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🍓The Strawberry Full Moon: June 21, 2024

astrology full moon crystals full moon rituals lagoon nebula nebula astrology starseed astrology® Jun 21, 2024

🍓The Strawberry Full Moon: June 21, 2024
Conjunct The Lagoon Nebula June 21st @ 6:07pm PST @ Capricorn 1º Tropical; Sagittarius 6º Sidereal

Moon Conjunct Fixed Star Spiculum, or M8 Lagoon Nebula, located on the Bow of the Archer in Sagittarius Constellation.

The Lagoon Nebula is among the brightest features in Sagittarius. This comes from its large size, star-forming functionality, and bright gases. The Lagoon Nebula is a vast emission nebula located 4,100 light-years away in the constellation Sagittarius.

The Lagoon Nebula is one of only two star-forming regions that are visible to the unaided eye for observers in the mid-northern latitudes. (The other is the brighter Orion Nebula). The Lagoon may be spotted in a dark field of the Milky Way’s bright band in exceptionally good conditions. It lies in the direction of the Galactic Center.

This is a good moon to seek closure or give yourself closure, especially regarding family, home, and career. Rather than choosing between home and career, try to integrate the two. This lunation is all about Unity and Resilience.

Merging timelines, blending the best elements and letting go of what isn’t working may be supported during this lunation. Boundaries get blurred during this moon with Venus and Neptune aspects.

What is a Full Moon?

A Full Moon occurs when the transit (moving) Sun and Moon are in the exact opposite positions in the Zodiac (called an opposition). Full Moons are related to endings, culminations, and are emotional energy.

Capricorn is the height of the Zodiac, the highest point and Zenith, and this means it relates to our goals, our aspirations, what we strive for, and the heights we reach in life. With this being times of culmination and results, the Capricorn Full Moon is usually a time when we see the results of hard and smart work, and we can reach new heights, achieve, and succeed if we've done things the right way and for the right reasons. This can come with new responsibilities, but we can handle it if we make sure to give ourselves enough room to breathe.

If we haven't done things the right way or for the right reasons, we can experience setbacks, delays, and this can be a trying time for managing responsibilities. We may lack discipline and focus, and we can feel like we're being crushed under the weight of it all. We have to find a new approach, see what we need to fix or do differently, or change our objective altogether.

In my recent blog about your moon signs' psychic superpower, I covered which extrasensory gift is most prominent for you based on your natal moon sign. With this Capricorn Full Moon - this applies for us ALL. Signs, patterns, and synchronicities are ABUNDANT the next month so pay attention to them!

This is the first of two Full Moons in a row in Capricorn, and the next on July 21st is at 29º Capricorn (Tropical). When we have two consecutive lunations in a row in the same sign, they usually tie into one another, and developments begin with the first and end or culminate with the second. This means that whatever passes with this Capricorn Full Moon can continue into July, and is a steady focus for the next month. We have to make sure we're being smart, focused, responsible, and wise, especially since the next Capricorn Full Moon is anaretic (29º), and the end or culmination is likely to be quite big and important.

This Full Moon comes right after Ceres, dwarf planet of nourishment, support, and resources, turns retrograde in Capricorn. A body is called retrograde when it appears to move backward in astrology, and this tends to turn the energy of the planet more inward. With Ceres, this can mean we can feel somewhat thrown off with external resources, support, and nourishment, and we may see issues with money, food, or possessions in the world at large. We will need to turn inward an tap into our internal resources and nourishment to cope. Capricorn rules governments, politics, and corporations, so likely to be a trying time for them too.

Ceres is still retrograde for the next Capricorn Full Moon as well, so the developments we're focusing on likely tie into this Ceres retrograde. Focus on where you're feeling insecure, lack support, or are having challenges with resources, and work to find a way around, tackle core issues, or find wiggle room.

The Full Moon is widely opposite transit Venus in Cancer, and this might bring some issues with others. The Gemini New Moon works well with others, but this Full Moon, not so much!

We have to make sure we're being considerate and thoughtful of others, while also making sure we're not being doormats. That delicate balance needs to be struck since we're likely to be strong one way or the other, and that doesn't help anyone.

Strawberry Moon

 The full moon in June is traditionally known as the Strawberry Moon, named by Native American tribes who saw it as a signal to harvest ripening strawberries. This moon is also referred to as the Honey Moon or Rose Moon in various cultures, reflecting the seasonal changes of early summer, such as the blooming of roses or the production of honey. These names emphasize the natural cycles and agricultural practices tied to this time of year.

Starseed Astrology of The Strawberry Full Moon

Full Moon Fixed Star: Spiculum, M8 Lagoon Nebula - The fixed star Spiculum, located at 1º Capricorn (Tropical) and at 6º Sagittarius (Sidereal) in the Lagoon or Trifid Nebula, means “spear” in Latin. We covered the significance of the Capricorn Tropical Zodiac for the Full Moon, but we must also mention and integrate the true sky coordinates for the Sidereal System as you all know I love blending multiple astrology systems so we can truly transcend "the matrix."

The Sagittarius Full Moon based on the actual coordinates of the sky is supporting an activation of clairvoyance and collective spiritual awakening. The Lagoon Nebula seems to be related to The Void - aka The Bardo Space between worlds or dimensions that we often find ourselves in before a quantum leap or timeline jump.

This nebula is known for its dual influence: it can evoke a morbid outlook and a fearful religious perspective, leading to depression and negativity. However, when well-aspected, Spiculum can foster a deep sense of connection with the universe and its creator, along with profound philosophical insights. This star’s influence brings both challenges and opportunities for spiritual growth.

Venus Conjunct Monoceros Venus just began transiting the stars of the mystical, magical Monoceros Constellation. We are also just a few days away from the start of The Monoceros Alignment with The Sun. This aspect is in opposition to The Full Moon, which highlights that push and pull between work and home, between play and duty, and between earth and other dimensions of consciousness.

Jupiter Conjunct The Hyades Trine The Sun The trine between the Sun and Jupiter brings a wave of optimism, growth, and abundance. This aspect encourages us to expand our horizons and embrace new opportunities. It’s a perfect time to nurture your relationships, pursue personal growth, and enjoy the fruits of your labor. Allow yourself to bask in the positive energy and share your abundance with others. The Hyades are very benevolent half sisters of The Pleiades and connected to The Andromeda Mother Galaxy. This is a reminder to nurture ourselves even through the hard moments over the next month.

Lot of Fortune Conjunct Alcyone in The Pleiades, Lot of Spirit, White Moon Selena, AND Sedna - We have a beautiful cluster of placements here in alignment with the main star of The Pleiades - Alcyone. Joining forces with The Lot of Fortune, Lot of Spirit, White Moon Selena and the Ocean Goddess and minor planet Sedna there is a great deal of abundance and spiritual energy we can tap into for our highest good and the highest good of the collective at this time. Any healing practices and rituals you engage in are amplified by these aspects.

Speaking of Rituals...

 And if you are a Crystal Lover like myself here are some Crystal Recommendations for The Full Strawberry Moon:

Starseed Astrology Fixed Star Wheel for Full Moon


General Astrology of The Strawberry Full Moon

Full Moon Square Neptune - Moon square Neptune brings potential for confusion, deception, and escapism. This aspect can lead to corruption and gaslighting within the collective. Gurus or spiritual leaders might abuse their positions, and there is a risk of falling into spiritual bypassing. It is crucial to stay grounded and avoid substances like alcohol or drugs that can lead to escapism. Instead, this highly imaginative and fairytale-like energy should be channelled into creative and uplifting endeavours. There is potential for a spiritual warrior to use this aspect for the greater good, transforming the challenging energy into a force for healing and positive change.

T-Square - The T-Square, by far the more important aspect pattern, contains the Moon, Sun, Venus, and Neptune. Venus is the artist, Neptune rules inspired creativity, and Capricorn loves tangible results. So put your artistic productivity into high gear! Venus also rules relationships, while Neptune can boost your empathic and psychic sensitivity. With both Venus and the Sun in emotional Cancer, this setup can help you feel other people’s emotions more easily. If you want a deeper energetic connection with someone, this T-Square can help you blend souls more easily. 

This T-Square also has lower potentials. Be careful not to numb emotional pain with excessive self-indulgence. And be careful about being negatively influenced by people caught in Neptune’s dark side. This can include substance abuse, addiction, aimless drifting, and a perpetrator/victim relationship dynamic. Astrology always gives you choices. If you’re tempted by any darker expression, put your focus on the archetypal high side potentials instead!

General Astrology Wheel for Full Moon


Horoscopes for All 12 Signs

*Be sure to read you horoscopes for your Sun, Moon, and Rising Signs for a more holistic overview of how this Full Moon will impact you

ARIES: There can be something that you make progress with around the Full Moon, and you can see the results of what you’ve done so far. You can make tweaks to your long-term plans thanks to the knowledge you get from seeing where you are now, and you can work on drilling down on your plans.

TAURUS: You can be passionate about what you believe with this Full Moon, and you can defend it passionately. This can be helpful if you’re normally a pushover, and you can take time to stand up for yourself now, and learn how to do that more. If you’re normally aggressive, you may need to work on being more optimistic and less pushy.

GEMINI: There can be something from the past, something old or deeply hidden, that you need to work on with the Full Moon, and this might seem uncomfortable or upset you, but it can ultimately be a good thing. You can work to get to the core of it, and once you do, you can make realizations and work on improving.

CANCER: You may give more support to someone in your life with the Full Moon, and they may require more from you than usual. Make sure the relationship is healthy and you have good boundaries as you’re helping others so you don’t get taken advantage of. You may want more time with others to feel emotionally stable and secure.

LEO: This Full Moon might point out all of the little things that you need to get done, and while you can feel you have more energy to do more and tackle some of the small things, you may also feel stressed out about this and need to make sure you’re going easy on yourself. Leave room in your schedule for breaks, rest, and fun.

VIRGO: This Full Moon likely urges you to take time away from work and the mundane to have fun and be silly. If you can get the time, take it, and reconnect with joy and with your heart. If you can’t get the time, try to find moments here and there to enjoy yourself, and be as creative as possible.

LIBRA: You can be extra sensitive with this Full Moon, and may want to stay within your comfort zone for now. You likely need comfort and familiarity, and emotional support from those you care about. Work on strengthening yourself internally, and address whatever it might be that is making you more sensitive.

SCORPIO: You may feel like you need to keep busy with the Full Moon, and can fill up your schedule. While this can help with using up your mental energy, you may get scattered, unfocused, and drain yourself mentally, so try to keep that in mind as you agree to new events and projects. Take time to relax.

SAGITTARIUS: This Full Moon can remind you to reconnect with the moment, and you can take more time to chill out. Give yourself the time and space to take your time, and get moving when you’re confident. You can feel like everything is slower with this Full Moon, and that can give you a chance to slow down.

CAPRICORN: The Full Moon is in your sign, and this can increase your emotions and sensitivity. You likely crave more attention and support from those in your life. You can also see the results of something you’ve been working on for some time, and there can be culminations and getting things done.

AQUARIUS: This Full Moon can be extra draining for you in every way, and you may struggle with having the energy you need when you need it. You can focus on the past, baggage, and what you need to let go of, and you can gain a better innerstanding of people and situations, which helps you move on.

PISCES: You likely push back against anyone or anything that has tried to hold you back with this Full Moon, and crave more independence to do things your own way. Try to avoid being impulsive though, and instead have some patience. Changes can come, and this can help you find what you want.

Have a Magical Full Strawberry Moon!


The Starseed Sanctuary®

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