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Ultimate List of Psychic Abilities & Magical Practices

alchemy divination psychic superpowers Oct 25, 2024

Everyone has psychic gifts, abilities, and even superpowers!

We are all born psychic, with magical extrasensory capacities. However, society often beats it out of us and pushers of scientific materialism tell us if you can't prove it with hard science then it's not real. This is total BS.

As someone who has had lifelong psychic gifts and countless paranormal experiences, I can tell you that being psychic isn't abnormal or paranormal at all - it's the original norm!

Many people think psychic means predicting the future, but psychic abilities are as diverse as people on planet earth (and beyond). There are also countless forms of divination or magical practices you can connect with to develop your gifts and abilities.

May this comprehensive list of psychic abilities and magical practices help you unlock and discover your psychic superpowers.

Aeromancy: Aeromancy involves being attentive to weather anomalies and other atmospheric events to predict future happenings! Both the weather on earth (rain, hurricanes, wind, etc.) and space weather (solar flares, solar storms, etc.) are powerful energies that Aeromancers can tap into to raise their consciousness and channel information from the weather. It's psychic weather divination at its finest.

Afterlife Communication: Afterlife communication involves the moment when the living is contacted by the deceased through a form of direct communication. When we lose a loved one, we often feel their presence or even long after they are gone we may receive messages from them. The term Afterlife Communication refers to the communication with the deceased without a medium, psychic, ritual, or other means of contact being involved when the connection is made.

Akashic Records: Akasha is a Sanskrit term meaning æther. The word Akasha references an intensely elastic and extremely rare material or substance once believed to be a mix of electromagnetic radiation and light vibrations, but also something capable of pervading every space. Occult practitioners consider Akasha as the spirit being the Mother of All Elements. In Vedantic Hindu, Akasha references an imaginary ethereal liquid permeating the universe. In Jainism, Akasha refers to the cosmos or space. Buddhists, call it infinite. Edgar Cayce called the Akashic Records a place accessible through hypnotic trance and a location storing all emotions, thoughts, human actions, and events. The Akasha can be channeled by itself as an energy. The Akashic Records are considered The Library of The Soul and house all the past, parallel, and future lives your have lived - as well as, the historical records of every living, sentient being and historical events on Earth and throughout the galaxies. Anyone can learn to read their Akashic Records and this is something I teach my clients how to do. To learn more check out my Mentorship Program HERE.

Alchemy: (Also Quantum Alchemy) Alchemy is the medieval forerunner of chemistry, based on the transformation of matter, particularly with converting base metals into gold, cure diseases, prolong life or to find a universal elixir; in the occult sciences, such as alchemy and astrology it is a seemingly magical process of transformation, creation, or combination. The most ancient root of Alchemy is an Arabic word al-kīmiyā (الكيمياء), interpreted as “the process of transmutation by which to fuse or reunite with the divine or original form. Quantum Alchemy is my own unique brand of energy healing, psychic self-defense, timeline alchemy and multidimensional gridwork and it is LIFE-Changing - check it out HERE.

Alectryomancy: Calling all bird watchers … this is the divination method for you – that’s if you have a fondness for our avian homies. Watching birds, connecting with birds, and channeling messages from birds is this mystical form of divination.

Alpha Mind State: A state of mind in which the brain naturally shifts into just before one drifts off to sleep; it is a relaxed state in which the subconscious proves more open and highly suggestive. Full consciousness is the beta or gamma state, but right before one enters a full slumber (where deep delta waves are experienced), the alpha state occurs. People can enter the alpha state intentionally and implant suggestions into their own subconscious mind to initiate new behaviors, habits, and improve their life. It is a form of subconscious reprogramming and healing subconscious patterns that keep a person feeling stuck.

Angel Readings: This is the ability to channel or communicate with Angels by conveying messages via the telepathy or even oracle or tarot cards. This is a very popular method and many energy healers and psychics work with specific angels for specific purposes. Always make sure the being of light your are connecting with is who they say they are and check out my Quantum Alchemy Course HERE for more on protecting your energy and Psychic Self-Defense.

Animal Communication: Animals communicate with other animals and people – sometimes directly via telepathy and sometimes by relating symbolic messages and teachings (Spirit, Totem, & Power Animals). Animal Communication also expresses the practice of energy healing for pets and animals whether they are feline canine, equine, or many others from the animal kingdom. There are animal psychics who communicate with the animal to assess the animal’s well-being. Also, animals have great wisdom and can share insights about the family which can be healing to the whole! I encourage you to visit the site where you can explore all of the messages many different animals convey.

Anomalous Cognition: This is a term coined by professional parapsychologists used to refer to the still unexplained ability for people to have knowledge of something without knowing the source from which that information stems while the information is usually received through one or more psychic senses. This is similar to claircognizance and explains why many people in the spiritual community channel similar messages especially during cosmic cycles and major energy shifts in the collective. 

Arithmancy: (Also Gematria) Divination using numbers is the definition of arithmancy, an ancient form of Numerology. Fortunes are defined by using numerical values and numbers assigned to each letter of the alphabet (a cycle of 0-9). Many people use Numerology to define their life path and the lessons they need to learn in this lifetime.

Astral Projection: (Also Astral Travel or Mental Projection): This practice is a method in which a person willfully exits the body and has an Out of Body Experience (OBE). The process requires the belief that the body is a vessel and the soul connected to it with a fine silver cord, leaving it possible for the soul to leave the physical body for a short time as astral body and travel around in the physical and astral realms. Please note that astral travel does make you far more vulnerable to psychic attacks and attachments on the astral plane (there is a lot of junk there and negative entities), so please be extra careful with energy shielding and clearing. I highly recommend Multidimensional Travel as opposed to Astral Travel for the same results in a much safer practice. To sign up for The Multidimensional Travel Course Launching November 2024 go HERE.

Astrology: Astrology is so much more than knowing your birth chart. Astrology is a form of divination with the stars, planets, asteroids, black holes, and even nebulae. I love using astrology because the birth chart, solar return chart, or even astrocartography map activate a channel of information for my clients to deepen their healing and awakening journeys. There are so many magical gifts and abilities that astrology can activate within you and the person's chart with which you are connecting. Astrology is my main area of psychic speciality and you can check out the many astrology readings I offer HERE.

Aura Reading: Aura reading is the ability to pick up on the auric field, subtle energy field, and even electromagnetic fields and energetic bodies of various individuals as well as living and inanimate objects. Being able to sense or see the energetic body of another. Another magical ability I teach about in the Quantum Alchemy Course!

Automatic Writing: The ability to draw or write without conscious intent. Automatic writing is the act of writing out something without conscious awareness of writing; Automatic writing might occur while someone is in a trance state, or the writer might be conscious but not aware of the writing when it occurs. There are many books that are channeled or written this way even by the person's own consciousness or through channeling a divine guide to help the writing process.

Bibliomancy: A form of divination for the book lover. The use of books wherein the diviner pulls up random passages in the book to discover answers to questions, insight, or guidance. 

Candle Readings: (Also Candlemancy or Candle Magic) Candle Reading is a practice wherein the diviner melts a candle and allows the hot wax to drip into water. The shapes and patterns reveal the future. The practice was common during the eighteenth century, especially when envelopes were often closed with wax seals.

Capnomancy: Where there’s smoke there’s fire. Looking at patterns and any shapes appearing in smoke to predict the future. Watch the campfire or watch a bit of incense burn – see what patterns crop up!

Cartomancy: (Also Card Readings) This is the art of telling one’s fortune by using a standard deck of playing cards or an oracle deck like the Tarot. Also akin to Chartomancy, which is the use of paper and inscriptions to make predictions. Because Tarot Card are believed to have stemmed from playing cards, Tarot Card Reading can, also, be considered a form of Cartomancy.

Ceraunoscopy: They say lightning never strikes the same place twice, so psychics better move fast on this one! Ceraunoscopy is divining via the observation of lightning and thunder and the intensity of the storm.

Chakra Balancing: The practice of using various methods for rebalancing the energies in the Chakra system: Energy centers aligning with the spine and with minor chakras in various parts of the body as well. My favorite is the 12 Chakra System - check out this guided Chakra Meditation to learn how to balance yours like a pro!

Chakra Healing: A modality of energy healing involving clearing, balancing, and activating the energy centers of the body and energy fields. Regular chakra healing is essential to keep you psychic channel clear and optimally functioning.

Chakra Reading: An experience wherein someone capable of sensing your energies will assess the health and status of each of your chakras to see if they are blocked or opened or even if you have entity attachments in any one of your energy centers making you feel stagnant or stifled.

Channeling: Channeling is the ability to receive higher dimensional messages from spirit guides, galactic guides, elementals, ancestors, or other sentient life forms. Trance Channeling is essentially possession and I DO NOT recommend this type of channeling as it makes the person very vulnerable to negative entity attachments. You should know the difference between co-collaborative channeling or spirit contact and trance channeling, which is where a spirit or intelligent being makes use of the body and mind of a psychic or medium in order to communicate. The psychic or medium or channeler is not hearing the communication and relaying it, but the spirit is in full control of the person. Only very advanced psychics can do this safely so please proceed with caution.

Clairaudience: (Clear Hearing) Hearing information without the physical ears, but through the paraphysical sense of hearing.

Claircognizance: (Clear Knowing) The psychic ability to know things or hold an intrinsic knowledge without knowing of the source. Also called a sense of “knowing without knowing.”

Clairempathy: (Clear Emotion) This is the ability to feel emotions of others, whether the person is outwardly expressing them or not. Sometimes it involves actually experiencing the emotion of the living, but also the deceased.

Clairgustance: (Clear Tasting) The ability to taste or perceive the essence of a substance from the ethereal realms without contact.

Clairolfactory: (Clear Smelling) Here we’re talking about the ability to smell something with the paraphysical senses. As an example: often times we will smell the perfume of someone who has passed over. This is due to their sending their ‘scent’ when their spirit pops in for a visit.

Clairsentience: Picking up on feelings or sensations through the paraphysical senses. This can start with something as simple as your hair standing up on end or feeling cold spots …

Clairtangence: Definitely one way to stay in-touch! This is the physic ability to touch something with the paraphysical sense of touch or beyond the physical realm.

Clairvoyance: (Clear Seeing): This is the paraphysical sense of sight, not using the physical eyes, but seeing events, people, things, or places through psychic sense and activation of the third eye or pineal gland. One who has this ability is a clairvoyant.

Clidomancy (Also Cleidomancy): You can have the “keys to the kingdom” of future knowledge, if you ask the right questions at the right time and use just the right divinatory tools, at least according to Clidomancy. This is a divinatory method performed when the Moon and Sun shifts into the Virgo constellation. At that time, the practitioner ties a key to the bible and then uses the same key as a pendulum to determine one’s future. #virgonation

Crystal Ball Gazing (Also Scrying): This is one of the most commonly known methods of fortune-telling methods involving the use of a glass sphere, quartz point or crystal ball in order to ‘see’ future events.

Déjà vu: This feels strangely familiar. Déjà vu is the definite experience that you’ve seen something, someone, or someplace or that you had an experience in the past that is repeating itself in the present. Many people believe this is you connecting to a parallel version of yourself in The Multiverse who is doing that Déjà vu thing you are experience simultaneously!

Dendromancy: The act of putting a mistletoe or oak branch or two in a blazing fire to determine what symbols show up in the rising smoke and the direction the smoke takes. The mistletoe and oak give clues to the origin of this practice as both were sacred trees to the Druids.

Dermo-Optical Perception: The ability to perceive unusual sensory stimuli through one's own skin. Similar vibe to clairtangency and clairsentience, but specifically related to the skin.

Divination: The ability to gain insight into a situation using a wide variety of tools or methods. We have covered many divination practices so far and there are still many more to go in this magical article. You can get creative with divination and use almost anything as a tool to connect to psychic abilities including, but not limited to: Tarot or Oracle Cards, Astrology, Pendulum, Candles, Animals, Dreams, Altered States of Consciousness, and so much more!

Divine Intervention: This is something most of us eventually hope for when things get way too challenging! The moment when the Divine or Universe intervenes in human affairs: A miraculous event. This can be considered a psychic ability because, sometimes, we have to be open psychically to see the signs from spirit – and angels, guides, etc. As someone who has experienced Divine Intervention countless times, this one is absolutely the real deal!

Divining Rods: (Also Dowsing Rods) The use of a Y-shaped stick or L-shaped metal rods for the discovery of cold spots, underground water supplies, minerals, metals, and missing items or people. Many people also use these to ask yes or no questions for answers from spirit and to connect energetically to the write solution or answer to their questions. I have a pair and I love them - one of my fav divination tools.

Dream Telepathy: (Also Psychic Dreaming) A state experienced during sleep where you can receive messages from the Higher Self, subconscious, spirits, and to telepathically communicate with another person or guide. You may receive symbolic insight through the imagery and auditory experiences you have during the dream session.

Empath: Someone who can pick up on the emotions of another; a sensitive who will feel what others are feeling even if the person they are picking up on is not expressing their feelings outwardly. This ability has negative side effects as many empaths have difficulty controlling the influx of emotional information they detect. Learn to master Psychic Self Defense with my Quantum Alchemy Course if you identify as an empath and thank me later ;-)

Electrokinesis: This is a psychic ability wherein a person uses the mind alone, without any aid from the physical body other than brain power, to generate electrical currents, electricity, and energies.

Energy Healing: The use of universal energies for naturally healing the body’s energetic system. There are many modalities out there and you can even create your own.

Energy Manipulation: This practice is the use of visualization techniques or thoughts to control and manage energy, particularly the universal energy coursing through the person and everyone/everything (the life force chi, ki, or prana), but also psychic energy. Use this one for the good of everyone or be prepared to receive that energy back times three!

Ergokinesis: The ability to influence the movement of energy, such as electricity, without direct interaction.

ESP: (Extra Sensory Perception) This refers to the paraphysical senses one uses to detect feelings, sounds, visual cues, smells, tastes, and other sensory information that is only accessible beyond the capabilities of the physical senses.

Exorcism: When an uninvited spirit or entity enters into a living being and and uses the physical body as a host, an exorcism is performed to banish the offending spirit of entity through the eviction from the body and banishment.

Fairies (also Faerie Whispering): This is the act of using one’s psychic abilities and awareness to detect and communicate with faeries, the faye, earth elementals, or even the galactic faye from various star systems like Apollonia. 

Feng Shui: A philosophy stemming from Chinese traditions wherein an understanding of the subtle and not so subtle energies of people and their environment affect and interrelate, particularly with a concentration on the elements of water and wind.

Gastromancy: Talk about listening to your gut! This is a form of divination wherein words are brought forth with a deep tonality and while taking deep breaths so the sounds emanate from the gut. It could be telling more than just "feed me!"

Geloscopy: LOL! This is a form of divination interpreting the way a person experiences laughter: The tone, length, and intensity of the laugh are considered. Divination from that's my kind of psychic sensing. 😂

Geomancy: (Also Grid Work) This ability involves working with the geology, geometry, ley lines, and grids of the Earth for healing and spiritual purposes. 

Ghost Busting: I ain't afraid of no ghost! Ghost Busting is the subject of many television shows and films alike, the real-life pursuit if investigating active hauntings/ethereal recordings and the removal of entities or ghosts in a person’s home. Be sure to watch my Ghostbusting Video on Youtube to learn more HERE 👻

Ghost Whisperer: Ghost Whisper is a term, not just telling of the famed television show, but an actual practice wherein a medium ghost whisper is one who can hear the voices of spirits and convey what they want to say to those left behind in the physical realm. Just make sure the ghosts whispering to you respect your energetic boundaries or they need to get ghost busted!

Hydromancy: This is the practice or psychic modality of water divination. The water has properties you can observe as you scry into its surface. You can do this with the ocean, a river, lake, or even your neighborhood pool. Goddess Salacia of The Salt Water and Sedna of The Depths of The Ocean approve highly of this one. If you are a water lover, this one is calling your name to the bathtub tonight!

Hypnosis: A state of consciousness that is a lot like sleep which is artificially triggered by a hypnotist. Once in the state, the individual is open and receptive to directions and suggestions. When used as a form of trance, it is a method in which one can receive psychic information as did Edgar Cayce, otherwise known as the Sleeping Prophet.

Intuition: The word intuition is often interchanged with “gut feeling” but really referencing a form of awareness that is based in psychic senses. It’s something we ignore at our peril!

Journaling: Write down the things you pick up on to track the successful use of paranormal or psychic senses; Documenting experiences helps you learn to recognize the inner voice of intuition too!

Ki: (Also Prana, Chi, Ki, Kundalini, & Loosh): This is all about the vital life-force with us all … This is a higher power, the Divine, Universal Energies pouring through us all and what is relied on for Kundalini Yoga, Tantric practices, and numerous other energy and psychic modalities. 

Lampadomancy: Like a moth to the flame, this method of divination involves the use of a torch or oil lamp with a flame as the scrying tool! Similar to Candle Divination or Candle Magic.

Levitation: The ability to float or fly by mystical means. The ability involves defying gravity and making people, animals, or objects hover over the ground without any physical support when doing so.

Lithomancy: (Also Crystal Divination or Crystal Magic) This ability ROCKS! I mean who doesn't love crystals, gemstones, and sacred rocks? What direction should you take in life? Well go on, grab a map, a talisman made of stone, rocks, or even crystals and toss them on the surface of the map image to find out. Now, you’ve put ONE of the divination practice of lithomancy into practice! Lithomany, Crystal Divination, and Crystal Magic is a vast topic as crystals and gemstones can be used for healing, protection, crystal grids, and so much more. Let your crystal witch out with this one!

Lucid Dreaming: A state during a dream in which you suddenly realize you are dreaming, but remain within the dream and start to interact with the scenario presented.

Meditation: You might not realize this, but meditation is a psychic ability and practicing even just 5 minutes a day significantly develops your extrasensory gifts and intuitive superpowers. The practice of silencing the conscious mind to tap into the subconscious, higher self, or Divine within for guidance and insight. There are actually HUNDREDS of ways to meditation, not just the Transcendental Meditation that we stereotypically think of when we hear "meditation." Guided Visualization, Movement Meditation, Music Meditation, and even art all help us get into the Theta Brainwave state for which meditation is so beneficial.

Medical Intuition: (Also Medical Psychic, or Medical Clairvoyant or Medical Astrologer)
A practitioner of medicine or energy healing who uses intuitive or psychic abilities in as a modality for diagnosis. Medical Astrologers are often gifted at this modality as well as Holistic Health Practitioners and clairsentients who may even feel the illness in their body when connecting with the client or patient.

Medium: A person who connects with spirit and who behaves as a conduit for the disembodied spirit, either by speaking for them or allowing the spirit to channel through them to communicate with the living directly. The medium enters a trance state but also remains aware and conscious during the session while the spirit speaks through the medium, also called trance mediumship.

Metaphysics: The word Metaphysics stems from Ancient Greece and is a combination of two words – Meta, meaning over and beyond – and physics. Broadly speaking, it is the study of the nature of the world, reality, and existence. Currently, these studies include (to name only a few): Philosophy, Religion, Parapsychology, Mysticism, Yoga, ESP, Dreams, Jungian Psychology, Transpersonal and Theocentric Psychology, Astrology, Meditation, Self-Help Studies, Positive Thinking, Life After Death, Transcendentalism, Mysticism, Reincarnation

Mirror Gazing: This psychic ability or power is divination while scrying into a mirror.

Moleosophy: Starseed Markings? Literally! Predicting future events or connecting your to past/parallel lives by considering body anomalies like blemishes, birthmarks, moles, and scars. 

Morphing: Talk about transformation! Moving from the physical realm into the super-physical or astral realm at one’s leisure; Shamans are said to walk between the world of spirit and the physical … morphing is a modernized reference for this! Similar to shapeshifting but pertains to alternate dimensional work. 

Mystic: An initiate of the secret teachings of the ancients. One who believes in the existence of paranormal or metaphysical reality. A Shaman, psychic, medium, clairvoyant, etc.

Namology: (also Nameology): The practice of using both numerology and the art of Astrology to determine the appropriate name for a person, place, or business. 

Near Death Experience: A phrase coined by Raymond Moody who was the first to study the experiences of those who had nearly died or did die and returned to tell about it. As a survivor of several NDEs I can tell you that these magnify a person's psychic gifts and abilities x a million and while very scary, they can have positive and life-altering outcomes if you survive. 

Necromancy: The art of conducting a séance and communicating with the deceased for retrieving information of divining.

Numerology: (Also Numeromancy) Using numbers and letters to determine a person’s life path, strengths, attributes, and life events. Also, using the numbers found in birthdates, phone numbers, address and the like for further interpretation.

Oculomancy: (Also Eye Gazing or Eye Divination) This is the act of looking into the eyes of a person to divine. The character of the eye, shape of it, color, reflections, iris features and shadows were used in this divinatory practice. To look in the eyes of a person to search for truth or to see straight through to the soul.

Oracle: In ancient times and Oracle was a priest or priestess who was consulted in an effort to receive answers to personal questions or to interpret moments. There were also communicate with for healing purposes. Today and Oracle is still a person who divines the future but is also someone who is a psychic or mystic.

Out of Body Experience: (also Astral Projection, Mental Projection, or OBE): This is an experience where a person astral projects out of the body but remains connected to it with a silver cord; the out of body experience is often reported by those who are having a near death experience or even trauma survivors when they dissociate. When done consciously and safely, it can be used for spiritual purposes and divination. 

Palmistry: This is the act of reading one’s lines and ridges and the shapes of one’s fingers and hands in an effort to determine one’s future and fate.

Parapsychology: The study of extrasensory perception and paranormal phenomena.

Past/Parallel Life Regression: Time isn't linear and we live in The Multiverse so you can access past AND parallel lives via this technique. This is a state one enters into and experiences after being hypnotized where one sees and/or hears events from past or parallel Earth and/or Galactic Lives and to experience another incarnation of their soul than their current timeline. 

Pendulum: Here’s a form of divination where you can really get into the swing of things! When a crystal or other heavy bob on a chain or string is used to dangle over words, letters or a yes/no while a question is posed it is called pendulum divination. 

Phyllorhodomancy: The use of rose petals to determine one’s future in ancient Greece there was a practice of holding Rose leaves in one hand and then clapping in an effort to judge the successful outcome of one’s endeavors.

Precognition: The ability to perceive or gain awareness and knowledge of events that will occur in the future that are obtained by unknown means and that proved true and accurate.

Psychic: A person attuned to innate paraphysical abilities giving them access to information about the past, present, and/or future.

Psychic Healing: The entrance of a trance-like state to use psychic abilities to heal a person from injury or illness. Sometimes this practice is done in person or distance healing remotely by a person with one or more paraphysical senses that are active including clairvoyance, clairaudience, clairsentience, clairolfactory, or clairgustance or other extra sensory skills like telepathy and telekinesis.

Psychic Medium: An individual that serves as a conduit or a channel for spirits looking to meditate with a living and vice versa. This individual will rely on extrasensory perception, spirit guides, angels, and/or the universe or divine to make a connection with spirits.

Psychic Journaling: A practice of going within and tuning into the silence of one can gain inner guidance and documenting that guidance for future reference.

Psychic Surgery: The act of making an energetic-based incision in the human body to remove a disorder or disease.

Psychometry: The ability to obtain information about a person or an object by touch. The individual holds the object in their receptive and (nondominant hand) and takes in the information that they receive as a visual experience within the mind. Once findings are made, the diviner then reports the sensations and visualized experiences.

Psychonaut: Astronauts explore outer space. Psychonauts explore inner space.  A word stemming from the ancient Greek terms for mind/spirit and navigator or sailor, a psychonaut is a navigator of the mind or a spirit sailor in which the person enters into altered states of consciousness through the use of mind-altering drugs or meditation/trance states wherein entering such states allows for the person to engage in exploration.

Pyrokinesis: The psychic ability to control flames, fire, or heat using one's mine. The user may trigger and cease fires only using the human mind to manipulate the flames negatively or positively.

Pyromancy: Divining the future by staring into or scrying into flames. The diviner examines the fire color, shape, smoke rising from the fire.

Reiki: This is a hands-on or off, healing, holistic modality established by Mikao Usui in the early 20th century in Japan. The term Reiki is actually a combination of two words: Rei with the meaning of higher power or God and Ki which means life force energy. If we are to translate the word Reiki into the original Japanese the word comes to mean ghostly power.

Remote Viewing: (Also Telesthesia or Extrasensory Perception) The ability to see a distant or unseen target using extrasensory perception. This is a practice that has been studied by researchers at the Stanford research Institute. The parapsychologists were looking to capture evidence of clairvoyant activity while under controlled conditions in a lab. Remote viewing is a lot like astral projection were in the person leaves their body to see another location.

Retrocognition: (Also Post Cognition) The ability to supernaturally perceive past events. This is a psychic ability wherein the individual can see past events clearly and describes them. Sometimes called retrocognition or psychometry where the individual holds an object and detects the history from the energies emanating from it.

Rhapsodomancy: Nostradamus is not the only one who put knowledge of the future down in poetic form! This is a method of answering questions or making predictions by using poetic works and randomly choosing passages to answer such questions or to foresee such events. Akin to stichomancy and bibliomancy.

Roadomancy: Maybe you were born under a lucky star … let’s use Roadomancy to find out: A practice involving the use or examination of constellations in the sky and their position in order to make predictions about a person’s characteristics, behaviors, attributes, and or their future. Akin to astrology with special emphasis on the stars rather than planets in a person chart - similar to my unique brand of Starseed Galactic Origins Readings.

Runes, Rune Stones: (Also Runic Divination) Runes are a form of writing and an ancient alphabet stemming from Scandinavia and originating at least from 1500 years ago or more. One of the first runic alphabets was the Futhark. Later, additional rune alphabets were developed. The word runes literally mean mystery or secret and the letters were used for the purposes of divining the future. Viking Runes are one example.

Sand Scrying: Draw that line in the sand. Sand Scrying is a mode of divination involving the use of sand while it spread on a flat surface. The diviner uses appointed implement or pencil and holds it loosely to allow automatic writing to occur.

Scrying: See Mirror, Crystal Ball Gazing, and Hydromancy - you can actually scry with almost anything that has a reflection - get creative here!

Second Sight: (Also Remote Viewing or Precognition) This is a psychic ability allowing an individual to see both past and future happenings before they occur and/or after they occur and sometimes at a great distance from the actual indication of the occurrences. Only the paraphysical senses are used in the detection of knowledge.

Shapeshifting: The ability to physically transform the user's body into anything. 

Sixth Sense: This term references the paraphysical senses one has in addition to physical senses and is another reference for extra sensory perception. Such senses include clairvoyance, clairaudience, clairsentience, clairolfactory, and clairgustance.

Spirit Communication: A term used to describe the spiritualist movement originating from the United Kingdom. The movement began with séances being organized and eventually led to people delivering psychic readings by making personal connections with the spirits, the universe, or divine. Today, spirit communication references any type of communication directly or indirectly with the spirit.

Stolisomancy: Calling all fashionistas and style enthusiasts, yes there actually is a form of divination that is based on the way a person dresses themselves. Talk about dressing for success and considering what your image says about you!

Talismans: Time to take up that lucky rabbit’s foot! A special object endowed with specific powers thought to protect an individual. The powers are derived from the objects design and the object being charged for a specific purpose.

Taromancy: (Also Chartomancy and Tarotmancy) This is the art of practicing divination via the use of tarot cards. Most modern decks consist of 78 cards with 22 major arcana and 56 minor arcana all of which depict universal experiences within the human lifespan for divinatory interpretation. There are so many beautiful types of tarot decks out there so choose one that really resonates with you.

Tasseomancy: (Also Tea Leaf Reading) This is the ancient art form of divination by examination of tea leaves or coffee grains that remain at the bottom of a cup once the tea is consumed. What remains is interpreted for patterns which hold meeting for the diviner.

Telekinesis: The ability to use the mind to move objects without physically touching them.

Telepathy: The ability to transmit or receive thoughts supernaturally. At least you say this if you are using the psychic ability involving the transference of one’s thoughts to another individual or several people through mental processes and without speaking or using body language for expression.

Theta Healing with Vianna Stibel: A technique of energy healing as taught by Vianna Stibel based on a spiritual philosophy used for the purposes of improving the spirit, body, and mind.

Thoughtography: The ability to "impress" an image by burning on a surface using only one's mind.

Transfiguration: When referencing mediumship abilities, this refers to the moment when the medium takes on the physical characteristics of the spirit.

White Light: White light visualization is what a person envisions and feels when looking to cleanse and purify their aura, negative energies, the mind, and body. There are different uses for different colors of light or working with The Rainbow Rays as well if you prefer more color.

Xenoglossy: (Also Light Language) A phenomenon where an individual suddenly talks in a foreign language that they have not studied; it is also a symptom of past life regression when a person has undergone hypnosis and suddenly they speak in a foreign tongue.

Xylomancy: (Also Zylomancy) This method of predicting the future involves using pieces of wood and burning them to see what patterns form or where one just chooses random pieces of branches and twigs along the path to make predictions.

Ying Yang: The feeling of complete balance and harmony! The masculine and feminine or projective and receptive energies as seen by the ancient Chinese as being two primal forces within the universe. Per the Chinese philosophy, the energies course through all things.

Zygomancy: In ancient Greece, a scale with the balance was used. There is no reference as to exactly how the process worked. It is however that the scale produced “yes” and “no” responses much like when you are using a pendulum for divination.

I hope you enjoyed this comprehensive list of well over 100 Psychic Abilities and Divination Practices. I will be updating this blog periodically as I discover and create more of these magical resources.

Thank you!


CEO of The Starseed Sanctuary®

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