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July 2024 Full Moon Conjunct Lyra & Pluto Rx

full moon crystals full moon rituals lyra starseed astrology® Jul 20, 2024

This is a BIG, Supercharged Full Moon AND culmination point of a 16 year cycle. This Full Buck Moon is illuminating the death and transformation we have been going through for the past 16-years with Pluto in Capricorn.

With Pluto Rx conjunct this Full Moon, this is a phoenix moment as we celebrate what we have accomplished and let go of what is no longer serving us before Pluto moves into Aquarius to stay until 2044!

Let's get into all the potent aspects this Full Buck Moon is making and how you can make the most of this rare lunation.

But first, you might be wondering why is it called The Buck Moon? Well, it’s because this time of year is when the Male Deer (also called a Buck) shed their antlers and regrow them bigger and better, this happens every year. This feels incredibly synchronistic given the symbolism this Full Moon imbues.

 Other names for the July Full Moon:

Moon of the Crane

Thunder Moon ~ for the storms this time of year

Red Lilly Moon

Grass Cutter Moon

Halfway Summer Moon or Mid Summer Moon

Salmon Moon ~ because Salmon are now going up river

Feather Moulting Moon or Feather Shedding Moon

Moon of the Horse

Ripening Moon, Berry Moon, Raspberry Moon, and Blackberry Moon.

Starseed Astrology of July 2024 Full Moon

July 21st @ 3:16 am PST @ 29º Capricorn (Tropical) & Capricorn 4º Capricorn (Sidereal) Conjunct Eta Lyrae, Aladfar in Lyra, The Cradle of Galactic Civilization

Full Moon Conjunct Lyra

 This July 2024 Full Moon is Conjunct one of the most ancient Star Homes in Lyra. Lyra, the Lyre or Harp, anciently represented the fabled instrument invented by Hermes and given to his half-brother Apollo, who in turn transferred it to his son Orpheus, the musician of the Argonauts. Ovid mentioned its seven strings as equaling the number of the Pleiades.

Lyra and Vega are where the birth of galactic civilization began in our galaxy. The represent an origin point and for many of us, this was our first incarnation or soul origin. Lyrans enjoy being in the physical form in the 3d world, pushing their physical limits, doing hard physical work, and enjoying what the physical world has to offer. Their world was destroyed in the Lyra-Draco Wars, which contributes to a subconscious awareness or feeling that they cannot go home.

They are drawn to the paranormal and metaphysics and they are people watchers and sociologists. They are independent, yet shy and natural leaders. They intelligent and like to know about a wide range of topics. They will take leadership positions sharing their knowledge, which may also come from many previous lives. They fight to right injustice or for causes they believe in. As some Lyrans are feline beings, their Elders, they have a strong connection to cats. Lyrans also have strong connections to Lemuria, and are master healers, and blended with Atlantis and Egypt, thus being knowledgeable about math, healing with crystals, tone and sound, and sacred geometry.

Connect with a Lyran guide or listen to The Lyran Starseed Activation HERE. I also pinned this fabulous meditation to the top of the post feed so you can find it easier - it's one of my favs!

Full Moon Conjunct Pluto Retrograde (Rx)

Pluto has been Rx since May 2nd (Rx thru October 12th, 2024) – helping us rebirth and transform our psychological consciousness and let go of what isn’t working in our lives and the collective in big, long lasting ways. Pluto rules intensity and long, lasting transformations. What have you achieved in the last 16 years? What are you ready to let go of?

On Friday, July 19, 2024 we also had an activation of a Mini Grand Trine with the three outer planets: Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto that was strongly boosted by the Mars Uranus Conjunction. It's been wild out there the last week!.

This Mini Grand Trine with Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto lasts most of the decade.

Right now, it’s sharing power with Mars as the Red Planet temporarily joins this aspect pattern. This Mars-Uranus-Neptune-Pluto Mini Grand Trine started on 7/9, peaks on 7/19, and ends on 7/31.

The Outer Planets Energize Mars. The primal archetypes of Mars are the warrior, sexual being, entrepreneur, and initiator. Any such activities get massive support!

Mars enters Gemini 7/20 Conjunct Pleiades Trine Full Moon

At this point, learning, writing, teaching and communication get an extra boost and taking action like a Pleiadian is highlighted during the first week of Mars' transit through Gemini.

Mars Boosting the Outer Planets. Mars also energizes the three outer planets. The influence of the Mini Grand Trine with Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto started ramping up in 2022 and 2023. But its energy is continuous from 4/25/2024 through 9/6/2029. That’s five and a half years!

The 2024 peak will be 9/17, when the Mini Grand Trine will be within a 3º orb (level of exactness). With this potentially harmonious interaction, these three “gods of change” can support each others’ highest qualities.

A Mini Grand Trine is a triangle with two 60° sextiles and a 120° trine. Here, Pluto is sextile Neptune, Neptune is sextile Uranus, and Uranus is trine Pluto.

There are endless possibilities for this transit that is very active during this Full Moon including wealth, courage, and intensity, deep transformations (Pluto) - spiritual awakening, heightened intuition, and forgiveness (Neptune) - sparks of visionary future, problem-solving, uniquely creative (Uranus).

Eris Stations Retrograde Square Full Moon

Eris, Goddess of Discord and Strife, begins her passage in retrograde the same day as this Full Moon. During this time, the energy is magnified as she focuses her attention within. Eris is known for creating chaos, disrupting cultural conditioning, calling out the elephant in the room, and pointing out where there is discordance.

Eris on July 21st – January 11th, 2025 – helping us to reexamine the internalized patterns and parts of our psyche that cause suffering and oppression from long-held cultural wounding and to dismantle internalized patriarchal BS.

Other Important Starseed Astrology Aspects to Note:

Sun Conjunct Monoceros, The Unicorn 

Uranus Conjunct Algol, Medusa's Head 

Starseed Astrology Fixed Star Wheel for July Full Moon

General Mundane Astrology Aspect Worth Mentioning


This lunation also includes a T-Square with the Moon, Sun, Chiron, and Pluto. This setup is great for emotional healing!

If you get triggered, use an effective shadow work process to face and heal those old traumas once and for all. As usual, I recommend my free Healing Invocation, which has helped thousands do DIY healing with remarkable ease, speed, and efficiency. Why spend years struggling with a trauma when you could potentially heal it in minutes? This T-Square can also empower your activities as a healer or wisdom giver.

General Astrology Chart for July 2024 Full Moon

Crystals for The Full Buck Moon

Crystals are great to work with for any day of the year, but especially on Full Moons. You can make a crystal grid, meditate with crystals, or add them to your ritual bath (Smokey Quartz is the only water safe one though ;-)

Rituals for The Full Buck Moon

If you are looking for some good ritual ideas I highly recommend these. Mirror work is a great practice and this is also a wonderful time to cleanse your mirrors. For how to do that check out my article on Mirror Cleansing HERE.

While, it may be hard to feel our feelings sometimes, this is needed for us to be able to consciously move through any blocks and have a proper letting go as we end a HUGE 16 year cycle. Connecting with nature and meditating outside is a wonderful practice as well.

As the Buck sheds its antlers, we must think of this time, also, as a time to shed the old and that which no longer serves us.

Utilize this Full Moon to write down what you are letting go of or transmuting. You can take that paper and give it back to the Universe so that you can be cleansed of it, examples may include:

Burning it in your abalone shell (always be careful with fire and utilize adult supervision & always practice safety with fire and flammable items).

Burying the snuffed out ashes or sending them down the River or into the Ocean.

Tearing up the piece of paper or shredding it (it being decomposed wood now, is not hazardous or pollutant).

Cord Cutting Rituals or Unbinding Ceremonies with candles would also be great to complete closure.

I highly suggest - when getting rid of the negative and that which no longer services you, ALWAYS follow up with a good Smudging or Cleansing (ex: Selenite) - followed by setting of intentions to bring in the positivity and take time out to be grateful!

July Full Moon Conjunct Lyra Horoscopes

ARIES: This Full Moon can bring results, progress, and developments with something you’ve been working on for some time, and it can directly tie into anything that came about with the previous Full Moon. You might feel driven to make as much progress as possible with this Full Moon, and can push while you have the chance. The North Node and Eris Rx are activating any Aries placements for the rest of the YEAR - so think about where you are headed and how you want to make change in your world.

TAURUS: This Full Moon can make you more passionate about your beliefs, and you can take a stand with them, and this can tie into the previous Full Moon in some way. Developments from that Full Moon can continue with this one, and you can push for what you believe, and open up more. Taurus has been hit HARD by the recent Uranus-Mars-Algol Conjunction, but with Mars moving into Gemini you get a much needed respite from at least the Mars intensity. Uranus will remain in Taurus until May 2025.

GEMINI: This Full Moon can continue a focus on something old, deeply hidden, from the past, and that requires a transformation, and this likely began with the previous Full Moon. You can see major developments now, make progress, and focus on finalizing the transformation and taking control. Gemini is getting an activation of inspiration now that Mars has moved into your sign. How can you share your voice more with the world?

CANCER: This Full Moon can bring more focus to the people in your life, and one person, partner, or ally may require more attention. This likely began with the previous Full Moon, and you can give them extra support and work on improving your connection with them, or you may decide it’s time to call it quits. Cancer is getting to enjoy the alignment of Monoceros, The Unicorn in their sign and magical gifts and extrasensory perception is highlighted during the next week for you. Use it to support your manifestation work and emotional release.

LEO: This Full Moon can help you keep up productivity, and you can continue to get things done, which likely began with the previous Full Moon. You can also see major developments with a work project, and you may take on a lot, causing extra stress. Try to manage your schedule well and include breaks. It's almost your season Lions! Over the next month, Leo season kicks off and this is a wonderful time for Leo placements to absorb the lightcodes of the Sun in their sign. Time to shine, have more fun, and tap into your creative pursuits.

VIRGO: This Full Moon can make you feel more creative and in need of some fun, and you might have tried to take a break from the mundane with the previous Full Moon, and this can continue with this Full Moon. You might take love relationships to the next level, complete projects, or clear out old love baggage. Virgos have been working on something big and need to be mindful to not overwork themselves during this lunation. Take time for rest and ritual - it will help you with this big project and the next chapter you are writing of your life!

LIBRA: This Full Moon can stimulate your emotions, and this likely started with the previous Full Moon. You can be more sensitive, and something is likely triggering you emotionally. Work on getting to the core of that, and this can help you feel more emotionally secure and strengthen your foundation. Get grounded out in nature and find balance between the opposition of Eris Rx in Aries to your sign. Extra self-care is needed right now and it's ok to just rest.

SCORPIO: This Full Moon can fill up your schedule, and you’ve likely been busy since the previous Full Moon. You can tackle your ideas and finalize plans, and finish pursuits for an idea. You can become more invested in the ideas you have, and can be more open with what’s on your mind. Luckily, Haumea just entered your sign and this is helping you supercharge your creativity and regenerative abilities.

SAGITTARIUS: This Full Moon can continue to remind you to get grounded and centered, something that may have been more important for you starting with the previous Full Moon. You may also see major developments with your resources or finances, and can improve stability and security. The Lot of Fortune is in your sign during this Full Moon, enhancing your manifestation work and abundance rituals.

CAPRICORN: This Full Moon is in your sign, as was the previous Full Moon, so you’ve had heightened emotions and given more attention to yourself and life developments for the last month. This might signal important developments for something you’ve been working at for some time, and can alter your direction going forward. Connecting to your Lyran Star Guides greatly supports you at this time.

AQUARIUS: This Full Moon can keep your emotional energy low, and you’ve likely been more easily drained since the previous Full Moon. You’ve likely had to work on having better emotional boundaries to protect yourself, and have had to take more time to rest, recharge, and reflect. Aquarius is feeling the intensity with Pluto Rx still at 0º Aquarius and the next 20 year cycle of Pluto will undoubtedly cause some major transformations and potential to increase your personal power, wealth, and magnetism. Use it wisely.

PISCES: This Full Moon can continue to make you feel more independent and push to embrace your unique, unconventional self, and this likely started with the previous Full Moon. You’ve felt strong enough to fight for yourself, your dreams, and to venture outside your comfort zone, and you finalize important changes now. With both Neptune and Saturn in your sign, you have been feeling the intense healing work for the collective and individually. Give yourself permission to let go of anything holding you back.

Happy Full Moon!

Heather ✨✨✨

The Starseed Sanctuary®

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