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👽50 Shades of Grays: The Reticulum Star System, Zeta Reticuli Starseeds & The Reticuli Alignment

extraterrestrials galactic history galactic origins grays starseed astrology® starseed origins ufology zeta reticuli Mar 13, 2024

The Zeta Reticuli aka "The Grays" are the most infamous of the extraterrestrial, interdimensional, and multidimensional galactic groups. These are the little gray or green men that we stereotypically think of when the topic of "aliens" is explored, mostly because that is what we have been conditioned to think of from the programs in Hollywood and entertainment. 

If you have followed my work for sometime, you know that there are well over 88 different galactic families or starseed archetypes that we know of and many more I'm sure that we have yet to discover. I think it is fascinating how many misconceptions and fear-based mind control tactics there are out there in the world about ETs, Galactic Beings, Starseeds, and the like. There are at least 50 different types of grays out there or 50 Shades of Grays!

In this Zeta blog I will shed a bit more light on this controversial group we call The Zeta Reticuli, as well as the cosmic alignments with this star system every year. Let's dive into deep space and learn more about this star system, the earth & galactic history, and everything you need to know to find out if YOU are a Zeta Starseed or have past/parallel life connections to "The Grays."


Reticulum is a small constellation in the southern sky. Its name means “the reticle” or “small net” in Latin. Reticulum represents the small net at the focus of an eyepiece on the telescope which makes it possible to measure star positions. The constellation was introduced in 1621 by the German astronomer Isaac Habrecht II, who originally named it Rhombus. Nicolas Louis de Lacaille changed its name to Reticulum in the 18th century. 

Reticulum is one of the smallest constellations in the sky, 82nd in size, occupying only 114 square degrees. It is located in the first quadrant of the southern hemisphere (SQ1) and can be seen at latitudes between +23° and -90°. The neighboring constellations are Dorado, Horologium and Hydrus.

Reticulum contains two notable deep sky objects: the barred spiral galaxy NGC 1559 and NGC 1313, also known as the Topsy Turvy Galaxy.

Reticulum Stars

α Reticuli (Alpha Reticuli) - Alpha Reticuli is the brightest star in the constellation. It has an apparent magnitude of 3.315 and is 161.6 light years distant from the solar system. The star has more than three times the mass of the Sun and almost 13 times the solar radius. It is approximately 240 times more luminous than the Sun. It is believed to be about 330 million years old.

β Reticuli (Beta Reticuli) - Beta Reticuli is a triple star system about 100 light years away in Reticulum. It has an apparent magnitude of 3.84.

ε Reticuli (Epsilon Reticuli) - Epsilon Reticuli is a double star in Reticulum. It consists of an orange subgiant and a white dwarf. The system lies 59.5 light years from Earth.

γ Reticuli (Gamma Reticuli) - Gamma Reticuli is a red giant star belonging to the stellar class M4III. It has an apparent magnitude of 4.48 and is approximately 490 light years distant from the solar system.

δ Reticuli (Delta Reticuli) - Delta Reticuli is another red giant in Reticulum. It has the stellar classification of M2 III. The star has an apparent magnitude of 4.56 and is approximately 530 light years distant from the Sun.

κ Reticuli (Kappa Reticuli) - Kappa Reticuli is a binary star in Reticulum. It has an apparent magnitude of 4.71 and is about 70 light years distant from Earth. It is believed to be about 1.8 billion years old.

ζ Reticuli (Zeta Reticuli) - Zeta Reticuli is a wide binary system composed of two yellow G-class stars, both of which have a visual magnitude of 5.22. The stars are gravitationally bound and located approximately 39 light years from the solar system. (Zeta-1 Reticuli is 39.16 light years distant and Zeta-2 Reticuli is 39.24 light years from Earth.) They are both solar analogs, which is to say they share similar characteristics with the Sun.

Both stars in the Zeta Reticuli system belong to the Zeta Herculis Moving Group of stars that share a common origin. The two stars are separated by 309.2 seconds of arc and appear as a close pair to the unaided eye in good viewing conditions.

Zeta Reticuli in Ufology

Zeta Reticuli is a familiar name in ufologist circles. The star system is associated with an alien abduction reported in the 1960s, as well as with alien conspiracy theories involving Area 51 and Project Serpo. UFO conspiracy theorists believe that a planet orbiting Zeta-2 Reticuli is the home of alien beings they call the Greys, who have been visiting our planet and abducting people for research purposes. One of the aliens’ spacecraft purportedly crash landed in Roswell, New Mexico, in June or July 1947.

The Roswell UFO incident was first reported on July 8, 1947. The U.S. government attributed the incident to a weather balloon. In 1994, the U.S. Air Force stated that it was really a covert Air Force surveillance balloon. The crash and the official sources changing their statements have given rise to numerous conspiracy theories. In the 1970s and 1980s, there were even witnesses who came forward and said that alien bodies were recovered from the site and autopsies were performed on the bodies. None of them had any evidence to back up their claims.

In the late 1980s, a man named Bob Lazar claimed to have been hired to reverse-engineer alien technology at site near Area 51 in Nevada. Additionally, he said that he had seen documents describing the relationship of Earth with Zeta Reticulans over the past 10,000 years. While it gave fuel to hardcore conspiracists, Lazar’s story was dismissed by most, since even the universities where he claimed to have earned his degrees (MIT and Caltech) had no records that he had ever attended, but he sure seemed legit to many.

Zeta Reticuli is also at the center of Project Serpo, an alleged exchange program between the U.S. government and an alien civilization from a planet in the Zeta Reticuli system, called Serpo. In ufologist lore, the Zeta Reticulan who crashed near Roswell survived the accident and was sent back home. This led to the establishment of the exchange program. As part of the program, twelve U.S. military personnel were purportedly sent to Serpo between 1965 and 1978.

Zeta Reticuli Incident

Another well-known case of a UFO sighting, known as the Zeta Reticuli Incident, took place in 1961. Betty and Barney Hill, a New Hampshire couple, claimed to have been abducted by aliens on the night of September 19 to 20, 1961. Their story, which did not initially involve Zeta Reticuli, was widely publicized and adapted into a book, The Interrupted Journey (1966) and later a television movie, The UFO Incident (1975).

The Hills reported seeing a craft descend toward them as they were driving home to Portsmouth from Niagara Falls and said that they were approached by several humanoid figures. They did not remember the events of the next few hours, but when they returned to consciousness, they were 35 miles south. In 1964, under hypnosis, they recalled undergoing a physical examination by the aliens. Betty also remembered being shown a star map after asking the aliens where they came from.

Betty Hill’s star map was dismissed in the 1990s, when the Hipparcos satellite data showed that some of the stars in the interpretation of the map were located at much greater distances than previously believed, while subsequent studies revealed that other stars included were unlikely to host life.

👽The Galactic History of Zeta Reticuli  

According to the writing and channeling s of author Lyssa Royal, The Zeta Reticulis aka the Grays are very science oriented and share more of a group mind, and are not as individualistic as we are on Earth. They are also mentally developed to a fault, in the sense of their emotional sensitivity is not as developed.

The channelings of Lyssa Royal suggests that they come from a planet called the Apex planet in the Lyran system. This was a planet that was very similar to Earth. Their spiritual growth, however, did not match their technological development which finally led to a planetary cataclysm.

The atomic explosions caused the plant life to deteriorate, which led the civilization to build underground shelters. It was during this underground period in their history that they began reproducing through cloning techniques, which is part of the work they continue in their abduction work on the human race.

One of the other conclusions they came to was that their emotions were the cause of their surface destruction of their planet so they no longer allowed emotions in their lives. This, from our Earthly perspective, is like "throwing the baby out with the bath water".

There is another group of Zetas called the "Negative Zeta Reticuli" who were more power hungry, that are causing a lot of problems. Part of the reason they are doing all their abductions of humans and animals is that the generations of cloning using the same genetic material has caused their evolutionary growth to become very inbred and stagnant. In truth their race is actually dying. The Zeta Reticuli are also creating a hybrid race of both human and Zeta origin.

Seems the most active alien-culture here on Earth, dependent mainly on our conscious and unconscious agreements, beside the common pressure we both cultures have to balance our emotions.

The Zeta's are opening humankind new doors into a bigger reality; humankind does serve with helping Zeta's to create new bodies which re-connect Zeta's with their emotional-bodies AND reminding us to stay connected to our emotional bodies as well.

While the government and false flag agenda to demonize extraterrestrials will have you convinced these are all malicious beings, I believe there are benevolent Zeta's who offer real assistance and help to experience other dimensions; and ones, who more are only interested to get DNA samples, without much care about the humans who offer it.

I think, we have to learn from each other, each side has something to share, both light and shadow qualities.



The term Starseeds has its origins in the works conducted by Dolores Cannon and others like her. At the tail end of the 1900’s, she leveraged a number of hypnotherapies to assist people in healing their life traumas. One such modality incorporated was that of QHHT or Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique.

As in this case, much of her work centered around past-life regression, the healing of it, as well as that of near-death experiences, or what has commonly been referred to as NDE. During her work, she encountered a burgeoning group of individuals that shared the same rare and highly unique auric field that she had not previously encountered along with their own defining psychological makeup.

It was this new group of individuals that Cannon referred to as the Star Child or Children. This made up the likes of Indigo, Crystal, and Rainbow Children. What was most fascinating about this discovery was that it seemed to directly correlate with the growing number of individuals diagnosed with autism being born then, and up to our current epoch in human history. These were believed to be the Crystal Children. Lee Carroll would go on to continue her work, in such works as his novel, “The Indigo Children.”

Recently, the term Starseed has gone on to become a complex idea that combines two ideologies together to speak to this movement that we can observe at this time.

More specifically it amalgamates the idea of reincarnation and the afterlife with that of life existing elsewhere in the multiverse. In this sense, a Starseed is a term used to describe an old, ancient, and advanced otherworldly soul that has incarnated here on earth at this time from other planets, galaxies, universes, realms, and dimensions in order to help us transition into this age of spiritual awakening.

Some of the more popular Starseeds include that of the Pleiadians, Arcturians, Sirian, Orion, Alpha Draconian, and many others, including the Zeta Recticuli Starseeds.

What we find in the incarnate Zeta Recticuli is a group of misunderstood beings. Like their Alpha Draconian, or Reptilian, counterparts, this is due to the fact that they are surrounded by a thick cloud of negative connotations. This stems from the fact that what is known about them, sparse as it may be, is of a more hostile nature. They are the ones associated with abductions and dark agendas.

It is believed that they are negotiating and associated with the powers of the world in an exchange of technologies for an agreement for their presence here at this time. While it may seem that they can perform miracles they are not to be underestimated. A large part of their agenda, along with that of the dark forces that they work with can be found in the fact that they can no longer naturally reproduce and are thus a dying breed. To this end, they are experimenting with creating hybrids with human beings to see and ensure that their race will live on.

As for Zeta Starseeds, they are incarnating here at this time for a number of reasons. The main among these, however, is to create a greater sense of unity amongst all beings sharing the celestial heavens. In a way, it is a reminder that we are all one, and all loved and accepted, so it acts to teach them a valuable lesson as it relates to this matter.

Similarly, their reincarnation is to act as a lesson in forgiveness, amongst all beings, although, this too is just another means of acceptance. In the same right, it reminds them that the spirit is eternal and that they don’t have to resort to hostile means to continue to live on. That, as with all things, that we have a choice, and that there is always a place for the spirit in the cosmos that doesn’t directly involve harming another in any capacity.

👽ZETA RECTICULI: Humans From A Fallen Timeline???

Could it possibly be that they are a possible future variant of ourselves, subject to nuclear fallout, or some other extinction level event? This remains unknown, although it seems that it could be a possibility of the lowest timeline outcome for humanity, which is the transhumanist timeline. If we all end up living in smart cities, hooked into a cloud, not allowed to connect with nature, eating fake foods with lack of sunlight exposure over several generations (or less) humans would eventually begin looking like many depictions of Grays.

Are they coming to warn us? Why are some incredibly hostile and others seem neutral or benevolent at best?

There are many kinds of Greys, but these are three main categories:

*The Zeta Reticulan short greys

*The Tall Grays from Orion

*The Short Grays from Bellatrix Orion

The Greys from Orion are mostly service to self and malevolent, therefore I do not recommend working with them or channeling into their consciousness. Always be discerning when working with the higher realms.

The benevolent Zetas have obtained a reputation for being misunderstood as they do not feel the way humans do and appear cold. It does seem that the shorter grays have a reputation for being less harmful to humans.

The Zeta Starchetype and Greys in general are largely misunderstood and there is so much propaganda out there to create fear among the masses to set the psyop stage for a false flag attack of galactic origins. There is NOTHING to fear. Protect your energy, be discerning, and above all else - Trust Your Intuition about what feels right for you. 


Based on the placement of the Zeta Reticuli Star System in a person's chart there will be a high degree of variance in how this Starchetype is expressed through a person's life, especially if Zeta Reticuli is conjunct (within 1-2º) of a person's Sun, Moon, or Ascendant, located in the 1st house, or making strong aspects to other important planets, angles, asteroids, or astrological points in the chart. You can imagine someone with Zeta Reticuli Conjunct their Venus in the 8th house would look very different than another person with Zeta Reticuli in Opposition to their Sun in the 12th house. However, most Zeta Starseeds and The Zeta Starchetype have these in common:

👽Highly intellectual

👽Can be stunted emotionally; feel denser feeling, appearing, cool and stoic

👽Logic over feeling

👽Can make great politicians

👽Astute in biological, chemical process and make expert genetic engineers

👽Love interconnectedness, but to the point of acting out of a hive mind and feel dis-ease when this is interrupted

👽Military prowess, domineering and conquering

👽Scientific and technology advanced

👽Astute innerstanding of space, astrophysics and the cosmos

👽Keen observers

👽Challenges with communication

👽Incredibly imaginative and revolutionary thinking

👽Highly telepathic and claircognizant

RETICULI CODESGet your natal star chart and see if you have any planets, luminaries, or angles near the degrees of either Alpha or Zeta Reticuli. I have included both Tropical and Sidereal Zodiac Systems as I believe both are important to work with and integrate.  If you do not have a natal star chart with the degrees handy you can go to to get a free natal star wheel in both Tropical and Sidereal Systems. The Timepassages App is also a helpful free resource.

Alpha Reticuli is the brightest star in the Reticulum Star System and is associated with the lighter aspects of The Grays, whereas Zeta Reticuli is often associated with the shadow aspects and potential negative timeline for humans. Of course, this is all relative depending on where these stars fall in your chart, conjunctions to natal planets and the house they are located as well. Nothing is all good or bad and every galactic group or Starchetype has light and shadow qualities so please keep this in mind. 

There are millions of Zeta souls incarnate on Earth. There are also Zeta Hybrids that are humans being born with advanced Zeta DNA. They look just like any human being, though sometimes they have striking features like larger heads and eyes. The updated advanced hybrids are born in the 80’s with more Zeta DNA. Later hybrids have even more refined Zeta qualities that can be activated. Many of the Indigo and Crystal children are activating Zeta DNA. Not all the hybrids have a Zeta soul and not all Zeta star seeds are hybrids. Each are playing their roles in spurring the human evolutionary shift.

Often the Zeta souls are acting as activators of other’s abilities in some way or another. They are often teachers, guides and can be healers as well. They are usually considered “out there” thinkers as they see beyond physical limits. This can make them seem lazy at times, because they do not get why they can’t just move things with their minds. Communication can be difficult also, because they don’t always compute physical gestures and the limits of verbal language.

These starseeds are usually advanced in some way. They think and create using their imagination and by tapping into astral knowledge and surrounding energy fields. These hybrid’s and Zeta souls are teaching and becoming the future potential of humanity of Earth. Incidentally, some of these hybrids visit or communicate with Earth from what you consider the future. These hybrids are an evolutionary success story in the future of this galaxy.


Sun Conjunct Reticulum Constellation March 14th – 29th
Sun Conjunct Zeta Reticuli March 14th – 17th
Sun Conjunct Alpha Reticuli March 27th – 29th

Reticulum Opposite The Sun September 14th - 29th

The Reticulum Alignment is an ideal time for DNA Activation meditations, clearing any distortions in your energy fields, and to engage in healing practices that honor your emotional world.

** Please note, that this is a hugely misunderstood species. Human kinds' fear of them is a reflection of our state of acceptance of alien intelligence. They have the closest relationship with humans in 3D and so take quite the brunt of those fears. Do note that never has anyone ever been physically harmed by a Zeta. In fact there are many stories of the improvements and healing they have done. The vast majority of the harm that has been alleged by Zetas is in fact military. I have included many resources below if you would like to educate yourself more on this subject and do your own research, which I highly encourage!

If you practice concepts and embody the energy of Unity Consciousness, you will soon realize that we all have a little Zeta Starchetypal energy in us; many of us have lived past/parallel/future lives as Zetas and these future archetypal versions of us can provide great insight whether you believe in aliens or not! 👽🛸✨💖

Thank you for reading,


The Starseed Sanctuary
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Constellation Guide:

The Prism of Lyra, by Lyssa Royal (free download):

A Gift From The Stars: Extraterrestrial Contacts and Guide of Alien Races, by Elena Danaan: 

Fixed Star Guide:

Fifty Shades of Greys: Evidence of Extraterrestrial Visitation to Wright-Patterson Air Force Base and Beyond, by Raymond Szymanski:

Star Facts:

ZetaTalk: Direct Answers From the Zeta Reticuli People, by Ms. Nancy Lieder:

The Zeta Reticuli Guide: Starseeds from the Grey Empire: Navigating the Complex Relationship Between Zetas and Humans, by Campbell Quinn McCarthy

The Zeta Reticuli Incident, by Terence Dickinson

The UFO Experience: From Alien Abductions to Zeta Reticuli, by John White

Remember: this post is for informational and entertainment purposes only and may not be the best fit for you and your personal situation. It shall not be construed as medical advice. The information and education provided here is not intended or implied to supplement or replace professional medical treatment, advice, and/or diagnosis. Always check with your own physician or medical professional before trying or implementing any information read here.

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