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The Starseed Sanctuary Blog

The Origin Story of The Quantum Alchemy Method

Sep 02, 2024

Mirror Clearing Ritual alchemy energy protection healing rituals May 13, 2024


INTENTION: To cleanse negative energy and any negative attachments from the mirrors in your home.

REASON FOR MIRROR CLEARING: Mirrors are among the most mystical objects as they have the ability to absorb the energy of the situations and environments they reflect. Unless you know where the mirror has been, or have a very good intuitive feeling about it, I would always recommend clearing second hand mirrors. Even when you know exactly where the mirror came from and who...

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☀️Solar Storms & Earth's Ascension Cycle ascension aurora northern lights solar storms space weather with dr. heather sun May 13, 2024

Welcome to Space Weather with Dr. Heather!

I really love weather, especially SPACE WEATHER ;-)

We have been having a very active solar cycle the past few years and it keeps getting even more intense with all of these intense Solar Storms so I am writing this superblog to help you better innerstand Space Weather, Solar Flares, Solar Storms, and why this is such an exciting and important time in Earth's Ascension Cycle.

The geomagnetic storm that occurred this past weekend (May 9-12, 2024)...

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Starseed Origins vs Soul Origin: What's the Difference? soul origins starseed origins May 04, 2024

What is the difference between Starseed (or Galactic) Origins and Soul Origin?

This is a common question I get asked about so I thought I'd clarify the difference between Starseed Origins and Soul Origin.

There is a big difference between these two concepts and they get misinterpreted and misunderstood frequently.

Starseed Origins - refers to your last or most recent incarnations before this earth life. It’s where you came from in the stars, galaxies, and BEYOND. And yes, you have many...

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🌍What's Your Earth Sign?🌎 earth sign astrology healing Apr 20, 2024

In astrology we talk a lot about the Sun Signs, which represents the ego, the outer personality, outward shining light, and our core sense of self, but what about our Earth Signs? 

Where is the Earth located in astrology?
You natal chart is set up from a geocentric viewpoint, which is a fancy way of saying that the planets are observed from the vantage point of Earth. This means that Earth would be at the center point of the chart, the same place where our inner self or...

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How to Develop Your Intuition: 8 Tips to Activating The Voice of Your Soul awakening healing intuition psychic gifts Apr 04, 2024

Developing your intuition is a crucial skill to continually work on throughout the healing and awakening journey of life. Your Intuition is the portal to activating and using ALL your other psychic gifts and extrasensory abilities. Yet, it is sometimes the hardest to trust because we have been conditioned to do just that - not trust our innate soul gifts. This blog will help you reclaim and reactivate the voice of your soul - Your Intuition.

So what exactly is intuition?

I often refer to...

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👽50 Shades of Grays: The Reticulum Star System, Zeta Reticuli Starseeds & The Reticuli Alignment extraterrestrials galactic history galactic origins grays starseed astrology® starseed origins ufology zeta reticuli Mar 13, 2024

The Zeta Reticuli aka "The Grays" are the most infamous of the extraterrestrial, interdimensional, and multidimensional galactic groups. These are the little gray or green men that we stereotypically think of when the topic of "aliens" is explored, mostly because that is what we have been conditioned to think of from the programs in Hollywood and entertainment. 

If you have followed my work for sometime, you know that there are well over 88 different galactic families or starseed...

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