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The Starseed Sanctuary Blog

The Origin Story of The Quantum Alchemy Method

Sep 02, 2024

White Moon Selena: Illuminating Your Soul Path with The Light Side of The Moon lunar perigee moon signs soul mission white moon selena Mar 03, 2024

White Moon Selena is one of my favorite astrological points to include in many of my client readings, because so often we are needing guidance on our soul path, our soul missions, and how to illuminate aligned decisions on our journey.

White Moon Selena is an often overlooked part of the chart. I find many are interested in Black Moon Lilith but maybe haven't even heard of White Moon Selena!

White Moon Selena focuses on a very positive area of your chart where you have beneficial energy....

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Quantum Leaping Demystified quantum leap timelines Feb 29, 2024

So what is Quantum Leaping exactly?

While it sounds like a fancy term and the name of a sci-fi show, Quantum Leaping is more common than you realize. In fact, we quantum leap and timeline jump nearly everyday when we make various decisions about our lives. Many cosmologists and quantum scientists believe that every time we make a decision we are creating another timeline or parallel universe in which the version of us that made the opposite decision exists. Wild, I know!

Have you ever become...

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February 2024 QUADRUPLE Dragon Full Moon asteroid astrology astrology draco dragon full moon rituals lunar new year starseed astrology® Feb 23, 2024

FULL MOON Conjunct Alpha Draconis in Draco (The Dragon Constellation) & Asteroid Drago on February 24th @ 4:30am PST @ Virgo 5º (Tropical); 11º Leo (Sidereal)

This is a VERY powerful Full Dragon Moon with Alpha Draconis, The Dragon Star, Asteroid Drago (Divine Masculine Dragon Energy), Asteroid Drakonia (Divine Feminine Dragon Energy), Asteroid and Cadmus (The Dragon Slayer) all making BIG aspects, in addition to, The Year of The Dragon we began celebrating earlier this month...

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🐲Year of The Dragon & The Original Dragon Guardians of Earth's Grids🐲 crystalline grid dragon gridwork lemuria leylines lunar new year year of the dragon Feb 11, 2024

Happy Lunar New Year & The Year of The Wood Dragon!

This is a very special year in the Chinese Zodiac, as well as in Starseed Astrology with all the powerful dragon asteroids, alignment with Draco (The Dragon) Constellation, and the return of the Lemurian Dragons to protect and activate the new earth grids.

In this article we will explore the symbolism of The Year of The Wood Dragon, some interesting symbolism of the Chinese Zodiac AND a lovely introduction to the original Dragon Beings,...

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ADDUCTION versus ABDUCTION cosmic consciousness exopolitics extraterrestrials futurism galactic history galactic origins omniverse uap ufology Feb 02, 2024

Some of my favorite books I have ever read on Galactic Civilizations, extraterrestrials, and multidimensional cosmic concepts (and I've read A LOT) is the works of Futurist Alfred Lambremont Webre.

One of the most interesting concepts he discusses is Adduction versus Abduction.

We have all heard of abductions. Green or gray men coming from the sky to abduct humans for genetic experiments that often cause the person being abducted a great deal of harm and trauma. Many abductions are actually...

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