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The Corvus Alignment & Corvus Starseeds

avian starseeds corvus corvus starseeds galactic origins starseed alignments starseed astrology Oct 02, 2024

Are you fascinated with Crows?

Do you feel connected to Corvus, The Crow Constellation and not sure why?

Well, you may just be a Corvus Starseed. We can all benefit greatly from The Corvus Alignment that occurs twice a year too. In this Starseed Super Blog I will be covering all things Corvus for you.

The Corvus constellation is located in the southern sky. Its name means “crow” or “raven” in Latin. Corvus constellation represents Apollo’s sacred bird in Greek mythology. Corvus is the 70th constellation in size and is located in the third quadrant of the southern hemisphere. Neighboring constellations are Crater, Hydra, and Virgo.

Corvus contains five names stars (as listed above), Corvus does not contain many deep sky objects, but it is home to a very famous pair of interacting galaxies, the Antennae Galaxies. The Antennae Galaxies show a likely future of the Milky Way and Andromeda Galaxy (M31) when the two collide. Corvus has one star with known planets and contains no Messier objects.

Crow Symbolism 

The mythologies and folktales around the world recount stories of the Crow. The symbolism and meaning is frequently ambivalent and intermixed with Raven. These animal allies are similar, but Crows are different in many ways.

Crows are much smaller and live almost 20 years less than Ravens. So, Crows teach us to pack big things into small packages. Crows are beautiful birds, but like the Raven they often got a “bad rep” for bringing death or malevolent magic on their wings.

The Crow (and corresponding Avian Star Family of Corvus) is not one of gloom, but rather the power of foresight to those who work with it. Diviners, seers and sages alike believe that Crow spirit can see throughout time and past the veils into spaces and places often hid to humans.

Shamans, Starseeds, and Healers alike tell us that Crows are masters of shape shifting. This is not simply physical, however, it’s energetic. The Crow teaches you how to mold your aura, your power into the shape that supports manifestation.

One way to tap train your energy, aura, vibration, mindset, emotions to ‘shapeshift' is by watching the Crow in the wild and physically mimicking their behavior. Try this as a moving meditation that brings you closer to the mysteries that Crow carries. Is it any wonder that Crow ranks among the most popular totem animals throughout Shamanic traditions?

One of the important messages of The Crow as an animal spirit guide and Corvus as a Starseed Guide is not to fear change. All of us have shadows in our lives that need purging. That deep transformation isn’t easy, so the Crow steps in to support your effort with greater insights. When you need that “higher perspective” call on the Crow for aid.

Another important element to the Crow is its voice. This bird uses its voice to warn other members of is tribe, even those far away. In this sense, the Crow gives your spirit the gift of watchfulness, both physical and psychic, and the ability to protect those you love as a result.

The Corvus Alignment

Astrological alignments are incredibly useful when you are trying to connect with your Starseed Guides, or in this case receive messages from the cosmic crow, Corvus.

When the Sun and the Earth are in line with a star system, it is easier to connect with a Starseed Spirit Guide or cosmic ancestor from that Galactic Home.

During the Conjunct or Direct Corvus Alignment in October, The Sun is Conjunct or in direct alignment with The Corvus Star System and The Corvus Stargate. On these days, Corvus Stars will appear to be behind the Sun, so wherever the Sun is in the sky, that’s where you’ll find Corvus.

It is best to meditate in the daytime during ALL Direct or conjunct Starseed Alignments to optimize your results. I like to meditate when the sun (and therefore Corvus in this example) is directly above my head or when I am watching the sun set or rise.

If you meditate when the sun is directly overhead, focus on your crown chakra during the meditation. If you meditate while you are watching the sun set or rise, focus on your third eye.

You are literally absorbing lightcodes through the Sun from the star system you are focusing on during the direct alignments and, therefore, may experience powerful connections to those star guides, energy upgrades, and/or activations of dormant soul gifts pertaining to that star system or starchetype (Archetype of that Galactic Family).

During the opposite alignment in April, Corvus will be in direct opposition with the sun and more visible in the night sky depending on your latitude. Also, please note these dates correspond to the Northern Hemisphere and will be reversed for our friends below the equator. 

How to Utilize The Corvus Alignment

The Corvus Alignment is perfect for spell work, shadow work, connecting to the liminal, embracing the void, and to see profound truths. The Corvus Alignment can teach you how to mold your aura into the shape that supports manifestation. Enjoy watching Crows in the wild and physically mimicking their behavior as referenced above. Try this as a moving meditation that brings you closer to the mysteries that Crow carries. Corvus Guides remind us not to fear change. All of us have shadows in our lives that need purging. That deep transformation isn’t easy, so the Crow steps in to support our effort with greater insights.

A Quick Note About Starseed Origins

It’s important to know that everybody has Starseed Alignments and conjunctions to fixed stars in their natal birth chart. However, not everybody is currently incarnated to awaken to their Starseed journey and purpose. Technically speaking, we are all Starseeds of different soul origins but not all of us feel the influence of the Starseed Mission due to the fact that we did not all incarnate to undergo our spiritual awakening/soul mission and purpose in this lifetime.

We all have a purpose in life whether it’s adding on to our incarnation cycle to further soul evolvement or undergoing a spiritual awakening meaning this is now intended to be your last incarnation you will make in the physical form.

Most websites claim that you have to be born under a specific sign or astrological element in order to be certain Starseed Origins which is NOT TRUE. Your Starseed Origins are found within your astrological constellation markers/fixed stars in your birth chart.

Starseeds are advanced galactic souls that originated on various star systems, planets, galaxies, and even other dimensions prior to coming to Earth. Starseeds on Earth are having a human experience as a celestial light source of consciousness from ALL of their previous star homes (not just one or two, but dozens), representing the expanded extraterrestrial consciousness and capacities to hold greater missions on Earth not defined by human limitations.

If you are reading this and drawn to this concept, you are most likely a Starseed - whether you know your previous star homes or not. This website is a wonderful resource for you to explore the galactic families with whom you resonate. 

Corvus Starseeds

Corvus starseeds are quite rare here on Earth and their traits and characteristics will vary depending on where the stars of Corvus fall in their star charts and each soul's unique mission. A Corvus Starseed is a soul whose comes from a recent lifetime or incarnation in the Corvus Star System. A Corvus Soul or Crow Soul Origin is a soul's first incarnation after splitting from Source Consciousness. We have MANY Starseed Origins, but only ONE Soul Origin.

Both Corvus Starseeds and Crow Souls generally embody similar traits:

✨Highly psychic
✨Emotionally empathic
✨Heavily associated with the unknown, the void, the liminal Bardo space between realms
✨Incarnate to help others awaken
✨Very sensible & practical souls
✨Messengers between realms
✨Embodiments of knowledge & change
✨Very maternal, yet chaotic
✨Incapable of fitting into a label, due to being unlike any other starseed
✨Excellent healers, death doulas, shaman
✨Naturally talented at magical practices and herbalism
✨They are messengers between realms, gathering knowledge to assist and teach others

✨Easily cluttered, mentally emotionally, & energetically
✨Important to not try to do too much or multitask
✨Need to take breaks to declutter
✨May receive negativity for being true to themselves
✨More likely to be accompanied by spirits; the dead, ancestral, or galactic beings as well.

✨They are embodiments of knowledge and change

✨Strong connection to both The Corvus Constellation/Star System and Hydra (The Water Serpent) This connection will be felt regardless if there are no direct constellation alignments to Hydra present, and vice versa.

✨Mystic Rectangle: The rare Mystic Rectangle is the mark of Corvus and makes up the Corvus Constellation. It’s also considered a marking of a Hydra Starseed, and many Hydra Starseeds have a Mystic Rectangle in their astrological birth chart. Many wonder why this rectangle is generally so rare to have, and that’s due to the fact that Corvus and Hydra Starseeds are rare and do not incarnate often. Hydra and Corvus Starseeds are incarnated to undergo a soul/karmic/twin flame journey therefore these two souls usually have direct alignments to either Hydra or Corvus (possibly both). As far as Mystic Rectangle’s go, it can go either way. Corvus rides Hydra’s back in the night sky and they are overall connected to one another. Constellation wise, and throughout history.



Corvus Starseed Codes

Get your natal birth chart and see if you have any of the stars of Corvus conjunct or in opposition to any planets, luminaries or asteroids.  If you don't have your birth chart wheel with the degrees you can get a free one at  or The Time Passages App are great resources. 

There are many indicators of Corvus Starseed Origins in the natal chart and your affinity to this star family.  If you are interested in getting a customized Starseed Astrology Reading with me please check out my booking site HERE

You can also Watch The Corvus Starseed Super Session on YouTube to learn even more about Corvus Starseeds HERE

- Happy Corvus Alignment!


The Starseed Sanctuary

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The Constellation Guide:

Brady's Book of Fixed Stars, by Bernadette Brady


Disclaimer: this blog is for informational and entertainment purposes only. It shall not be construed as medical advice. The information and education provided here is not intended or implied to supplement or replace professional medical treatment, advice, and/or diagnosis. Always check with your own physician or medical professional before trying or implementing any information read here.

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