☀️Solar Flares, Solar Storms & Earth's Ascension Cycle
Oct 04, 2024
Welcome to Space Weather with Dr. Heather!
I really love weather, especially SPACE WEATHER ;-)
We have been having a very active solar cycle the past few years and it keeps getting even more intense with all of these intense Solar Storms so I am writing this superblog to help you better innerstand Space Weather, Solar Flares, Solar Storms, and why this is such an exciting and important time in Earth's Ascension Cycle.
The geomagnetic storm that occurred this past weekend (May 9-12, 2024) will go down in the record books as the strongest geomagnetic storm since the Halloween Solar Storms of 2003.
Earth has been receiving the impact of solar storms for many centuries. It is not new by any means. What is occurring is the acceleration at which the atmospheric conditions are approaching our whole world. More importantly, the new and ever-evolving vibrational frequency of the energy of our body and our planet.
So let's get into some of the basics and how to work with this energy moving forward as the current Solar Cycle will continue to be active through 2025!
What are Solar Flares?Solar flares are large explosions from the surface of the sun that emit intense bursts of electromagnetic radiation. The intensity of the explosion determines what classification the flare belongs to. The most powerful are X-class flares, followed by M-, C- and B-class; A-class flares are the smallest.
These flares can be visible as bright flashes in a particular region of the sun and can last several minutes. Solar flares occur when magnetic energy builds up in the solar atmosphere and is released suddenly. These outbursts are intrinsically linked to the solar cycle — an approximately 11-year cycle of solar activity driven by the sun's magnetic field.
Solar flares tend to originate from regions of the solar surface that contain sunspots — darker, cooler portions of the solar surface where magnetic fields are particularly strong. As such, the number of sunspots can indicate the likelihood of a solar flare eruption.
Solar activity is on the rise as we experience solar cycle 25. Solar maximum is predicted to occur in 2025 (aka The Great Solar Flash).To find out if there is a solar flare today and to keep up with the latest space weather findings, SpaceWeatherLive.com records the most recent 24 hours of solar X-ray data from the primary GOES-16 satellite and displays such activity in useful graphs along with the percentage chance of different types of solar flares.
These sudden explosions of the electromagnetic energy from the Sun release large amounts of highly magnetized plasma light into solar wind which will result in geomagnetic storm. Plasma is the fourth state of matter after solid, liquid, and gas. All stars are made of plasma, which is a liquid light form of higher vibrational energy than the first three solids. This is why we receive so much energy from the Sun. It is a giver of life.
What are Coronal Mass Ejections?
Coronal mass ejections (CMEs) are large expulsions of plasma and magnetic field from the sun's atmosphere — the corona.
Compared to solar flares — bursts of electromagnetic radiation that travel at the speed of light, reaching Earth in just over 8 minutes — CMEs travel at a more leisurely pace, relatively speaking. At their highest speeds of almost 1,900 miles per second (3,000 kilometers per second), CMEs can reach Earth in about 15 to 18 hours whilst slower CMEs traveling around 155 mi/s (250 km/s) can take several days to arrive, according to the Space Weather Prediction Center of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA).
These relatively slower travel times are useful as they give us more time to prepare for such an arrival. CMEs can wreak havoc with power grids, telecommunication networks and orbiting satellites and expose astronauts to dangerous doses of radiation. Conversely, CMEs are a welcomed visitor for skywatchers worldwide as they can trigger impressive aurora displays that are visible at latitudes beyond their "normal" polar range.
Coronal mass ejections form similarly to solar flares — a result of the twisting and realignment of the sun's magnetic field, known as magnetic reconnection, according to NOAA. When magnetic field lines "tangle" they produce strong localized magnetic fields which can break through the surface of the sun at active regions, subsequently generating CMEs.
Aurora displays are formed when disturbances in Earth's magnetic field funnel ions down towards Earth's poles where they collide with atoms of oxygen and nitrogen in Earth's atmosphere, creating dazzling aurora light shows around the polar regions. In the Northern Hemisphere the phenomenon is called the northern lights (aurora borealis), while in the Southern Hemisphere, it's called the southern lights (aurora australis).
Usually, these dazzling light shows are confined to the polar regions but during large magnetic disturbances — triggered by a CME — auroras can be seen at much lower latitudes than they're normally observed. I hope some of you were lucky enough to see the aurora over the weekend - don't worry if you didn't, there will be many more upcoming opportunities to experience this gorgeous phenomenon.
What are Geomagnetic Storms?A geomagnetic storm is a major disturbance of Earth's magnetosphere that occurs when there is a very efficient exchange of energy from the solar wind into the space environment surrounding Earth. These storms result from variations in the solar wind that produces major changes in the currents, plasmas, and fields in Earth’s magnetosphere. The solar wind conditions that are effective for creating geomagnetic storms are sustained (for several to many hours) periods of high-speed solar wind, and most importantly, a southward directed solar wind magnetic field (opposite the direction of Earth’s field) at the dayside of the magnetosphere. This condition is effective for transferring energy from the solar wind into Earth’s magnetosphere.
The largest storms that result from these conditions are associated with solar coronal mass ejections (CMEs) where a billion tons or so of plasma from the sun, with its embedded magnetic field, arrives at Earth. CMEs typically take several days to arrive at Earth, but have been observed, for some of the most intense storms, to arrive in as short as 18 hours. Another solar wind disturbance that creates conditions favorable to geomagnetic storms is a high-speed solar wind stream (HSS).
Storms also result in intense currents in the magnetosphere, changes in the radiation belts, and changes in the ionosphere, including heating the ionosphere and upper atmosphere region called the thermosphere. In space, a ring of westward current around Earth produces magnetic disturbances on the ground. In addition, there are currents produced in the magnetosphere that follow the magnetic field, called field-aligned currents, and these connect to intense currents in the auroral ionosphere. These auroral currents, called the auroral electrojets, also produce large magnetic disturbances.
Together, all of these currents, and the magnetic deviations they produce on the ground, are used to generate a planetary geomagnetic disturbance index called Kp. This index is the basis for one of the three NOAA Space Weather Scales, the Geomagnetic Storm, or G-Scale, that is used to describe space weather that can disrupt systems on Earth.
During storms, the currents in the ionosphere, as well as the energetic particles that precipitate into the ionosphere add energy in the form of heat that can increase the density and distribution of density in the upper atmosphere, causing extra drag on satellites in low-earth orbit. While the storms create beautiful aurora, they also can disrupt navigation systems such as the Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) and create harmful geomagnetic induced currents (GICs) in the power grid and pipelines.
Physical & Emotional Effects of Increased Solar ActivityRecent research has shown that these geomagnetic storms can have a profound effect on our emotional, mental, spiritual, and physical health. Studies have found that increased anxiety, depression, fatigue, nervousness, and peaks in bipolar disorder often coincide with solar activity.
In recent weeks, many of us have likely sensed a heightened intensity in the energy surrounding us, with frequent and sudden changes. As we attune to these incoming frequencies, physical symptoms such as body aches, headaches, flu-like symptoms, and ringing in the ears may manifest. Additionally, we may experience non-physical symptoms, such as vivid dreams, synchronicities, and disrupted sleep patterns.
The impact of these shifts isn’t limited to the physical or non-physical realm. We may also undergo a wide range of emotional states, which can vary in intensity and duration, and from person to person. Sometimes, we may feel extremely peaceful and content, with heightened motivation, while other times, we may experience irritability, anxiety, impatience, fatigue, or a sense of unease.
These fluctuations in energy and emotions are a reminder of the interconnectedness of all things, and the transformative potential of the Universe. By remaining present and aware, we can learn to navigate the energy shifts with greater ease and grace, and emerge stronger and wiser.
Spiritual & Energetic Effects of Increased Solar ActivityWhen we begin to prioritize our personal growth and spiritual evolution, we may also begin to recognize the harmful and toxic nature of some of our relationships. These relationships may include those with people who constantly drain our energy, criticize us, or try to control and manipulate us.
Furthermore, as we break free from old patterns of behavior during our ascension process, we may find that some of our relationships and friendships are no longer aligned with our new frequency. As a result, some of these relationships may fall away, allowing us to make space for new and healthier connections that align with our current state of being.
Navigating through these shifts can be challenging, but it’s important to remember that we are not alone, and that many others are also experiencing similar changes.As we undergo shifts and changes, we may find ourselves drawn to people or situations that no longer serve us, or that we have outgrown. This is often a result of seeking closure or addressing unresolved issues before moving forward.
We may also discover newfound inner strength and the willpower to effortlessly release anything that is harmful or no longer aligns with our heightened frequency. This includes unhealthy relationships, bad habits, and thought patterns and beliefs that restrict our growth.
As we continue our journey of ascension and raise our frequency, we may begin to attract new, healthier relationship dynamics that align with our new level of consciousness. These relationships may be more supportive, balanced, uplifting, and fulfilling, and may help us continue to grow and evolve.
During the process of ascension, we may experience an increase in our awareness of our triggers and how they impact us. We may discover ourselves feeling triggered more easily and more often, leading to irrational reactions to other people’s behavior or the situations we find ourselves in.This heightened sensitivity may be a result of our energy field becoming more finely attuned to the energies around us, and discerning anything that does not feel authentic or energetically safe. As we awaken to this sensitivity, we can view it as an opportunity to delve deeper into our emotional wounds and work on healing them.
This healing process may require us to confront uncomfortable truths about ourselves and our past. However, this deep work can lead to profound personal growth and transformation, allowing us to release patterns that no longer serve us and come into alignment with our true selves.
By acknowledging and working through our triggers, we can begin to reclaim our power and align with the highest version of ourselves. This work is an essential part of the ascension process, and it helps us to embody the light that we are and to shine that light out into the world.
Spiritually, solar storms can cause a shift in our consciousness, leading to awakenings, heightened intuition, and an increase in empathy. It can also make us more aware of our connection to nature and the Universe, leading to a deeper sense of spirituality and purpose.
Below are some of the most commons symptoms many people notice during solar storms:
☀️Vivid and realistic dreams or nightmares
☀️Intense emotions, such as anxiety and irritability “and mood swings
☀️Heightened intuition and sensitivity
☀️Increased creativity or inspiration
☀️Feelings of being disconnected or out of sync
☀️Unusual or heightened spiritual experiences
☀️Enhanced psychic abilities
☀️Increased creativity or inspiration
☀️Feeling more connected to nature or the universe
☀️Synchronicities, déjà vu,or meaningful coincidences occurring more frequently
☀️Feeling a sense of purpose or clarity about life direction
☀️Unusual or heightened spiritual experiences
☀️Feeling more empathetic or compassionate towards others
☀️Sudden insights and increased clarity
☀️Increased sense of gratitude or appreciation for life
☀️Difficulty sleeping or insomnia
☀️Fatigue or exhaustion
☀️Tension headaches
☀️Nausea or digestive issues
☀️Heightened sensitivity to light or sound
☀️Changes in appetite or food cravings
☀️Unexplained physical pain or discomfort
☀️Memory lapses or forgetfulness
☀️Difficulty concentrating or staying focused
☀️Changes in libido or sexual desire
☀️Feeling disconnected from reality or others
☀️Body aches and pains
☀️Flu-like symptoms
☀️Ear ringing
☀️Craving solitude
☀️Changes in thirst or appetite
☀️Feeling a sense of detachment or disconnection
☀️Feeling a greater sense of unity or oneness with all things
☀️Time seeming to speed up or slow down
☀️Noticing repeated number sequences
☀️Waking at the same time every night, usually between 2:00 to 4:00 a.m.
☀️Feeling a stronger connection to the spiritual realm or higher powers
☀️Knowing things without knowing how or why, and trusting that inner knowing
☀️Increased awareness of patterns and cycles in life
☀️Visions, premonitions, and the ability to predict future events, or knowing instantly when there is great unrest, whether with a loved one, or somewhere in the world
It’s important to note that not everyone experiences these symptoms during solar storms, and others may experience them to varying degrees of intensity.
During periods of energy shifts, our body, mind, and spirit undergo significant changes and adjustments to adapt to the new frequencies and vibrations. As a result, we may experience physical, emotional, and spiritual symptoms that can impact our overall well-being and ability to function. Therefore, it is crucial to prioritize self-care during these times, to ensure that we are in balance and harmony with our environment.
Upgrades, Integration, and Self-CareWe are closing out a seven year cycle in 2024 so we can begin a new phase of our healing, awakening, and ascension process in 2025.
As we enter a new timeline at the end of 2024, the current solar cycle is reaching a threshold. Through the increased solar activities we are receiving higher dimensional lightcodes from Solaris, Earth's Sun, as well as from Sirius, our spiritual Sun, and Alcyone, the main star in The Pleiades and one of our greater central suns.
Intensified solar flares increase the rainbow plasma light into the Earth's ionosphere, magnetosphere, atmosphere, AND into our energy fields as human forms. These are causing transformations at the molecular level, restructuring, recoding, and recalibrating our DNA system and reactivating "junk DNA," which corresponds to our dormant 12 strands of DNA.
BTW...did you see the pictures of the sun i posted on IG this past weekend???As someone who takes pictures of the sun on the regular, I have never seen this much rainbow plasma light radiating off of it! I'm sure you all felt the intensity too over the past week.
#nofilter ✨☀️🌈
This rainbow plasma light holds all the frequencies of energy in the color spectrum, the rainbow rays and the connections these rays have to our galactic ancestors.
We just had more solar flares in the last two weeks than we have had in the last two years. We have also had more intense X-class solar flares in the last two weeks than in the last 20 years, combined with the strongest geomagnetic storm Earth has seen since 2003!
This is bringing massive galactic activations, upgrades, downloads, crown, heart, and solar plexus upgrades, activations of the higher chakras 8-12 (which also correspond to our 12 strands of DNA), resetting of the nervous system, and incredibly powerful lightbody activations.
Through integrating and embodying these high frequencies, we are capable to change the atomic structure of our body from carbon-based to the less dense 5D Crystalline Bridge to the Higher Dimensions. This is an amazing alchemical process of ascending the human body.
As we develop more ability to embody this rainbow plasma light and ascend further, we embody higher states of consciousness, we become aware of our Multidimensional Self, and embody this multidimensionality beyond the linear constructs of time and space. We birth our true authentic self into the physical reality.
This process is obviously an intense transformation, so it is quite normal for our bodies to be exhausted and need extra rest, hydration, compassion, and patience with ourselves.
The majority of the absorption of plasma light occurs at night, so instead of resting at night our bodies are hard at work, in a state of higher consciousness, awareness and alertness, causing us to feel more exhausted and drained as we continue the integration and upgrade process the next few weeks.
Please remember this is a normal, natural process of the human body processing and integrating plasma light. We are ascending further and developing the ability to embody this plasma light and merge with our higher selves. This changes the way we think, feel, act, and create.
Tips for Self-Care During Solar Storms & Major Energy Upgrades:
✨Rest, relax, recharge
✨Tap a long or short nap
✨Take a cleansing salt bath
✨Earthing - put bare feet on the earth, dirt, or grass
✨Hydrate, Hydrate, Hydrate with water and electrolytes
✨Minimize contact with triggering people, places, and things
✨Meditate or do some simple breathwork (4-7-8 technique or simple yogic breathing)
✨Journal about your experiences
✨Minimize or avoid alcohol and drugs
✨Choose alkaline foods
✨Be kind to yourself
✨Spend time alone connecting to your energy
✨Allow yourself to cry and grieve if needed - The lower timelines are falling away and we are able to access more flow, synchronicities, and miracles. It is also normal to grieve before the quantum leap. You are letting go of the old and learning to embrace the new
✨If you do spend time with others make sure they are people you feel safe around
✨Connect to trusted sources with questions - like me and our wonderful community here on Patreon - it's important to ask questions because this process can be overwhelming and confusing - remember you are not alone!
✨Utilize the wonderful library of tools, meditations, and starseed activations available right here on Patreon
How To Thrive in 2024 Through 2025 by Embracing Solar EnergyThis is what I am all about as you all know I LOVE Starseed Alignments. While I have been talking for years about important alignments various fixed stars (aka Starseed Homes) have with The Sun and other planets, this upcoming 18 months is going to be even more spectacular for illuminating the path to higher consciousness and divine connections with our multidimensional selves and star ancestors.
By harnessing the influx of photon rays during the 2024-2025 period, individuals can tap into this reservoir of energy to catalyze personal growth and collective transformation. Through meditation, mindfulness, and acts of kindness, one can align with the vibrational frequency of the fifth dimension, thereby unlocking new realms of consciousness and possibility.
Amidst the upheaval and uncertainty of the solar flares, it is imperative to cultivate inner resilience and spiritual fortitude. By prioritizing spiritual practices during this pivotal period, individuals can transcend limitations, deepen their connection to the divine, and emerge as beacons of light in a world in flux.
Stay tuned for more one-of-a-kind content right here on Patreon to support you on your healing and awakening journey and how to navigate these powerful times.
Thank you so much for being here with me and doing this sacred work!
Much love and gratitude,
The Starseed Sanctuary
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https://www.spaceweatherlive.com/ (I highly recommend getting their free app and email updates)
Solar-Terrestrial Relations, From Solar Activity to Heliobiology: https://link.springer.com/book/10.1007/978-3-031-22548-2
Remember: this post is for informational and entertainment purposes only and may not be the best fit for you and your personal situation. It shall not be construed as medical advice. The information and education provided here is not intended or implied to supplement or replace professional medical treatment, advice, and/or diagnosis. Always check with your own physician or medical professional before trying or implementing any information read here.