This is an EXTRA special video where we unveil the secretes of the sky with the lost & hidden constellation of NOCTUA, The Owl
In this video I cover:
🦉The Lost & Hidden Constellation - Noctua, The Owl
🦉Deep Space Objects of Noctua
🦉Owl Mythology
🦉Owl Symbolism
🦉Noctua Starseeds & Owl Souls
🦉Noctua Owl Starseed Codes
🦉The Noctua Alignment
Are You a Noctua Starseed or an Owl Soul? Click HERE to Watch & Find Out...
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In this video we explore the mystical realms of The Blue Avians.
The Blue Avians are one of the most ancient sentient lifeforms in the entire omniverse. They are powerful celestial beings and galactic ancestors with tremendous capabilities.
They are returning to support us during these trying times on Earth.
***Learn more about Starseed Astrology with my Course:
***Join The Life-Changing Q...
Are you called to deliver messages from The Divine, but need support in learning to access them? Do you need to summon up true courage? Maybe you just love eagles, birds, and multidimensional avian star beings and want to connect more with them. Whatever the need, The Aquila Alignment and The Eagle Spirit Guide is here to help!
The Eagle teaches how to embrace an elevated perspective while bravely speaking your truth, because Eagles are one of the highest-flying birds. The Eagle is connected to...
Do you wonder about previous incarnations? Does your day-to-day existence seem dull or drab? The Peacock Alignment can help!
Pavo, The Peacock teaches you about past life lessons, and how the right use of color instills magic into your world. In Hinduism, Peacock walks with Lakshmi, the goddess of good fortune, compassion, and fortitude. It is also associated with Hindra, a thunder and rain god whose waters renew the Earth.
Peacocks are harbingers of rain...
In this Ophiuchus Starseed Super Session we cover:
*The Ophiuchus Constellation
*Deep Space Objects of Ophiuchus
*The Mythology of Ophiuchus
*Symbolism of Ophiuchus
*The Golden Gate of Ascension
*The Galactic History of Ophiuchus
*Ophiuchus Starseeds Traits
*Ophiuchus Codes: How to Unlock Ophiuchus Energy in Your Star Chart
*The Ophiuchus Alignment
*The 13th Sign or Something Even GREATER?
🗝️Join The Life-Changing Quantum Alchemy Course Today: https://thestarseedsanctuary.mykajabi....
Are you fascinated with Crows?
Do you feel connected to Corvus, The Crow Constellation and not sure why?
Well, you may just be a Corvus Starseed. We can all benefit greatly from The Corvus Alignment that occurs twice a year too. In this Starseed Super Blog I will be covering all things Corvus for you.
The Corvus constellation is located in the southern sky. Its name means “crow” or “raven” in Latin. Corvus constellation represents Apollo’s sacred bird in Greek mythology. Corvus is the 70th co...

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