The Origin Story of The Quantum Alchemy Method
Sep 02, 2024
Hi, I’m Heather Hobson, Founder & CEO of The Starseed Sanctuary.
I'm so glad you're here reading this and that your frequency is in alignment with the divine services I have been encoded to share with the collective. The Quantum Alchemy Method is one of the many courses I have developed and I believe it is the most important foundation that Starseeds, Lightworkers, and Healers can have to deeply protect themselves as we work across the dimensions of time and space.
In fact, The Quantum Alchemy Method is a set of divinely guided tools that saved my life from an incredibly traumatic NDE (near-death experience), which prompted me to create The Starseed Sanctuary.
This is My Story
As a practitioner of the healing arts, I have been doing this work for over 20 years now!
I have worked in the fields of mental health, addiction treatment, and the healing arts my entire adult life. I really love helping others live their best life and find their soul purpose.
I worked in the trenches of community mental health settings in Humboldt and San Francisco for 12 years and in private practice for 8 years, specializing in holistic health and intuitive energy healing for HSPs (highly sensitive persons), empaths, starseeds, lightworkers, mystics, spiritual seekers, and fellow healers.
Just so you have a little more background on me and who I am, here are my qualifications:
🔮Founder and CEO of Heather’s House of Healing & The Starseed Sanctuary
🔮Creator of The Quantum Alchemy Method
🔮Doctorate in Clinical Psychology (PsyD)
🔮Certified Professional Astrologer
🔮Quantum, Deep Space, Archetypal & Esoteric Astrologer
🔮Fixed Star & Asteroid Astrology Specialist
🔮Starseed Galactic Origins Specialist
🔮Certified Galactic Akashic Records Reader
🔮Lifelong Psychic, Quantum Medium, and Intuitive Energy Healer
🔮Galactic Artist & Cosmic Comedian
🔮Writer and Published Author
🔮Spiritual Coach & Ascension Guide
🔮Teacher & Multidimensional Mentor
🔮Pleiadian-Andromedan-Avian-Apollonian-Lyran Starseed with Unicorn & Dragon Soul Origins
🔮I have lived thousands of past/parallel lives in the stars and hundreds of lives on Earth with STRONG connections to LEMURIA
I can't wait to help you discover your soul's lineage and cosmic journey!
Above all else, I LOVE empowering and teaching others how to be their own healers and awakeners and how to unlock their unique self-healing SUPER POWERS! I believe a good healer doesn’t heal you; they teach you how to heal yourself.
Life was not easy growing up and I was often overwhelmed by my extrasensory gifts, paranormal experiences, and ongoing trauma. For many years, I was even afraid of my psychic senses and learned to hide and numb them away. As many of us know, you can't hide from yourself and your greatest gifts will keep finding a way to be expressed.
Circa 2012, I started doing in-depth energy healing and spiritual work. I had a series of spiritual awakenings and began learning how to tap into my soul's gifts and abilities. I began studying astrology, the Akashic Records, and doing past life regressions, which helped me discover my Starseed Origins.
Then shit got really intense!
The Starseed Sanctuary was created during the peak of the pandemic in 2020 after I had a very traumatic NDE (near death experience) as the result of a secondary psychic attack. I was almost killed by someone I loved very much who was using drugs and practicing dark magic without my knowing. There is nothing more terrifying than looking into the eyes of someone you love and they are NOT in there.
After experiencing that near-death psychic attack, my gifts and abilities were blasted open more than ever. It was wild! I experienced the multidimensional nature of reality and rather than a "life review" like many people describe during a NDE, I had a Multiverse Quantum Timeline Review (at least that's what I'm calling it ;-). I was able to see ALL of my past/parallel/future lives and timelines and many of other people close to me too. Despite the trauma and terrible fallout after the NDE experience, I am so grateful to be alive and be able to teach others how to protect their energy and safely work with the quantum realms.
The idea for the Starseed Sanctuary and my unique brand of astrology would have never happened if I had not survived the NDE. It made me the Quantum Alchemist and Light Warrior I am today.
And now I am sharing The Quantum Alchemy Method with you so you can...
Learn to navigate the Quantum Realms as an Activated Light Warrior, harness the most advanced spiritual methods to rise in Sovereignty over Psychic Attacks, and transform yourself and others through The Quantum Alchemy Method.
✨Become the Divine Architect of your reality and live your New Earth Timeline Now!✨
Whether you're a beginner or a seasoned veteran, this course will teach you how to effectively clear and protect your energy, your home, loved ones, business, and facilitate powerful energy work for others. For deep, lasting transformation to occur on a physical level, it must occur first on an energetic level. Gain the skills you need to become a true light warrior!
Get certified as a Quantum Alchemy practitioner in only 8 weeks to master Advanced Entity Clearing, Energetic Shielding & Protection, Transmuting Synthetic Matrix Systems, and Multidimensional Gridwork - so you can deeply transform your life, activate your greatest Soul Mission, purify your Lightbody, elevate your timeline, and offer these Divine Services to others.
Are you ready to Master The Art of Quantum Alchemy?
I know these methods work and I believe that all healers, lightworkers, and awakened or awakening souls NEED to know about the light and shadow aspects of this work - we cannot spiritually bypass and live in toxic positivity anymore.
After 20 years of working in the field of mental health, I retired and unplugged from that broken system so I can devote myself 100% to this - my soul biz and soul mission helping people just like you - that is how important I know this work is!
It is truly a miracle that i was able to turn something so traumatic into an activated soul mission and become a soulpreneur, start a fulfilling spiritual biz, and evolve into a cosmic teacher.
No matter how long I have been working in the healing arts, practicing professional astrology, or traveling the higher dimensions, there is always more to learn (and I love to learn just as much as I love to teach) My business and services have evolved so much over the years and they just get better and more refined over time!
Thank you for joining me on this Cosmic Adventure. So grateful you are HERE!
The Starseed Sanctuary
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