The Magic of Mintaka: Discover Your Cosmic Connections to The Original Lightworkers
Jun 12, 2024
We are in the middle of The Orion Alignment this June as the giant star system of Orion aligns with the Sun. I have written extensively about The Orion Alignment in previous years and The Orion Starseed Super Session is available to everyone to watch on YouTube HERE
This year I wanted to focus in more on the most magical of stars in Orion's Belt, the galactic glitter oceans of the paradise planet of Mintaka, and The Mintakans - The OG Lightworkers!
Orion’s Belt is a prominent asterism formed by three stars in the constellation Orion. The three bright blue stars – Alnitak, Alnilam, and Mintaka – outline the belt in the constellation figure of the celestial Hunter. Appearing as three stars in a row, Orion’s Belt stars lie more than 1,000 light-years away and are among the brightest stars in the sky.
Mintaka (Delta Orionis), sometimes called 'Al Mintaka,' is the name of a star in the constellation of Orion; it's name in Arabic translates to "belt." In the Northern Hemisphere it is the upper star in the Belt of Orion. It is also the brightest star in the Belt of Orion. It is about 900 light years away from earth.
Mintaka actually is a 'multiple star' and consists of 4 different stars. The main component itself consists of a close binary system, which has a third, distant, companion. A fourth star is located in between the binary system and the distant companion. There are a number of exoplanets orbiting the star of Mintaka, but in general we refer to this entire star system as simply - Mintaka.
Mintaka is a doorway to other Universes. It is the home for higher dimensional entities, both physical and non-physical. In Galactic Mythology many refer to Mintaka as EL (short for Elohim and one of the most ancient multidimensional beings as they are very close to Source Consciousness).
EL also refers to the inhabitants of Mintaka. Most of the EL's ascended a very long time ago. Some of them have remained in the physical realms to merge with other species, thus forming hybrid EL's. Hybrid EL's are mainly found on Mintaka itself, on Arcturus, AN (Alnilam) and RA (Alnitak). There are some on Earth too. Mintaka is a sister star system to Arcturus.
The EL energy alignment (aka The Mintaka Alignment) is empowered knowledge, the Higher Mind, the Dreamer, and Free Will. Interestingly, Mintaka is the star from which J.J. Hurtak received 'The keys of Enoch.'
One signification of the ELs is their ability to perceive with one mind. They have the ability to draw their energies together into the collective unconscious or group mind in order to see as One.
The ELs have long been the knowers of the Great Mysteries. They have tremendous intelligence as well as full access into the Akashic Libraries. The ELs were extremely active in the time of Atlantis and Lemuria. They have often served on this Earth in positions of leadership and power. The Cyclops were early forerunners of the ELs. The color of the EL emanation is blue. It is aligned with the energy of Isis.
There also is group or mass consciousness from the Orion System, that is called the EL-consciousness. In fact, this EL consciousness, could very well be what Lyssa Royal describes as "the Orion Mass Consciousness - the non-physical aspect of Orion that operates from a sense of unity and integration."
***Note that there actually are several extraterrestrial races that are referred to as the 'ELs' or 'Elohim':
*there are the real founders / the original Elohim or ELs,
*then there is the Orion Mass consciousness,
*there are the hybrid ELs (which also originated from the founders)...
*Then there are their allies that were given the same name.
*And last but not least, there are the Frauds: the self declared founders, of reptilian origin that use deception tactics - be cautious and always protect your energy from false light beings.
The real Mintakan Light Beings have a gentle and loving energy and will never make you feel unsafe, uncomfortable, or offer false promises. They respect free will and because they are in such a higher dimension (7th - 12th), they rarely interact on the 3rd or 4th density as it is very hard for them to exist in the lower realms.
Mintaka Starseeds Originate from this magical star in Orion's Belt and often have had one of their most recent incarnations there. Some Souls are Mintakan in Origin, meaning this was their original star home - although these are quite rare, I have seen a few in the hundreds of Starseed Galactic Origins & Akashic Records readings I have done.
Mintaka is a utopian water world but their waters were less dense than the ones we have on earth. It is said to be airier in texture and are more crystal clear because the density allows light to transmit to it a lot easier. Mintakans mostly lived underwater. They swam up for air from time to time but they could go without it for up to three days.
The Mintakan's as mentioned previously have several different exoplanets that orbit their star of Mintaka. Most of their planets are simply gorgeous, perfect, paradises filled with love and light.
There are many sources online that say Mintaka was destroyed during the Orion Wars by negative groups of extraterrestrials, however, that is not actually true. It's weird, because I used to believe this too before I actually visited Mintaka through my method of multidimensional travel, which is much safer than astral projection. I have also connected with Mintaka in The Galactic Akashic Records and have found that their paradise planets and worlds are alive and well.
Perhaps that destruction timeline has been repaired and they continue to exist in a higher dimensional frequency. They are that powerful so anything is possible!
I have very strong connections to Mintaka myself as my Venus is closely conjunct this star - one of my more recent star homes too!
There is so much flim flam in the spiritual communities that we can often get confused and information gets spread without actually doing the research or deeper spiritual work to confirm what we have heard or read. You can imagine how heartbreaking it could be to a Mintakan Starseed on Earth to hear that their home doesn't exist anymore. This is why many Mintakan Starseeds feel a sense of homesickness and feel drawn to live near beaches. I want to ensure you, that you can return to your star home in hopes it will empower you to not lose hope and fulfill your mission here on Earth.
Mintaka Starseeds generally embody the following traits, although your expression of Mintakan Energy will vary widely depending on planetary conjunctions and the house that Mintaka occupies in your natal star chart.
✨You are drawn to water
✨You love visiting or daydreaming about places that are abundant in bodies of water such as Hawaii, Tahiti, and The Maldives - to name a few
✨You may love to swim especially on beaches with white sand and crystal clear waters because it resembles your true home
✨You have a positive outlook on life
✨You came from a planet that is full of love and light, that’s why you have trouble understanding negativity
✨You see the good in people
✨You have trouble seeing people’s true intentions because you have rose-tinted glasses on
✨You identify with The Lightworker Archetype - Mintakans are full of love and compassion and so you like to support and uplift everyone around you - Mintakan are the Original Lightworkers afterall!
✨You end up getting taken advantage of, hurt, or disappointed by people
✨Negative people did not exist in Mintaka. Betrayal and bad intentions are foreign concepts to you
✨You have to learn to set boundaries if you still haven’t, and realize that not all people have the same heart as you
✨You end up getting drained
✨You are naturally a giver and have the tendency to help people who aren’t really willing to help themselves and so, you end up getting exhausted
✨You feel isolated at times - It could be hard, especially in the early parts of your life, to find people of the same energy as you (most Starseeds experience this)
✨You love learning new things
✨Mintakans are free spirits and they like to direct their energies on things that spark joy
✨While other people try to establish their careers, you have a lot of passions and may have trouble focusing on one thing
✨You are very curious and you find joy in learning new things. This gives your life variety and meaning
✨You like living in the moment, but because of society, you might be having trouble living in the moment. Fear and anxiety often fill your days. As Mintaka Starseeds awaken, they figure out that the present moment is all they ever want to live in.
✨You are highly empathic
✨You can be controlling. Mintakans come from a planet that is so perfect and organized so we may try to replicate that in this chaotic planet. This desire for perfectionism might come across as controlling to other people. We have to be mindful of this as Mintakan Starseeds
✨You have the potential to be a leader or someone with great influence
✨You have strong opinions because you’re functioning on a higher level of consciousness and you might feel like you have a big mission to influence people
✨You don’t really like technology. You don’t enjoy technology as much as your peers and would rather spend time with nature. You hate it when people are always on their phones and you might even be compelled to get off social media or take regular breaks from "the matrix"
✨You believe in the power of natural herbs
✨Mintakans have a deep connection with nature and are aware of its healing properties
✨You don’t really trust big pharma medicines and might even feel like your body rejects it
✨You are drawn to studying and making your own natural remedies
✨You love Mermaids, Mer Beings, Aquatic animals like whales, dolphins, and fish. It is said that the image of mermaids in the collective subconscious is rooted from the appearance of Mintakans
Do you have any planets, luminaries or asteroids in your natal chart conjunct with Mintaka? Also pay attention to oppositions (planets around 22º Sagittarius (Tropical) or trine (planets around 22º Aquarius or Libra).
These are all strong indicators of connections to Mintaka!
What house does Mintaka occupy in your chart?
That will be either the house Gemini rules (Tropical) or Taurus (Sidereal). You can look to both and integrate the two or just pick one zodiac system that you resonate with more to keep it simply for starters.
The House placement will give you insight into your Mintakan Lightworker gifts and what area of your life they are expressed through.
The dates below refer to Starseed Alignments for The Northern Hemisphere. If you are located in The Southern Hemisphere The Conjunct Alignments will be Opposite and Vice Versa. Also, dates will vary slightly year to year depending on your location.
Each star and star system has its own unique energy and ability to help guide us as we continue our multidimensional journey through this lifetime and the omniverse. Astrological alignments are incredibly useful when you are trying to connect with your starseed guides and align your soul with the cosmos above us for greater spiritual insight. Starseed Alignments also help us raise our personal energetic frequency and the collective energies on planet Earth.
When the sun and the earth are in line with a star system, it is easier to connect with a starseed spirit guide or cosmic ancestor from that Galactic Home. For example, if you wanted to connect with a Mintakan guide, you could attempt to do so with greater ease during the one of The Mintakan Alignments that we have every year.
During the Conjunct or Direct Mintakan Alignment in June, The Sun is Conjunct or in direct alignment with The Orion Star System. On these days, Mintaka will appear to be behind the sun, so wherever the sun is in the sky, that’s where you’ll find Mintaka and Orion.
It is best to meditate in the daytime during ALL Direct or conjunct Starseed Alignments to optimize your results. I like to meditate when the sun (and therefore Mintaka in this example) is directly above my head or when I am watching the sun set or rise. If you meditate when the sun is directly overhead, focus on your crown chakra during the meditation. If you meditate while you are watching the sun set or rise, focus on your third eye.
You are literally absorbing lightcodes through the sun from the star system you are focusing on during the direct alignments and, therefore, may experience powerful connections to those star guides, energy upgrades, and/or activations of dormant soul gifts pertaining to that star system or starchetype (Archetype of that Galactic Family).
During the Opposite Starseed Alignments that happen six months later, The Star System of choice will be opposite the Sun and visible in the night sky. During this time, meditation generally occurs at night under the stars for optimal results.
The opposite Starseed Alignments are wonderful times for integrating karmic lessons associated with that Star System, Quantum Healing related to that Galactic Family, and dissolving any blocks that may be related to past/parallel/future lives in those star systems. For opposite Starseed Alignments and night time meditations, Locate the Star System in the night sky (you can use an app like Nightsky or similar) and orientate yourself so that the star System is either directly above your head or so that you are facing the star system as it rises above the horizon around sunset.
*Please note, that these are general recommendations. You can adjust these recommendations to best suit you and the starseed guides with whom you wish to connect.
**It is also important to note that you can connect to your starseed guides or other spirit guides any day of the year; you don't have to wait for Starseed alignments to happen on the cosmic calendar. However, during Starseed Alignments the energies are more heightened and you may find you can connect more fully or get more powerful messages, healing and awakening during those times.
Happy Mintaka Alignment Starseeds!
The Starseed Sanctuary
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