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The Orion Alignment & Orion Starseeds

galactic origins orion orion starseeds starseed alignments Jun 06, 2024

The Orion Constellation is named for the Greek god Orion, that seems to get himself into trouble often. There are different versions of his myth, but Orion does something to tick off the gods and he is killed with his soul sent out into the night sky. He becomes the Orion constellation. He chases The Pleiades system. Orion is a hunter and warrior. This theme seems to travel across cultural boundaries and may explain some Orion starseed traits.

The Orion Star System is huge with a diverse range of different galactic families and beings. There is a very polarized energy throughout the Orion constellation that is like Earth. Orion consists of Draconians, Greys, Avians, Hybrids, and Aquatic Star Beings. I will briefly mention two of the galactic civilizations on Orion so you can get an idea of the variation there.

One Orion civilization is Bellatrix. The Bellatrix civilization was mostly female and made up of warriors, known for their hunting abilities. Then the Mintakan civilization in Orion is mainly made up of water. Mintakans came to earth ages ago and were the origins of mermaids. During the Orion Wars, the peaceful Mintakan society was destroyed and many of the Mintakans dispersed throughout the Universe or came to Earth to incarnate as whales and dolphins.

The Orion Star System houses some of the most well-known deep space objects, including The Great Orion Nebula, The Horsehead Nebula, Barnard's Loop, and my personal favs The Running Man Nebula and The Witch's Head Nebula.

If you LOVE nebulae as much as I do be sure to watch The NebuLOVE webinar HERE

Orion Starseeds

Orion Starseeds can struggle with polarization. They may have to work on overcoming all-or-nothing thinking and embrace non-duality as part of their soul mission. Orion Starseeds are highly intelligent and are here to bring in the violet white ray of light to help earth ascend into a higher dimension. They often have violet, indigo, or blue and yellowish auras and are here to bring balance and light to the earth with their original soul blueprint. Connect with Orion energy to heal polarization with the violet or indigo flame during this alignment.

Sun Conjunct Orion June 7th – 20th
Sun conjunct Rigel June 8th
Sun Conjunct Bellatrix June 12th
Sun Conjunct Mintaka in Orion’s Belt June 13th
Sun Conjunct Alnilam in Orion’s Belt June 14th
Sun Conjunct Meissa June 15th
Sun Conjunct Alnitak in Orion’s Belt June 16th
Sun Conjunct Saiph June 17th
Sun Conjunct Betelgeuse June 20th

The Orion Alignment in December occurs when Orion is Opposite The Sun: December 7th - 20th and will be more visible in the night sky at this time - great for stargazing as The Orion's Belt asterism is very easy to find even in light-polluted areas. 

*Dates are for the Northern Hemisphere

Each star and star system has its own unique energy and ability to help guide us as we continue our multidimensional journey through this lifetime and the omniverse.

Astrological alignments are incredibly useful when you are trying to connect with your starseed guides and align your soul with the cosmos above us for greater spiritual insight. Starseed Alignments also help us raise our personal energetic frequency and the collective energies on planet Earth.

It is best to meditate in the daytime during ALL Direct or conjunct Starseed Alignments to optimize your results. I like to meditate when the sun (and therefore Orion in this example) is directly above my head or when I am watching the sun set or rise.

If you meditate when the sun is directly overhead, focus on your crown chakra during the meditation. If you meditate while you are watching the sun set or rise, focus on your third eye.

You are literally absorbing lightcodes through the sun from the star system you are focusing on during the direct alignments and, therefore, may experience powerful connections to those star guides, energy upgrades, and/or activations of dormant soul gifts pertaining to that star system or starchetype (Archetype of that Galactic Family).

During the Opposite Starseed Alignments that happen six months later, The Star System of choice will be opposite the Sun and visible in the night sky. During this time, meditation generally occurs at night under the stars for optimal results. Opposite Alignments are great for healing, shadow work, and integration.

The ORION Constellation is so HUGE that we are able to connect with and integrate Orion energies most of this month of June. The Opposite Orion Alignment occurs in December when the stars of Orion are more visible in the night sky in The Northern Hemisphere. Dates will be flipped if you are located below the equator. 

Many of us have connections to Orion and now you can discover yours too...

 In The Orion Starseed Super Session on YouTube we cover:

*The ORION Constellation & The Stars of Orion

*The Orion Nebulas & Deep Space Phenomena in Orion

*Greek & Egyptian Mythology of Orion

*The Spirit Molecule (DMT) vs The God Particle & The Connection to Orion

*Galactic History, New Age Mythology & The Orion Wars

*The Orion Connection to MERLIN

*Overview of MANY of The Star Races from Orion

*The Orion Ascension Portal & 6/6 Portal

*The Orion Alignments

*Orion Starseeds & The Orion STARchetype

*Orion Starseed Codes – Unlock Orion Energy in Your Chart

*How To Heal & Integrate Orion Karma

And so much more!

Years of research and many different perspectives on Orion are all compiled into this Starseed Super Session. Better inner-stand the energies of Orion and how to work with them for your highest good.

Be sure to watch The Orion Starseed Super Session HERE

Thank you!

The Starseed Sanctuary
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Remember: this post is for informational and entertainment purposes only and may not be the best fit for you and your personal situation. It shall not be construed as medical advice. The information and education provided here is not intended or implied to supplement or replace professional medical treatment, advice, and/or diagnosis. Always check with your own physician or medical professional before trying or implementing any information read here.

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