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The Last Full Moon of 2024: Horoscopes for All 12 Signs

full moon horoscopes starseed astrology Dec 14, 2024

The LAST Full Moon of 2024 and our final timeline shift of the year is HERE!

This is a FULL COLD MOON Conjunct Orion’s Belt December 15th @ 1:01am PST
Gemini 23º Tropical; Taurus 29º Sidereal
Full Moon Conjunct Alnilam, the middle of the Belt of the Hunter, Orion.

The last full moon of 2024 and Mars Retrograde guides us to introspection, highlighting areas to relinquish before a new calendar year. You may have been feeling burnt out and needing extra rest and restorative exercise to call your energy back to you. Be extra kind to yourself.

See what this Full Moon has in store for you. Read your Sun, Moon, and Ascendant signs for a more holistic interpretation. 

Last Full Moon of 2024: Horoscopes for All 12 Signs

ARIES: With the Full Moon activating your 11th house of community, friends, hopes and dreams, your mind can be stimulated, and you want to express yourself more openly and let go of anything holding you back from shifting your social connections in the new year.  Now is the time to connect with Andromedan Star Guides and the social support that helps you become a better friend. 

TAURUS: this full moon is activating your 12th house of endings, rest, and respite. You may want to slow things down and can focus on bringing more stability and security to your life. Something might be making you feel insecure and uncertain, so you need address that and work through core wounds preventing you from sharing your ideas in the new year. As you do, you can become more confident and self-assured. Pleiadian Star Guides are supporting you with deep cellular healing and subconscious reprogramming. 

GEMINI: The Full Moon in your sign, transiting through your first house, can stimulate your emotions, your needs, and thoughts about who you truly are and where you are headed next. You can prioritize your desires, and you want to give yourself more attention. You can see results from something you've been working on for some time, and this can impact you emotionally. Be mindful of all-or-nothing thinking and connect with benevolent Star Guides from Orion and Mintaka to help guide you in finding balancing within yourself. 

CANCER: The Full Moon can make you extra drained, and you likely need to take time to be by yourself, to get extra rest, and to re-evaluate your values and finances as this lunation transits your second house. You can pull away from demanding people and projects temporarily to give yourself the chance to recharge. There can be something big you decide to release as well. This is a great time to do a solstice cleaning - both physically and emotionally - so you can let go of anything that no longer serves you creating a fulfilling new year. Guides from Monoceros, The Unicorn, are supporting you in finding magic in the mundane. 

LEO: The Full Moon is activating your third house of communication and short distance travel. You may want more independence and may feel inhibited in someway with Mars Retrograde in your sign. If you feel like you're being held back in any way, you can rebel against that. Try to make sure you're smart about it though, and not just lashing out irrationally. That only creates more problems. Plan a short trip somewhere you can connect to nature and hug a tree. Guides from Ursa Major remind you to hibernate a little more after you get a break from stress. 

VIRGO: This Full Moon is transiting through your fourth house of home and family. Your goals and ambitions can be more important to you although you may feel a push and pull between professional and personal realms. You can make strides with what you've done right, as long as you're not getting stuck in perfectionism. If you don't make strides, you may need to readjust your approach, or reconsider what you're working toward. Benevolent Dragon Guides from Alpha Draconis are encouraging you to connect more with the crystalline grids of the Earth for guidance and healing. 

LIBRA: The Full Moon can stimulate the need for more space to do your own thing, and if you've got a lot of responsibilities, you may want to run. As the moon transits through your fifth house of hobbies and play, you are being called to tend to your inner child and create more space for fun. This will help you replenish your energy so you can get things crossed off your to-do list and not feel resentful of all the adulting coming at you. Star Guides from Corvus, The Crow are available for receiving messages from beyond this realm and spending some time in meditation or creative channeling with help you receive them.

SCORPIO: As this Full Moon activates your sixth house of daily work and health routines, there can be something you need to transform for the better with how you are spending your time each day.  This can be challenging as it may require you to dig deep and face something you don't want to, but, doing so can empower you, and help you move forward with less baggage. If your health has been suffering, this is the time to switch up your self-care and health routines to ensure you get back on track. Star Guides from Hadar aka Beta Centauri and supporting you in letting go of anything that is not yours to hold so you can connect with your energy more clearly. 

SAGITTARIUS: The Full Moon can bring attention to your relationships and partnerships, as it transits over your seventh house and you can grow closer with and become more committed to the people you have a good connection with. Those you don't, you may need to consider how you can improve, or if you need to cut ties. This is a great full moon for clearing and removing cords, attachments, and detaching from everything that has been draining you - at least temporarily - so you can enjoy the festivities. Star Guides from Ophiuchus and Antares are guiding you to remember your multidimensional self and that you create your life. 

CAPRICORN: There can be some deep healing work that needs to get done with the Full Moon transiting your eighth house, and you can feel extra productive with any rituals or routines in these areas. You can strive to get the little things out of the way, and can tackle small projects, tasks, and chores. You can take a lot on, but need to be mindful of taking on too much. Give yourself breaks and give more to yourself than you usually do to support big timeline shifts you are making. Guides from Lyra and Vega are available to connect with if you call on them. 

AQUARIUS: The Full Moon can help you connect to your heart, and you can focus on what makes you feel uplifted and inspired as it transits over your ninth house of spirituality. You can be more philosophical and intrigued by learning something new or planning a big trip for the new year. You may need to make more time for your hobbies and the people you love, reminding yourself to enjoy life. The Blue Avians are circling infusing your channeling abilities with ancient mystery school teachings and cosmic downloads. 

PISCES: You may feel the desire to work on your career goals as this Full Moon transits your tenth house so you can make yourself feel more secure in your professional life. There is a deep desire to bring more spirituality into your life and your work. You may tackle your support system, and work to strengthen it. You can be productive by being honest with yourself about what is working and what isn't. Be willing to let go and make adjustments as you work to make your dreams as reality the next few months before Neptune and Saturn leave your sign in 2025. Star Guides from Pegasus want you to see the bigger picture. 

 Have a Magical Full Moon!


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Heather Hobson, PsyD
The Starseed Sanctuary®
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