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Spica Starseeds

galactic history galactic origins spica starseeds starseed alignments starseed astrology starseeds virgo Oct 16, 2024

Spica Starseeds come from one of the three planets near fixed star Spica, Alpha Virginis, which is the brightest star in the Virgo Constellation and 15th brightest star in the night sky.

The Virgo Star System

The Virgo Constellation has 20 stars with known planets - MORE than any other constellation!

The name Spica comes from the Latin Spica Virginis, which means “Virgo’s Ear of Grain.” Spica was the star that helped the Greek Astronomer Hipparchus discover the precession of the equinoxes in 127 BCE
The Precession of the Equinoxes, or axial precession, is the gradual change in the orientation of Earth’s Axis of Rotation.

How to Find Spica in The Night Sky

Since Spica is one of the brightest stars in the night sky, it is easier than some to find on a clear night. The easiest way to find Spica is to first locate the Big Dipper asterism in Ursa Major, The Great Bear. The follow the arc of the Big Dipper's handle to Arcturus (3rd brightest star in the night sky) and just down from there you will find Spica.

The Mythology of Virgo

Virgo, The Maiden is a symbol of Astraea, Star Maiden, goddess of innocence and purity - one of the various Greek myths behind Virgo and is also linked to Libra as she was the Goddess of Justice who once carried a pair of scales with which she weighed up the rights and wrongs of any dispute.

Astraea represents natural law, not the human understanding of justice as found in Libra, she upholds the balance of the seasons and living in accordance with nature. In Greek mythology, Astraea, after leaving Earth, when overcome by her loathing of the unfairness that went on there, was transformed into the constellation of Virgo, according to legend, when the Golden Age comes again, Astraea will return to the Earth. The last Age of Virgo was During Atlantis and the fall.

Galactic Herstory of Spica

There are three planets with three different multidimensional beings or galactic species near Spica.
These beings are feline, humanoid, & angelic. Some have white wings and are 6D etheric light forms similar to angelics. 

Each planet has their own way of doing things, their own density and different realms. One planet in Spica is a 5D world of Feline Beings. Another is a 4D vibrational world with felines and humanoids. No one exists on the 3D plane in Spica as they have ascended from the density of physicality. Some of the beings from Spica originate from Lyra & Vega, some migrated just prior to the Lyra-Draco Wars and others found refuge after planets on Lyra were destroyed.


The Spica Angelics built etheric light cities, making a grid for light to connect to one another. This grid creates a forcefield for higher vibrational beings who need to visit with message, to come down through a beam of light.

The felines and humanoids tend to stick together in their 4D & 5D home planets. They are highly advanced in their technology, healing, and architecture. There worlds do not contain ground life. Everyone lives on platforms in their cities of light. They are very family oriented. 

Spica Starseed Traits

*Please note that Spica Starseeds will vary widely depending on where this fixed star falls in their natal star chart, how many incarnations they have had on Spica, other galactic origins, and their current life experiences on Earth.  I'm sure you can imagine someone with Spica conjunct their Sun will display these traits very differently than someone with Spica Conjunct Uranus!

With that being said, most Spica Starseeds have a Starchetype or cluster of characteristics in common that include, but are not limited to:

*Very rare to incarnate on Earth
*Spica Starseeds that do come to Earth love to converse about deep, meaningful topics
*Mission is to provoke thoughts of enlightenment & embodiment of angelic frequencies
*Very humble, HSPs, empaths
*Close with motherly figures
*Often try to blend in with the crowd
*Like to be a part of a group, but have a hard time finding one that is a good fit
*Perfectionists & often suffer from OCD traits
*Do not like even smallest thing out of place
*Very well-organized & like structure
*Love vibrant colors & animals
*Color coordination is important to them
*Routine creatures, live like clockwork

*Hyper-aware of world around them

*Love & accept all people, but do not trust easily
*Deeply clairsentient from a young age
*Multi-talented & many psychic gifts later in life
*This world can create anxiety overload for them and they need time alone or in nature to restore
*They love the nighttime and stars moreso than daytime and sunlight
*Often writers on the side, for hobby or main job
*Great appreciation for musical art and classics
*Very sharp minds
*Excellent concentration abilities
*Tend to be overthinkers
*Very good at observing deeper meanings below the surface and people’s true intentions
*Ultimate discerning energy

Spica Starseed Codes

Do you have any planets or luminaries in your natal star chart within 2-3º of Spica? That is considered an obvious Spica Starseed Code. Oppositions and trines can also be indicators. People with Virgo Stelliums (3+ placements in Virgo) will also feel an affinity for The Spica Starchetype.

The Spica Alignment

Each star and star system has its own unique energy and ability to help guide us as we continue our multidimensional journey through this lifetime and the omniverse. Astrological alignments are incredibly useful when you are trying to connect with your starseed guides and align your soul with the cosmos above us for greater spiritual insight. Starseed Alignments also help us raise our personal energetic frequency and the collective energies on planet Earth.

When the sun and the earth are in line with a star system, it is easier to connect with a starseed spirit guide or cosmic ancestor from that Galactic Home. For example, if you wanted to connect with a Spica guide, you could attempt to do so with greater ease during the one of The Spica Alignments that we have every year.

It is best to meditate in the daytime during ALL Direct or conjunct Starseed Alignments to optimize your results. I like to meditate when the sun (and therefore the Spica in this example) is directly above my head or when I am watching the sun set or rise.

If you meditate when the sun is directly overhead, focus on your crown chakra during the meditation. If you meditate while you are watching the sun set or rise, focus on your third eye. 

You are literally absorbing lightcodes through the sun from the star system you are focusing on during the direct alignments and, therefore, may experience powerful connections to those star guides, energy upgrades, and/or activations of dormant soul gifts pertaining to that star system or Galactic Family.

During the Opposite Starseed Alignments that happen six months later, The Star System of choice will be opposite the Sun and visible in the night sky. During this time, meditation generally occurs at night under the stars for optimal results.

The opposite Starseed Alignments are wonderful times for integrating karmic lessons associated with that Star System, Quantum Healing related to that Galactic Family, and dissolving any blocks that may be related to past/parallel/future lives in those star systems.

For opposite Starseed Alignments and night time meditations, Locate the Star System in the night sky (you can use an app like Nightsky or similar) and orientate yourself so that the star System is either directly above your head or so that you are facing the star system as it rises above the horizon around sunset.

I very strongly encourage everyone working with higher dimensional energies to say an invocation, affirmation, or prayer to ensure you are ONLY working with Star Guides that are in alignment with the one true source and ONLY for the highest good for all. 

If something ever feels off about a spirit guide or energy you are working with, please trust your intuition and clear your energy.  There is nothing to fear here, I just want to make sure you align with what is right for you and helpful to your energetic well-being.  If you want to learn more about energy protection and psychic self-defense check out my Quantum Alchemy Course HERE.

*Please note, that these are general recommendations. You can adjust these recommendations to best suit you and the starseed guides with whom you wish to connect.

**It is also important to note that you can connect to your starseed guides or other spirit guides any day of the year; you don't have to wait for Starseed alignments to happen on the cosmic calendar. However, during Starseed Alignments the energies are more heightened and you may find you can connect more fully or get more powerful messages, healing and awakening during those times.

I hope you enjoyed this Spica Starseed Super Blog - to learn more watch the Spica Starseed Super Session on YouTube HERE

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Thank you!

Heather Hobson, PsyD
The Starseed Sanctuary®
All Rights Reserved©

*Remember: this blog is for informational and educational purposes only. It shall not be construed as medical advice. The information and education provided here is not intended or implied to supplement or replace professional medical treatment, advice, and/or diagnosis. Always check with your own physician or medical professional before trying or implementing any information read here.


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