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🕊️The Columba Alignment, Columba Starseeds & Dove Souls

avian starseeds columba dove galactic origins starseed astrology® starseed origins Jun 10, 2024

Columba, The Dove is a small constellation in the Southern Sky and represents one of our Avian Star Families. These Dove Avians and The Columba Alignment is the perfect time to seek peace, divine inspiration, or a closer connection with your family.

Columba, The Dove teaches you how to still your restless spirit and compassionately embrace those you love. In this cosmic article, we dive deeply into Cosmic Columba Dove symbolism, mythology, how to discover your connections to Columba and how this Avian spirit guide can illuminate, calm, and soothe you.

The Columba Constellation

Columba is the 54th constellation in size and is located in the southern sky. Its name means “the dove” in Latin. The constellation’s original name was Columba Noachi, meaning “Noah’s dove.” It was named after the biblical dove that informed Noah that the Great Flood was receding.

The neighboring constellations are Caelum, Canis Major, Lepus, Pictor, and Puppis. Columba can be seen just south of Canis Major (Sirius) and Lepus (Nihal).

The constellation is relatively small and only contains four formally named stars. Columba belongs to the Heavenly Waters family of constellations, along with Carina, Delphinus, Equuleus, Eridanus, Piscis Austrinus, Puppis, Pyxis, and Vela. Columba does not contain any Messier objects. There are no meteor showers associated with the constellation.

The constellation is home to the blue subgiant Phact (Alpha Columbae) and the runaway star Mu Columbae.

Deep Space Objects of Columba

Notable deep sky objects in Columba include the barred spiral galaxy NGC 1808 and the globular cluster NGC 1851.

Columba, The Dove Mythology

Columba represents Noah’s dove. Petrus Plancius created the constellation from the stars located behind Argo Navis, the constellation that represented the Argonauts’ ship and was later split into several smaller constellations. Plancius later renamed Argo Navis to “Noah’s Ark” on a celestial globe of 1613.

In the myth, Noah’s dove is sent from the Ark to see if there is any dry land left after the Great Flood. The bird returns holding an olive branch in its beak, signalling that the flood is receding. In some interpretations, Columba represents the dove sent by the Argonauts between the Clashing Rocks to ensure the Argonauts’ safe passage.

Cross Cultural Dove Symbolism

 With the exception of the Sahara, Antarctica, and the high Arctic, Doves are world citizens. It’s not surprising, therefore, to discover stories about Dove sprinkled around globally. The spiritual meaning of the Dove connects with the era and culture of the historical records examined.

When delving into the spiritual meaning of the Dove, it’s a good practice to think about what it means to you first. Those connections and associations can guide you in using Dove symbolism. For example, say you’ve been blue and perceive Dove as an emblem of hope; you could use the visualization of a Dove in flight during your meditations.

The appearance of Dove is meaningful and often situational. If you have been pondering your path and whether you’re headed the right way, Dove may well be a guardian angel arriving with assurance. Dove Spirit does not lose its way, and when you keep the faith, you too will never wander far from your North Star (which makes sense with The Polaris, North Star Alignment right after Columba!)

While it may not be something you commonly think of as associated with Dove, the spiritual meaning of the Dove can definitely tell you something about your romantic relationship(s) and creating peace and harmony in all other relationships too. The Dove reminds us to be graceful when interacting with the hearts of others.

Leaders and teachers often experience the arrival of Dove during important junctures in their lives. The Dove Animal Ally acts as a reminder to keep one’s words and actions pure and ethical. People are looking to you as a role model. Respect their trust and follow an uplifting moral compass to be of service. 

Doves are often messengers from the other side (as with most all birds and Avian Star Guides). Someone is reaching out to you and watching over you. If you’ve had a departed loved one on your mind, all is well.

Native American Dove symbolic meanings include the Dove representing the meeting grounds between the Earth realm and spiritual worlds. The Dove’s call is a message, often one of possible futures. It is said when Dove comes into your life, you should let go of the things from your past that may be holding you down. Once you let go, the Dove’s peacefulness settles in your heart, and you can move forward. In this sense, the Dove and Columba guides are powerful allies in Timeline Alchemy and Quantum Leaping.

Among the Blackfoot people, Dove is a harbinger of safety in battle. Mexican tribes regard the Dove as a symbol of love and use depictions of Doves in wedding rituals. And among the Pueblo, Dove is a rain bringer.  Dove symbolism in ancient Greece begins with the Goddess of love and renewal, Aphrodite. Period artists often showed her in the company of Doves. Dove had a sacred task to perform, bringing Ambrosia to the Gods and Goddesses (their favorite beverage).

As an interesting side note, the Greek term for Dove (peristera) potentially came from a phrase, which translates as “bird of Ishtar.” There was a defined connection between Aphrodite and Ishtar (Venus) and these dove-related love goddesses.

Illustrations of Aphrodite’s relationship with Doves include marble doves left as votive offerings in the Temple of Aphrodite. Romans took a note out of the Grecian book, attributing the presence of Doves to both Venus and Fortuna.

The Dove, as a Celtic Animal Symbol, was fairly forthright. Deities with healing powers had Images of Doves in their Sacred space. The Celtic people felt that hearing a Dove’s cry meant someone had peacefully transitioned from life to death. This animal spirit also had strong ties with prophetic arts.

Dove Symbolism in Japan begins with a story. In the 3rd century, the Emperor (Ojin) was transformed into a God named Hachiman, the God of war, agriculture, archery, and fishing. It’s said Hachiman used Doves as messengers, and they were his familiar spirits. In art, when you see a Dove carrying a sword, it means the end of conflict and the return of peace.

Dove meaning in China, as with other countries, is as a bird of peace. Dove is the diplomat of harmony between humans and nature and humans with each other. They also had ties to communication in that people used Doves to stay connected to friends and family.

Two Doves together are “love birds,” not simply romantic love but fidelity. It is not surprising to find Dove decorations at weddings and formal engagements.

The Dove in Feng Shui appears in several different applications. Using white Doves specifically opened the path for positive Chi directed at creating new opportunities. Adversity will not overcome their presence.

In a home, the Dove might be placed center-left, promoting love, an enduring marriage, fidelity, and peace. One Chinese story says that the cooing of the Dove soothed the Emperor and his court. And artists often depicted the Goddess of Fertility Sung Tzu Niang Niang, with a Dove on her headdress. If you wish to conceive, Feng Shui suggests putting an image of the Goddess or the Dove in the southwest area of your bed.

Islamic meaning and symbolism for Doves have a strong relationship with religion. It is thought that Muhammad was saved by a pair of Doves and a creative Spider. When hiding in a cave from pursuers, the Spider created a web over the opening, and the Doves made nests on both sides. Those chasing Muhammed would never think he could be in the cave since the web and nests were untouched.

Dove Symbolism

Dove symbolism closely relates to these heavenly birds' natural aptitudes and their appearance across many world cultures' mythologies. The sweet purity of a white Dove has become a symbol of God, Spirit, and hope worldwide. Here is an overview of the symbolic meanings of this sacred animal.

Dove Symbolic Meanings

🕊️Spirit Communication





🕊️Divine Grace

🕊️Maternal Instinct






Dove Dream Sightings

Dove dreams typically mean a time of harmony and peace. They also represent loving, loyal relationships and divine messages. The Dove in your dream is a good omen letting you serenity and good health are on the horizon, along with the end to chaos. If you see a Dove with you in a dream it suggests you have faithful friends. It may also be an invitation to create more peace and harmony in your relationships.

A lone Dove in your dream may mean you’re lonely or feel disappointed in your partner. Many Doves together stress making stronger bonds in groups and your community, or a desire to connect more with like-minded souls. It could even mean you have a strong connection to this Avian Star Family and they are watching over your and supporting you. 

Columba, The Dove as a Spirit Animal or Star Guide

A Dove is very aware in the wild and often uneasy as a result. When Dove Spirit Animal enters your life, Lightworkers and Starseeds may ask themselves if they are feeling out of their comfort zone? If so, determine the source of your uneasiness and seek sacred peace. The Dove calls you toward centeredness – away from the stress of daily noise and movement.

Another message from the Dove Spirit Guide is focused on your close relationships.

Where do problems lie, and how can you smooth out ruffled feathers? Dove does not tolerate cynicism, chaos, or disparagement. Instead, Dove radiates through your inner child with simplicity and pure intent. If someone is robbing you of that innocent joy, it may be time to cut those cords and reclaim your sense of self. While you’re at it, let the Dove guide you in strengthening your ties to Spirit and your higher power.

The Dove Spirit Guide is opening opportunity’s door. If you heed its message, your dreams may manifest far more quickly than anticipated.

Seek out Dove Spirit Guide when you wish to renew peace and love in a situation. Your inner Dove will help your communications and keep them pure – free from anger that wounds rather than heals. Dove energy is very soothing. It reminds us to keep the simple and sublime at the foremost of our relationships.

When working with Dove energy, consider carrying an amethyst, which has a cooperative energy matrix with Dove spirit, giving you greater insight, hopefulness, and a sense of calm so you can attune to that small voice within. Many healers communicate constantly with the Dove Spirit within to renew their souls. The vibrations are like the little light of a firefly, seen clearly on the darkest of days.

Columba Starseeds & Dove Souls

Those born with the stars of Columba prominent in their natal charts are among the most compassionate in the world. It’s as if Dove’s gentle voice is your own, and your youthful outlook on life makes you very easy to be around. Dove people dislike caustic environments, chaos, and ill will. They avoid these, seeking out serenity and opportunity to nurture others instead.

Columba Starseeds and Dove Souls have natural parenting skills be it for a child or a project that needs some coaxing. Diplomacy and wisdom, thy name is Dove. There is a feminine power about you, and many dove people find they have natural prophetic abilities. You can soar between this world and other realms as easily as a 747 jetliner, guided by the ever-sure and honest Dove’s wings.

Columba Starseeds and Dove Soul are lovers, not fighters. They must take care, however, that others do not use that love as a means of manipulation. Because you love purely and sincerely, you hurt likewise so. People will come into your circle and purposefully try and profit from your love. Some folk may not consciously be aware of how their actions impact your reality. While confrontation is definitely not the Dove-born’s gig, this is one instance where you must stand in your truth.

In relationships, you are a one-partner person who builds a nest with great diligence, wishing nothing but warmth, comfort, and safety within. The person you treasure will always know how you feel.

Columba Starseed Codes

If you have any of the stars in the Columba Constellation conjunct your Ascendant, Sun, or Moon that is a clear indicator of Columba Dove Starseed Origins (most recent star home prior to Earth). Also pay close attention to the stars of Columba in conjunction, trine, or opposition to other natal planets, asteroids, lunar nodes and the angles of the chart.

The main star in Columba, Phact is just 2º away from my Venus and North Node! This is one of the Avian Star Families I really love and they often go overlooked with the flashier and more well-known birds homies of Aquila (The Eagle), Cygnus (The Swan), Pavo (The Peacock), Corvus (The Crow), and The Phoenix. Dove Starseeds and souls are gentle messengers and really do just want to create peace on Earth.

Even if you don't have any placements in Gemini or prominent points in your chart activating Columba stars, you can look to the house Gemini rules for more information about what area of your life is most influenced by Columba Dove Energy.

The Columba Alignment

The Columba Alignment is a perfect time to seek or create more peace in your life and out in the world. We really need to create more love and peace right now with all the chaos and suffering going on. The Columba Alignment is a reminder to create peace from within so that frequency may radiate outwards to all beings.

The Columba Alignment is also a wonderful time to seek divine inspiration or closer connection with loved ones. The Dove calls you toward centeredness and radiates through your inner child with pure intent. Let the Columba Alignment and Dove Spirit Guides support your in strengthening your spirit and lightening your heart.

Happy Columba Alignment Starseeds!

Sending you all galaxies of love, peace, and mystical messages from our Avian Star Guides.


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The Starseed Sanctuary®

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3. my professional astrologer software {Sirius} & Akashic Records research

4. Fixed Stars and Constellations in Astrology, Vivian E. Robson


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