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🐲Year of The Dragon & The Original Dragon Guardians of Earth's Grids🐲

crystalline grid dragon gridwork lemuria leylines lunar new year year of the dragon Feb 11, 2024

Happy Lunar New Year & The Year of The Wood Dragon!

This is a very special year in the Chinese Zodiac, as well as in Starseed Astrology with all the powerful dragon asteroids, alignment with Draco (The Dragon) Constellation, and the return of the Lemurian Dragons to protect and activate the new earth grids.

In this article we will explore the symbolism of The Year of The Wood Dragon, some interesting symbolism of the Chinese Zodiac AND a lovely introduction to the original Dragon Beings, Guardians of Earth's Grids, Ley Lines, and some other cool cosmic star stuff (per usual ;-).

Want to discover your Chinese Zodiac sign AND element???

✨✨✨Check out this link HERE

Wood Dragon years, like 1964 and 2024, are incredibly rare. They only come around once every 60 years, bringing a special kind of energy. During these years, the potent influence of the Dragon harmonizes with the vital qualities of Wood. In Chinese astrology, the year you’re born can have a big influence on your personality and life.

Being a Wood Dragon means you’ve got some fantastic qualities that make you stand out, including the following (these are also qualities we can tap into more easily in 2024):

Confidence: Wood Dragons are self-assured and have a natural charisma. They can take on challenges with a fearless attitude.

Nurturing: They have a caring and compassionate side. Wood Dragons are often the ones to lend a helping hand to friends and family.

Determination: Once they set their sights on a goal, they won’t give up easily. Wood Dragons have a strong sense of purpose.

Creativity: They’re often quite creative and have a knack for creating unique ideas and solutions.

Social Skills: Wood Dragons are excellent communicators. They can easily connect with people from all walks of life.

Adventurous Spirit: They love a good adventure and are open to trying new things. Routine isn’t their thing.

Leadership: Wood Dragons have a natural leadership quality and can inspire others enthusiastically.

Warmth: Their friendly and approachable nature makes them easy to get along with.

Diplomacy: They’re skilled at handling tricky situations and finding peaceful resolutions.

The Element of Wood in Chinese Astrology:

In Chinese astrology, each zodiac sign is not only associated with an animal but also with one of the five elements: Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal, and Water. Comprehending the significance of the Wood element is essential in capturing the core of a Wood Dragon, as it deeply shapes their personality and fate.

Wood Represents Growth and Caring:

The Wood element stands for growth, flexibility, and caring for things in nature. Similar to a tree growing steadily and reaching up toward the sky, Wood represents the idea of getting bigger and adjusting to new situations. People born under the Wood element are often open to new ideas and are willing to welcome change. They are known for having a strong sense of purpose, like a tree firmly anchored in the earth.

The Influence of Wood on People Born in the Year of the Dragon:

When the Wood element is combined with the powerful Dragon sign, it creates a unique synergy. Wood Dragons naturally nurture and offer support to those in their surroundings. They are like the branches of a tree, providing shade and shelter. Their warmth and empathy make them dependable friends and allies. Wood also gives Wood Dragons a creative edge. They’re as flexible as a willow tree, adapting to situations and finding solutions.

The Significance of Wood in the Chinese Zodiac:

In the Chinese zodiac, each element interacts with the animal signs in a 60-year cycle, creating a complex and fascinating system. Wood years are known for their emphasis on growth, development, and harmony. The Wood element is associated with balance and a natural ability to unite people.

The Year 2024: The Wood Dragon

In the Chinese lunar calendar, the new year starts on February 10, 2024, marking the beginning of the Wood Dragon’s reign.

The influence of the Wood element might support us individually and collectively to think in more flexible and creative ways about all areas of our lives. The Wood Dragon could bring a positive influence on the management of existing geopolitical conflicts. World leaders should use empathy and creative solutions to seek diplomatic resolutions for global conflicts. This approach could be more effective in achieving peace and stability in regions affected by these conflicts.

Also, Wood Dragons are recognized for their flexibility and creativity, making this year promising for progress in information technology. Expect significant progress in artificial intelligence and blockchain, with a focus on creating sustainable and supportive solutions.

As we come to the end of our quest into the kingdom of the Wood Dragon., both in the past (1964) and the future (2024), we find a mix of cultural traditions, personal traits, and astrological beliefs.

The Wood Dragon appears only once every 60 years, making it a rare and fascinating creature. Looking ahead to 2024, the Year of the Wood Dragon, we see a year full of possibilities. While it won’t determine everything, it encourages people to be creative, caring, and flexible when dealing with challenges.

In the end, whether in 1964 or 2024, the Wood Dragon represents a balance of strength and adaptability, care and creativity. It’s a chance for people to assume their unique qualities and make a positive impact on the world. As we enter in the Year of the Wood Dragon 2024, we can look forward to a year of growth, adaptability, and creativity in our lives and the world.

But where did Dragons really come from anyway???

Here is a quick overview....


There are three main Grids that operate through and around Earth: The Crystalline Grid, The Light Grid, and The Solar Grid. All of these are covered in the Quantum Alchemy Course (HERE) if you want to learn how to be a Master Grid Worker. For now, I just want to highlight the Crystalline Grid.

The Crystalline Grid links all the Crystals in the Earth. Where this Grid crosses are major portals, vortices and dimensional doorways that connect the Inner Earth and to other dimensional worlds, stars and planets in the galaxy, solar system and beyond.

The Crystalline Grid keeps harmony within the Earth plane and the portals that link the Earth to the stars, universe, and greater multiverse/omniverse to have harmony with our neighbours in space. Just as when the meridians are free and flowing in our physical bodies and with other beings, so to with the Grids of the Earth.

The Ancients were aware of this and so they constructed pyramids, temples, standing stones, stone circles, and megaliths to align this energy with the stars and Inner Earth as these hold the energy creating dimensional gateways for beings to travel from other worlds. These beings are from different Star Systems, Universes, Galaxies, Worlds, and Dimensions, and all have a different agenda with Earth. Many of them having been here for aeons and actually started the story of life on Earth

The Crystalline Grid known also as DRAGON LINES or Ley Lines is working on all dimensions. In first density you have the physical crystals and mineral kingdom, these same minerals are within our bodies and the cosmos. So the Grid links all the major portals of the Earth, through the Crystalline Grid which resonates in Divine Light and as a doorway to other realms.

The original Dragon people of Alpha Draconis (Draco, The Dragon Star System), along with the Snake (Hydra & Serpens Star Systems), and Lizard people (Lacerta Star System), worked with the crystals within the Earth to create the Crystalline Grid. This created life on the planet as we know it. They came to Earth when the planet was still sonic winds, and so they lived within the Earth.

The Dragon people connected the crystals around the Earth and constructed endless tunnels with the Snake people. Crystals are electromagnetic and the Grid that was created through their joining put out an electromagnetic energy field around the Earth that drew moisture and then life started to gradually form as we know it. Because of the energy that this Crystal Grid gave off as light, life was able to be created with a more harmonious weather pattern, as the Earth stabilized and harmonized with the Sun and Planets. This created an environment that was then hospitable for many other Star People to travel to Earth to colonize here and begin seeding the various stages of humanity, as they were now able to handle living on the surface and cope with the gravitational pull. Some ETs have more of a story here than others but now everyone is back to sort it out as we merge with the Sun, Central Sun and Greater Central Sun, we are all completing this cycle and ready to move beyond duality and the old dramas.

Many people in the "new age" or spiritual communities will tell you that ALL Dragons are evil or bad somehow, which is simply not true. They helped to create the Earth with other benevolent and incredibly ancient multidimensional beings. While there are some small factions of malevolent Draco-Orion-Zetas that are fragmented from Source Consciousness and good to protect our energies from, most ETs and galactic beings are benevolent or neutral.

There is, of course, more to the story of how certain beings fall from grace and get stuck in the lower dimensions of consciousness and we will cover those over time here on Patreon. For now, I hope this was a helpful overview of The Year of The Wood Dragon and a gentle introduction to the triple OG Dragon Beings and Grid Work too!

This is a beautiful year to connect with your Lemurian Dragon or other dragon guides in alignment with the one true Source. Check out The Meet Your Lemurian Dragon Meditation - it's one of my favorites!

Happy Lunar New Year and Year of The Wood Dragon!

The Starseed Sanctuary®

All Rights Reserved © 2024


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