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Arcturian Starseeds & The Arcturian Alignment

arcturian arcturus starseed alignments starseed astrology starseeds Oct 17, 2024

Discover the magic of one of the most ancient galactic groups: The Arcturians. Unlock your Arcturian Starseed Codes, and Learn How to Celebrate The Arcturian Alignment in this cosmic article.

Arcturian Starseeds and the ancient collective we call The Arcturians hail from a planet near fixed star, Arcturus, in The Boötes Constellation. Boötes is the13th largest constellations and is located in the northern celestial hemisphere. The constellation’s name comes from the Greek word, Boōtēs, which means ox driver, plowman, or herdsman & first catalogued by the Greek astronomer Ptolemy in the 2nd century. Arcturus is the brightest star in Boötes, the brightest star in northern hemisphere, & 3rd brightest star in the sky, after Sirius & Canopus.

Arcturus means “guardian of the bear” in Greek. Arcturus can easily be found following the arc of the the Big Dipper asterism in Ursa Major.

The most notable deep space object near Arcturus is The Boötes void, also known as the Great Void or the Supervoid, is a sphere-shaped region of the sky, almost 250 million light years in diameter, which contains very few galaxies. The void was originally discovered by Robert P. Kirshner, Harvard College Professor of Astronomy, in 1981, as part of a survey of galactic redshifts. By now, it is known that there are at least 60 galaxies in the void. American astronomer Gregory Scott Alderling once observed, “If the Milky Way had been in the center of the Boötes void, we wouldn’t have known there were other galaxies
until the 1960s.”

Regarding the Galactic History of this star system, contrary to popular belief, Arcturians are NOT descendants of Lyran/Vegan refugees from the Lyran-Draconian wars. The Arcturian race is a separate consciousness that went through a separate evolution after the Separation of Over Souls in this Galaxy. They are ancient AF.

During the initial creation of the Galaxy, the Arcturian Consciousness Group was set aside on purpose by the High Galactic Councils to become the overseers, or spiritual guardians, of the other star systems in this galaxy. The Arcturus star system is the home to one of the most advanced alien civilizations in our galaxy. This is a 5D -9D vibrational civilization, a prototype (a model to be followed) for future civilizations.

There are higher dimensional Arcturians that oversee the Galactic Akashic Records & The Arcturian Stargate of Souls up to 12D.

According to Edgar Cayce, the Arcturians are “the most advanced galactic civilization in the galaxy.”

Arcturians believe in a higher state of being and have mastered many metaphysical beliefs and higher dimensional concepts. They have vested many of their resources to defend Earth from the Reptilian and Grey Negative Alien Agendas.

One of the reasons why the Earth has never been attacked by malevolent aliens is because their fear of the Arcturians’ advanced ships. These interstellar vessels are a culmination of perfection in cosmic technology. One of their starships that are stationed near the Earth in this solar system is called the Athena, named after the Greek goddess.

The Arcturians are one of the few galactic groups that are masters at helping Starseeds on Earth overcome Reptilian entities & psychic attacks by NAA groups like malevolent Dracos, Orion Empire Groups, and Sirian-Annunaki Reptilians. Call on them for support if needed!

In the Book of Knowledge - The Keys of Enoch by JJ Hurtak describes Arcturus as: “the mid-way programming center used by the physical brotherhoods in this universe to govern the many rounds of experiments with "physicals" at this end of the galaxy.”

The Arcturus Stargate functions as an energy gateway through which humans pass during death and re-birth and a way-station for nonphysical consciousness to become accustomed to physicality. This energy is an intermediate adaptation and planning center used in our local universe to govern and administer the multiple experiments made with physics in this galactic area.

Why was Arcturus designated Stargate of Souls?

When the Galactic Councils located first deemed Arcturians to be the Spiritual Guardians of our Galactic Collective Consciousness, it made sense Arcturus would also become the “processing center” for souls to transition.

The Arcturians were also designated to be the “Keepers of the Akashic Records”. The Akashic Records are not located in Arcturus, but because they used the Records quite a bit processing souls between lives, it would make sense that they would also become the Guardians of the Records.

Arcturians on Arcturus take turns “working” the Stargate, as all Arcturians take turns doing many tasks within their star system. Millions of souls are processed daily through the Stargate: they go through a Life Review, make goals and choices for their next incarnation with help of their Higher Selves and their Arcturian Stargate guides.

In the early part of Arcturian history, the Stargate was heavily attacked by Draconian forces. Arcturians had to go through a massive evolution to quickly and dramatically improve their technology, but also an evolution in consciousness as they battled their fears and negativity when dealing with Draconians.

Because of this rocky start in their Galactic history, Arcturians (and Arcturian Starseeds) tend to be very strong-minded, process-oriented, and go through evolution very quickly both on Arcturus and also on the other star systems they are assisting.

Arcturians and Arcturian Starseeds tend to be “Spiritual Heavyweights” who take on the toughest projects and humblest jobs/lives in order to be truly of Service to Others.

Arcturian Starseed Traits (these are a general overview and please keep in mind Arcturian Starseeds will vary a great deal based on where Arcturus falls in their Starseed Astrology Chart)

*Have very strong personalities
*There is a deep inner strength
*Others often view them as strong, capable, and powerful despite their gentle nature
*Often a feeling from childhood of having an important purpose or mission
*Seeking for this mission or purpose, which will lead to spiritual development, if purpose is found
*If not found, there may be feeling of dissatisfaction or unhappiness without full understanding of the cause
*Very creative; many are writers, artists, designers or use their abilities to create in other unique ways

*Often good public speakers
*Have a good sense of timing and humor
*Often the "life of the party”
*They enjoy making others laugh
*They are loving and like to travel
*They may tend to get bored easily and seek new experiences to avoid boredom
*May seem distant at times
*May not have many close, intimate friends, although they will have many surface friends, or casual acquaintances, because they do not easily share their feelings and thoughts
*Attract people that find comfort in telling them their personal problems
*Complete strangers are drawn to them
*Arcturian energy = magnetism and charisma

Arcturian Starseed Codes

Do you have any planets, asteroids, or luminaries in your natal star chart aligned with Arcturus? That is a telltale sign of Arcturian Starseed Origins!

The Arcturian Alignment

The Arcturian Alignment occurs twice each year, one during the fall when fixed star Arcturus is Conjunct with The Sun between October 16th and October 18th; the second is the opposite alignment with Arcturus in April when this magical star is more visible in the night sky for the northern hemisphere. Dates will be flipped for southern hemisphere.

The Arcturian Alignment with The Sun opens an energetic portal that invites us to go inwards and come back to our hearts. The light codes coming from Arcturus through the rays of the Sun accelerate our awakening process, help us find a deeper meaning to what we encounter on our path, and encourage us to remember that things happen for us and not to us.

The Arcturus Alignment: An Ancient Portal

Ancient astronomers, in particular those from India and Egypt, were well aware of the importance of Fixed Stars such as Sirius and Arcturus and they studied their influence in great detail. Arcturus is the brightest Star in the Boötes constellation, and, traditionally, it has been considered one of the most fortunate Fixed Stars in the sky, associated with luck, abundance, and increased motivation to overcome challenges.

From our perspective on Earth, during the Sun-Arcturus conjunction, Arcturus becomes invisible. Yet, its power is magnified through the alignment with the Sun. For this reason, sun-gazing at sunrise or sunset, meditating in Nature, eating our lunch outside, or even simply spending time outdoors, with bare skin exposed to sunlight, can allow us to absorb the higher frequencies coming from Arcturus that are reaching the Earth through the rays of the Sun.

The Arcturus Frequency: Holographic Healing and Transcendence

Arcturus represents more than a Star: it is home of higher dimensional beings, our ancient Star family, our past/parallel/future selves, and it holds a very high frequency that, since very ancient times, has been associated with the transcendence of physical form, emotional quantum healing, and creativity.

Arcturians are said to represent the highest potential of evolution of the human race and one of the most advanced civilizations of the entire galaxy. Many believe that, at the moment of death, human consciousness passes through the Arcturian realms. These realms are not a dense, physical plane like the 3D reality we are familiar with: it is an etheric plane that has primarily a sixth-density.

Arcturians don’t have a physical form, they often manifest to us as angels, and their purpose is to serve humanity by helping us heal and reminding us of our true essence.

The Arcturus Portal is Open: Seeing Through the Illusion

These days are going to be filled with incredible synchronicities, sudden insights, and revelations. What comes up at this time has the potential to incredibly accelerate the shift in consciousness we are all experiencing.

Contacting Arcturians, beings from other dimensions, our Angels and Guides, is likely to be easier than usual. Starseeds are going to feel this alignment particularly intensely, especially those of them who spent some of their past lives on Arcturus.

To align with the vibration of Arcturus, charge in the sunlight your crystals, amulets, tarot cards, or other spiritual and divination tools. This is a wonderful time for conscious manifestation and intention setting, as the energy of the New Supermoon we just experienced and the frequency of the Arcturus-Sun conjunction are enhancing each other and they are both supporting these purposes.

We may feel more intensely than usual the triggers that emerge during these days. Nonetheless, they also offer us great potential for emotional healing, for the integration of complex or traumatic experiences, and the transmutation of stagnant energies into higher vibrations.

The Arcturus Alignment opens a cosmic portal that invites us to come home to ourselves, to the center of our being, and to connect with the part of us that is beyond time and space, beyond the physical form and all the limitations it implies. Ultimately, this cosmic event reminds us of our true nature. During these times of uncertainty and transition, the Sun-Arcturus alignment encourages us to open our hearts, to trust the Divine plan, and to cultivate our innate connection to Source..

Sending you all galaxies of gratitude and love Soul Family! ✨✨✨💙💙💙


Want to learn more about The Arcturians?

Watch The Arcturian Starseed Super Session on YouTube HERE

Check out these Awesome Arcturian Books and Resources:

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Heather Hobson, PsyD
The Starseed Sanctuary®
All Rights Reserved©

*Remember: this blog is for informational and educational purposes only. It shall not be construed as medical advice. The information and education provided here is not intended or implied to supplement or replace professional medical treatment, advice, and/or diagnosis. Always check with your own physician or medical professional before trying or implementing any information read here.

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