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The Origin Story of The Quantum Alchemy Method

Sep 02, 2024

The Regulus Alignment galactic origins leo regulus starseeds Aug 22, 2024

Royal Fixed Star, Regulus in The Leo Constellation, aligns with the Sun @ 0° of Virgo from August 22-23rd and we can enjoy the celestial crown chakra activations for the next week as we kick off Virgo Season!

Regulus, the Little King in the Heart of the Lion, called the Royal Star, may convey royal properties, noble mind, frankness, and courage. The importance of this fixed star is accentuated by its nearness to the ecliptic.

Regulus is the watcher or guardian of the northern sky and is...

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The Monoceros Alignment: Discover Your Unicorn Soul Codes galactic origins monoceros starseed astrology® starseed origins unicorn souls unicorns Jun 25, 2024

The Unicorn existed a long time ago, in ancient history. They were horses, made by a very specific race, from The Monoceros constellation, who saw a majestic light within the spirit of the horse. They thought by adding more magical power to them that they would guide the world into peace.

The Unicorns are connected to the Lemurians and Atlanteans. The Unicorns roamed freely even before Atlantis had been built in Lemuria. Since Unicorn roamed the earth, the energy could help in infusing some...

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The Magic of Mintaka: Discover Your Cosmic Connections to The Original Lightworkers galactic origins lightworkers mintaka mintakan starseeds starseed alignments starseed origins Jun 12, 2024

We are in the middle of The Orion Alignment this June as the giant star system of Orion aligns with the Sun. I have written extensively about The Orion Alignment in previous years and The Orion Starseed Super Session is available to everyone to watch on YouTube HERE

This year I wanted to focus in more on the most magical of stars in Orion's Belt, the galactic glitter oceans of the paradise planet of Mintaka, and The Mintakans - The OG Lightworkers!

Orion’s Belt is a prominent asterism...

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Polaris, The North Star: How to Discover Your True North astrology galactic origins north star polarian starseeds polaris soul mission starseed astrology® starseed origins Jun 12, 2024

Polaris, commonly known as the North Star or Pole Star, holds a special place in astronomy and navigation as it is located very close to the celestial North Pole. In Starseed Astrology, it represents the Polarians, one of the most ancient galactic families. Where Polaris falls in your natal chart shows you how to discover your "True North" and adds another layer of depth to the reason you are here on a soul mission as a cosmic being of light.

In this article, I will be covering everything you...

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🕊️The Columba Alignment, Columba Starseeds & Dove Souls avian starseeds columba dove galactic origins starseed astrology® starseed origins Jun 10, 2024

Columba, The Dove is a small constellation in the Southern Sky and represents one of our Avian Star Families. These Dove Avians and The Columba Alignment is the perfect time to seek peace, divine inspiration, or a closer connection with your family.

Columba, The Dove teaches you how to still your restless spirit and compassionately embrace those you love. In this cosmic article, we dive deeply into Cosmic Columba Dove symbolism, mythology, how to discover your connections to Columba and how...

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The Orion Alignment & Orion Starseeds galactic origins orion orion starseeds starseed alignments Jun 06, 2024

The Orion Constellation is named for the Greek god Orion, that seems to get himself into trouble often. There are different versions of his myth, but Orion does something to tick off the gods and he is killed with his soul sent out into the night sky. He becomes the Orion constellation. He chases The Pleiades system. Orion is a hunter and warrior. This theme seems to travel across cultural boundaries and may explain some Orion starseed traits.

The Orion Star System is huge with a diverse...

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