing energies of Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto combined, the effects could be even more transformative!

The Mini Grand Trine
Fortunately, these three intense outer planets are in a harmonious aspect pattern, called a Mini Grand Trine, created entirely from two 60° sextiles and one 120° trine. This can make it easier to create your highest timeline and alignment with divine outcomes.

The transformative potentials of this Mini Grand Trine will remain strong throughout the 2020s. There hasn’t been an alignment of the three outer planets this powerful since the 1770s. 250 years ago, an outer planets Grand Trine coincided with the US Declaration of Independence. AND... we won’t have another outer planets alignment this strong until the 2190s. That’s 170 years from now!

✨✨✨This really is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity!

How will this affect you?
From now through 2029, this transiting “gods of change” aspect pattern will work its way through almost half your natal chart! Any planet or sensitive point between 0 and 9 degrees of any sign, or between 27 and 29 degrees, will be activated AF  by these massive astrological forces. 

For many people, these will be the most impactful astrology transits of their entire life!

To make the best of this extraordinary opportunity, you’ll need to know when the outer planets are stimulating your sensitive natal planets and points. And you’ll need your astrological symbols and archetypes explained in plain English. This will tell you which areas of life to focus on to reap the greatest benefit, and when to do it.

If you'd like to learn more you can book a live 1:1 reading with me HERE

Space is limited for, so get on the calendar today for these magical, life-changing offerings!

Have a magical month of September!


The Starseed Sanctuary

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