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White Moon Selena: Illuminating Your Soul Path with The Light Side of The Moon

lunar perigee moon signs soul mission white moon selena Mar 03, 2024

White Moon Selena is one of my favorite astrological points to include in many of my client readings, because so often we are needing guidance on our soul path, our soul missions, and how to illuminate aligned decisions on our journey.

White Moon Selena is an often overlooked part of the chart. I find many are interested in Black Moon Lilith but maybe haven't even heard of White Moon Selena!

White Moon Selena focuses on a very positive area of your chart where you have beneficial energy. White Moon Selena is a protector, and wants you to find your soul path, so it tries to light the way for you. This superblog will help you learn everything you need to know about the light side of the moon and how we can use this symbolism to support our soul's most optimal path. 


The White Moon Selena, often simply referred to as Selena, is a hypothetical point in one's natal chart. White Moon Selena is the perigee of the Moon, which is the point on the Moon's orbit closest to Earth. The point on the Moon farthest away from Earth is the apogee and, in astrology, represents Black Moon Lilith. So White Moon Selena is the "light" side of the moon to Black Moon Lilith's "dark" side of the moon.

In astrology, Selena is a position that can show where you have protection and can see your path. Selena is seen as a highly positive, beneficial position in astrology, and when you resonate with your White Moon Selena energy, you can feel intuitively guided throughout your life.

It symbolizes purity, spirituality, and the untainted essence of the soul. Unlike other astrological points that might be influenced by external factors, Selena remains untouched, representing our spiritual mission and the purest form of our soul's intentions.

The White Moon Selena represents the purest part of one's soul and spiritual purpose. Each Selena sign is linked with specific spiritual attributes and life missions.

To determine your Selena sign, you need your birth details - Date, Exact Time, and Location. Then you can go to this White Moon Selena Sign calculator HERE>>>

Simply input your birth details, and the calculator will reveal your Selena sign. This is the most accurate White Moon Selena Calculator I have found if you don't have professional astrology software.

Once you've calculated your Selena sign, then you can start innerstanding the symbolism and implications. Each Selena sign is linked with specific spiritual attributes, missions, and lessons. Innerstanding this can guide you on your spiritual journey, point you towards your higher calling and the ultimate purpose of your soul in this incarnation.

It's essential to remember that while your Selena sign provides deep spiritual insights, it's just a fragment of the vast astrological landscape. Exploring other signs, like your sun sign, moon sign, and really your entire chart with fixed stars can offer a more comprehensive innerstanding of your astrological identity.

Let's explore what it means to have a prominent White Moon Selena in your natal chart. Below I cover White Moon Selena through the 12 Zodiac Signs


 While all White Moon Selena placements will give us great insight, some natal Selena placements are especially prominent and heightened in the horoscope.

How do you know if you have a strong White Moon Selena in the natal chart?

You may have a prominent natal White Moon Selena if it is:

- Conjunct (within 1-2º) a personal planet (Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars)

- Conjunct one of the angles (1st, 4th, 7th, 10th house cusps or AC, DC, MC, IC)

- Conjunct the ruler of the Ascendant

- Conjunct one of the Lunar Nodes (the point's in the Moon's orbit where the Moon crosses the ecliptic; are spiritual/karmic in nature)

- In the 1st house

- Anaretic (at 29º)

- At the Aries Point (0º of a cardinal sign, Aries, Cancer, Libra, Capricorn)

- Conjunct prominent fixed stars (Aldebaran, Regulus, Antares, Fomalhaut, Sirius, Arcturus, Pleiades)

- Conjunct a Black Hole (Galactic Center, Super Galactic Center, The Great Attractor, Cygnus X-1)

Any of these can add some juice to your natal White Moon Selena and make the energy stronger for you.

What does it mean to have a strong White Moon Selena in the natal chart?

When you have a strong White Moon Selena, you usually have a very strong intuition and probably also have a wide range of psychic or extrasensory gifts like clairvoyance, clairaudience, clairsentience, and more. Even if you don't think of yourself as "psychic" these might be worth learning more about and activating to support your soul's path.

You're someone who intuitively senses the right answers, the right direction, the right choices - you just have to learn to follow that nudge more often! You may also be someone who can guide and protect others. Since Selena shines a light on our path and protects us along the way, you may seem like that kind of person. You can show others the right way to go in their lives, and help them as they progress. You can be a great cheerleader, and may support someone (or multiple someones) throughout your life. You just need to make sure you have healthy boundaries so others don't take advantage of this.

Subconsciously, you may feel like you always have someone watching over you. If you're spiritually inclined (which tends to be the case with a strong White Moon Selena), you may see angels, connect with spirits, and sense or talk to your guardians on the other side.

Being protected physically in this life may have its challenges though, and you may find you have to learn how to protect yourself instead of relying on others. People may see you as someone capable of taking care of themselves, so they don't need to help you. Learning how to ask for help may also be something you have to do.

With a strong White Moon Selena, you may be someone who has a really strong sense of purpose. With Selena lighting our path in life, you may feel keenly aware of your path all of your life. You may resist this until you're comfortable with it and accept it, but once you do, it may seem like all of the pieces in your life come together nicely, and you feel a strong connection to who you're supposed to be and what you're supposed to be doing.

You may take action with your White Moon Selena when the transit (moving) planets are activating it, and you can get on your path and be a guardian for others.


White Moon Selena in Aries

Aries is an active fire sign, so you’re someone who must take action in your life to find and stay on an aligned soul path. You can protect yourself and anyone around you, and other people may look to you to take charge, to show the way, and to be the assertive guardian. Aries is the sign of the warrior, so you may have some luck on your side when you’re fighting, but it needs to be for the right reasons, pursuing causes and missions that are for the good of all. Where you may pursue the fight and take action may be directed at the areas of life ruled by the house where White Moon Selena is located. Psychic gifts may be activated through taking action.

White Moon Selena in Taurus

Taurus is the grounded earth sign, so you’re someone who benefits from being grounded, building stability and security in your life, and take action in slow and steady ways. Taurus is very in the moment, so you can find some pleasure in even the mundane and your soul path is often illuminated through the senses. You can use resources in new ways to benefit yourself and others, and you may feel a strong spiritual connection to the Earth. Where you may focus on grounding and use resources may be directed at the areas of life ruled by the house your White Moon Selena falls in. Psychic gifts may be activated through touch and connection to nature.

White Moon Selena in Gemini

Gemini is the air sign of the mind, so your soul path can be illuminated from your mind and communications. Finding a way of properly expressing yourself can be important for you to feel secure. Keep your mind open, and take on all of the knowledge you can so you can use that to come up with new ideas and ways of doing things. You can share the knowledge you acquire with others. Where you may focus on taking on information and expressing yourself most may be directed at the areas of life ruled by the house your White Moon Selena falls in. Psychic gifts may be activated through the imagination, channeling and writing.

White Moon Selena in Cancer

Cancer is the water sign of emotion, so your soul path illuminates from strong emotional connections, both your own connection to your emotional self and the emotional connection you have with others. You can be incredibly nurturing and supportive of those you care about, even when they don’t deserve it! Having a solid connection to your emotions helps you develop a strong intuition, and you can sense subtle energies, past experiences, and karmic baggage emotionally. Where you may focus your emotions most may be directed at the areas of life ruled by the house your White Moon Selena falls in. Psychic abilities are activated through your feelings and honoring your intuitive hits. 

White Moon Selena in Leo

Leo is a fixed fire sign that rules the heart, so your soul path is illuminated from connecting to your heart and expressing love and affection. Be warm, be caring, be giving, be kind. Creative energy can be strong, and expressing yourself creatively can help you feel stable and secure. You can turn up your inner light and shine that light on others to help them with their own path. You may have to work on being more self-aware, and this can keep you on the right path. Where you may focus love and creativity most may be directed at the areas of life ruled by the house your White Moon Selena falls in. Psychic gifts may be activated through creative outlets and inner child healing.

White Moon Selena in Virgo

Virgo is a mutable and analytical earth sign, so your soul path generally has a practical approach with order and structure. This can help you be of service to what matters the most to you. Tending to health and healing can be important for you, and you can help others to heal as well. You can uncover information that others may overlook with an uncanny eye for the details. Where you may focus on being practical, ordered, work hard, and heal may be directed at the areas of life ruled by the house your White Moon Selena falls in. Psychic gifts may be activated through embodied practices and connection to animals, pets, or animal spirit guides. 

White Moon Selena in Libra

Libra is the cardinal air sign of relationships, so your soul path can benefit from connecting with others. You may feel that the people in your life offer you the greatest opportunities and rewards.  You can be an excellent diplomat, keeping everyone on the same page and helping them come together in the world. You can keep the peace, maintain justice, and size people up quickly. Where you may focus on connecting, compromising, and keeping the peace may be directed at the areas of life ruled by the house your White Moon Selena falls in. Psychic gifts are activated through music, art, and through relationships. 

White Moon Selena in Scorpio

Scorpio is the fixed water sign of transformation, so your soul path is very much enhanced from transforming and evolving. You can learn important lessons from failures, and you can alchemize pain in more powerful ways to level up your soul path. You can make good use of the power available to you, and work to help others find their own power. You can work on developing a strong spiritual connection. Where you may focus on transforming and using power may be directed at the areas of life ruled by the house your White Moon Selena falls in. Psychic abilities are activated through times of transformation and connection to the liminal spaces between worlds and dimensions.

White Moon Selena in Sagittarius

Sagittarius is the mutable fire sign that rules beliefs, so your soul path may benefit from forging a strong connection to your beliefs and living according to them. If you live in hypocrisy, this can be exposed and keep you down. Live in your truth, and others will look up to you. You may be a natural teacher, and the experiences you have and wisdom you gain can be passed on to others. Remain humble. Where you may focus on living your truth and sharing your knowledge most may be directed at the areas of life ruled by the house your White Moon Selena falls in. Psychic abilities are activated through teaching, learning, and long distance travel.

White Moon Selena in Capricorn

Capricorn is a cardinal earth sign that governs goals, so your soul path is illuminated when you strive to achieve the goals you set for yourself. This sign is also ruler of responsibility, and you may be someone who has to take on many responsibilities of others. You can handle what others can’t, but must be mindful not to burn out. This can lead to rewards down the road, and you can show others the right way to do things. Where you may focus on goals and responsibilities most may be directed at the areas of life ruled by the house your White Moon Selena falls in. Psychic gifts are activated through resting and connection to nature. 

White Moon Selena in Aquarius

Aquarius is the fixed air rebel, so your soul path may benefit from pursuing the innovative or unconventional route. You can be true to yourself, and encourage others to do the same. You can pursue changes that benefit you, and you can show others how to push outside of tradition to something new and different. You can care a lot for the world and everything in it, and can be a champion. Where you may focus on being unconventional, independent, and a champion most may be directed at the areas of life ruled by the house your White Moon Selena falls in. Psychic gifts are amplified through channeling and following your intuitive hits. 

White Moon Selena in Pisces

Pisces is a highly intuitive water sign, so your soul path benefits most when you forge a strong connection to your intuition. You may unconsciously tap into the subtle energies all around you, and can be guided without conscious awareness. Your compassion can run high, and you can help others who truly need your need, even when others won’t. You can also be very artistic and creative with an active imagination, and can use this as an outlet, a profession, or a way of helping others. Where you may focus on using intuition, being compassionate, and being creative most may be directed at the areas of life ruled by the house your White Moon Selena falls in. Psychic abilities are heightened when you don't avoid your emotions and practice boundaries with vices. 


Transit White Moon Selena is where this astrological point is relative to your natal Selena and can bring this energy temporarily to the natal house it's touring in your natal chart. It can have an impact on your other natal planets when it's making an aspect.

Harmonious aspects (conjunctions, sextiles, and trines) can make you feel more protected and guided, while aspects that require you to take action or be more aware (squares and oppositions) can make you feel less psychically activated in a sense.

Transit White Moon Selena Aspects:

Conjunctions by transit White Moon Selena to any of your planets or angles can amplify your ability to protect, to get on your path, and to evolve.

When it’s to the Sun, Moon, 1st house ruler, or angles, this can feel very personal, and you can give a lot of focus to trying to be better, do better, and live better. You can help others by being a good example as well.

To Mercury, you can use your words or work on getting your mind and ideas on the right path.

To Venus, you can focus on helping others and get your relationships on the right path.

To Mars, you can take the initiative and focus on how to get what you want.

To Jupiter, you can expand on your growth and feel optimistic about your path.

To Saturn, you can focus on the goals you have for growth and take a steady approach.

To Uranus, you can focus on growing to be more like your true self, and can get on your path in new, different ways.

To Neptune, you can get in tune with your spiritual self and grow spiritually

To Pluto, you can take control of your growth and transform to evolve.

To Chiron, you can grow and get on the right path through healing.

To your North Node, you can feel pushed to grow in ways that may feel uncomfortable but ultimately help you find your path and purpose.

To your South Node, you can feel comfortable with growing and focusing on your path, but old issues may need to be worked on otherwise they can get in the way.

To Black Moon Lilith, you can get on the right path by standing up for yourself and what you want.

Sextiles and trines by transit Selena to any of your planets or angles can make it easier for you to grow as a person, find your path, and help others.

Squares and oppositions by transit Selena to any of your planets or angles can bring challenges and blocks to growing and finding your path, and you may feel less protected or inspired. You will need to take some consistent action to trust your intuition and stay connected to your soul path during these transits.

I hope you enjoyed this deep dive into White Moon Selena!

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