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The Monoceros Alignment: Discover Your Unicorn Soul Codes

galactic origins monoceros starseed astrology® starseed origins unicorn souls unicorns Jun 25, 2024

The Unicorn existed a long time ago, in ancient history. They were horses, made by a very specific race, from The Monoceros constellation, who saw a majestic light within the spirit of the horse. They thought by adding more magical power to them that they would guide the world into peace.

The Unicorns are connected to the Lemurians and Atlanteans. The Unicorns roamed freely even before Atlantis had been built in Lemuria. Since Unicorn roamed the earth, the energy could help in infusing some of the in between leylines. It was all streaming from the points of the structures, and the Unicorn horns.

As a result, many Monoceros Starseeds are excellent grid workers and can activate many of their psychic abilities by visiting sacred sites like Stonehenge or Mount Shasta, where powerful leylines and energy portal and vortices exist. Monoceros Starseeds also have an active, even overactive third eye chakra so it is important to practice grounding into the lower chakras. Unicorns were so sought after for their magical wisdom, and power, for their horns. It was said, that anyone bearing the horn of a Unicorn, would be the world’s best magician. Many, in their conquest for power, chased after the Unicorn. They had to run away and hide in forests that they placed a protective barrier around.

The protective screen that the Unicorn and fairies made in the old forests here though, were why people called them “Enchanted Forests”. It was magical, and there was a great force felt there. Many animals and spiritual beings would gather there for protection and for the pure energy to help them thrive. The Unicorn are wonderful beings, peaceful, and silent. 

They telepathically spoke, and always saw deeper into any person's soul. That is one of the reasons that they would run from some humans. They could see the intention of their arrival to the forest. Sometimes, the magic there, would later after chasing the Unicorn pointlessly, cause the hunters to wander the forest in circles, confused, and bewildered. Later, they would “come out of it”, and forget the whole thing until returning home, but the location would have been cloaked. They could not return. Others only found the unicorn in listening to the tales of hunter’s attempts, and giving it a try themselves.

Unicorns found their home in the fairy world, but later gained a realm of their own in higher dimensions. They are very similar to angels who are guardians of the magical planes of existence. They still dwell in the fairy world, but rather than the fairies who love nuts, berries, and blossoms, the unicorns needed crystals for energy. So, strong crystals were brought up out of the realm, for them to use for fueling their life force.

The Unicorns are said to be one of the holders of innocence, they have been the topic of a lot of folklore, fairy tales, movies, and books. However, channeling a Unicorn is nothing like any other spirit. There are very distinct things that happen when one does. Very specific, and very unique. There is no confusing it. There is one huge epic thing that happens - a remembrance of our original innocence and light-heartedness. For this reason, working with Monoceros Unicorn Star Guides or Unicorn Power Animals is incredibly healing for our inner child. I love the spirit of the Unicorn.

The original Unicorn beings on Earth were created from the mixing the DNA, of galactic beings from Perseus, the Monoceros people, and horses native to Earth, when they had visited Earth in Lemuria. This led to the creation of not only Unicorn, but Centaur as well. There were many types of Unicorns that were made and they stretched out into the four corners of the Earth. When the fall of Lemuria and Atlantis started to go down, the star races from Perseus and Monoceros, took a few of the Unicorns out of this planet with them, to go and populate other worlds beyond.

As Unicorn became extinct on Earth, they took residence in another plane spiritually, and safely existed there. In their realm, they resided too, over nature. Natives and Indigenous cultures of Earth post-Atlantis were very much connected to Nature spirits and elementals like The Unicorn. They felt the connection to the Earth, as the Star People, taught them much about how they were made of the dust of the Earth. They revered the beings of the Stars, as they would visit secretly now and then when they could transmute a message, usually holographic or telepathically. The Hopi Indians were the ones to document this the most.


Get out your natal star chart and see if you have any planets, luminaries, or asteroids within 1-2º of the fixed stars of The Monoceros Unicorn Constellation. Alignments with your big three - Sun, Moon, Rising/Ascendant and/or Mercury, Venus, and Mars indicate Monoceros Starseed Origins - more recent incarnations associated with The Unicorn. Further out alignments indicate more ancient incarnations. A Unicorn Soul is someone whose very first incarnation after fragmenting from Source was a Unicorn; this is most easily confirmed in accessing your Akashic Records.

You can also look to the house that Monoceros rules in your star chart to discover what area of life is most influenced by the magic of Unicorn Elementals and Monoceros Star Guides.

Monoceros Starseeds and Unicorn Souls will vary widely in their characteristics, personalities, and magical abilities depending on their past, parallel, and current life experiences - as well as the placements of the stars of Monoceros in a person's star chart. You can probably imagine that someone with a Monoceros Mars would behave differently than a Monoceros Moon Starseed. However, in general Monoceros Starseeds and Unicorn Souls often embody these traits:

🦄 An Affinity for Unicorns, oftentimes since childhood

🦄 Active or overactive third eye

🦄 Clairvoyant from an early age - this can be mistaken for anxiety or paranoia until person learns how to use this gift for their highest good

🦄 Strong connection to nature, especially forests and waterfalls

🦄 Gentle, nurturing, and very loving energy

🦄 Tendency to be more quiet and introverted

🦄 Needs more alone time than most to recharge their energy

🦄 Loves crystals and other magical tools

🦄 Avid readers, especially esoteric, fantasy, and occult topics

🦄 Others may take advantage of these souls as they have a purity and innocence about them - so they must be very cautious who they allow into their lives and practice discernment

🦄 Excellent energy healers and gardners

🦄 Skillful gridworkers and may be drawn to places with powerful leylines and vortices

🦄 Working with the land, healing, and energetically clearing the grids helps activate their magical gifts and abilities

🦄 Powerful messages are often received and/or quantum leaps occur for these souls during the Monoceros Alignments in June/July and December/January


Sun Conjunct Monoceros (The Unicorn) June 25th – July 28th

Sun Conjunct Gamma Monoceri - June 26th

Sun Conjunct Epsilon Monoceri - June 28th

Sun Conjunct Beta Monoceri - June 30th

Sun Conjunct Plaskett’s Star - July 2nd

Sun Conjunct Delta Monoceri - July 11th

Sun Conjunct Alpha Monoceri - July 21st – 22nd

Sun Conjunct Zeta Monoceri - July 28th

The Monoceros Star System alignment with the Sun is a great time to absorb some light codes from the Sun on your crown or third eye chakra. The Sun amplifies the energy of the stars and constellations it is in alignment with and you can receive energy upgrades and may find it is easier to connect with Unicorn Guides or Star Family on these days. 

Sun Opposite Monoceros December 25th - January 28th

The opposite alignment with Monoceros means this star system is more visible in the night sky and these dates are perfect for stargazing and absorbing some star codes. Whereas direct or conjunct alignments with the Sun amplify and activate, the opposite alignments are wonderful times for past/parallel life healing, shadow work, and resolving any karmic knots from lives as a Unicorn or elemental. 

*Please note these dates correspond to The Northern Hemisphere and will be opposite if you are located below the equator. Dates slightly vary year to year, however the fixed stars only move 1º every 72 years, so these locations are generally accurate for most of our lifespans. 

Enjoy this extra magical Starseed Alignment!


Want to learn more about your Galactic Origins? You can book a reading with me HERE

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