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Starseed Origins vs Soul Origin: What's the Difference?

soul origins starseed origins May 04, 2024

What is the difference between Starseed (or Galactic) Origins and Soul Origin?

This is a common question I get asked about so I thought I'd clarify the difference between Starseed Origins and Soul Origin.

There is a big difference between these two concepts and they get misinterpreted and misunderstood frequently.

✨Starseed Origins - refers to your last or most recent incarnations before this earth life. It’s where you came from in the stars, galaxies, and BEYOND. And yes, you have many previous Starseed Origins. We have ALL lived many lives, which includes past/parallel/future lives, earth realm lives, inner earth lives, lives as humans, animals, plants, and anything sentient.

A person's Starseed Origins generally refers to their previous incarnation in the stars or most current star or galactic home prior to the life they are living now on Earth. It is where you came from prior to incarnating on Earth if you are a Starseed or Lightworker soul.

Generally, it is found by looking at the fixed star or fixed stars in the closest conjunction to your Ascendant or Rising sign. I also emphasize a person's Sun and Moon fixed star placements as Starseed Origins because our "big three" in astrology strongly influence who we are and our core energy. 

There are often many other prominent fixed stars in a person's natal star chart in alignment or opposition with planets, luminaries, asteroids, black holes, and the angles of a chart which contribute to a greater inner-standing of a person's soul lineage both in the stars and on Earth. You have multiple Starseed Origins but usually only one Soul Origin.

You can also discover your Starseed Origins through Akashic Records work, however after doing hundreds of Starseed Galactic Origins Astrology readings for clients over the years I have found that looking at the fixed stars conjunct your "Big Three" absolutely confirms Starseed Origins. Akashic Records readings are often needed to discover the soul origin point, although sometimes this shows up in the natal birth chart too.

✨Soul Origins - refers to your original home or soul blueprint also known as your "OG" soul codes or your first incarnation. This is your very first experience as a soul in a form after fragmenting or splitting off from Source Consciousness, also referred to a Prime Creator, God, or The Cosmos.

For example, you could be an Andromedan Starseed (came from Andromeda prior to Earth) but your Soul Origin is Lyran, a dragon, or Arcturian. Another person might be a Virgo Rising, Taurus Sun, and Aquarius Moon meaning their Starseed Origins are Ursa Major, The Pleiades, and Aquila (The Eagle - one of our Avian Star Families), but their Soul Origin is Monoceros (The Unicorn).

Some souls are Starseeds and have come from and originated their soul in the stars, galaxies, or higher dimensions. Other souls are Earthseeds and had their first experience as a soul on Earth. There are many other types of souls and we can cover them all in another post since there are so many ;-)

If you'd like to discover ALL of your Starseed Origins & Soul Origin check out my Stellar Starseed Package - The Most Comprehensive VIP Starseed Package Ever!

You can also book a reading with me HERE for Starseed Astrology or Akashic Records sessions

Thank you for being here doing this sacred WERK with me - I couldn't do it without you!


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