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The Starseed Sanctuary Blog

Martian Starseeds & Souls from Mars galactic origins mars martian starseeds starseed astrology® starseed origins Nov 11, 2024

I recently did a Starseed Galactic Origins & Akashic Records Reading for a client who had a soul origin (first incarnation as a soul) of Mars - a real Martian Soul!

Martian Soul Types and Martian Starseeds are not discussed much, and when they are there can be a great deal of misconceptions. So, here I am writing a helpful overview on Martian Souls & Martian Starseeds.

💥Are you fascinated by Mars, the Red planet?

💥Does the idea of traveling to Mars excite you more than anything else?

💥Do y...

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12 TYPES OF UNITY WORKERS: Which One Are You? light warriors lightworkers unity consciousness Nov 07, 2024

Unity Worker you say? What is a Unity Worker?

You've probably heard the term "Lightworker".

A Lightworker is someone who dedicates their life to channeling universal energy and wisdom for the highest good of all beings. During their time in this realm, Lightworkers strive to transcend their ego and commit fully to serving others with love and compassion.

Lightworkers are diverse and fill many roles in society. They come from every walk of life, every corner of the earth, every culture, creed,...

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10 High Frequency Benefits of Mercury Retrograde mercury retrograde retrogrades Nov 04, 2024

People tend to freak out and assume the worst when Mercury, or any planet for that matter, goes retrograde. But I am here to tell you, that retrogrades are NOT bad - we just need to know how to work with the energy in order to make the most out of these very common cosmic cycles.


What exactly is Mercury Retrograde?

Mercury is said to be in retrograde when it appears to go backward in its orbit. It doesn't actually change directions in the sky. This is an optical illusion because Mercury tak...

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Ultimate List of Psychic Abilities & Magical Practices alchemy divination psychic superpowers Oct 25, 2024

Everyone has psychic gifts, abilities, and even superpowers!

We are all born psychic, with magical extrasensory capacities. However, society often beats it out of us and pushers of scientific materialism tell us if you can't prove it with hard science then it's not real. This is total BS.

As someone who has had lifelong psychic gifts and countless paranormal experiences, I can tell you that being psychic isn't abnormal or paranormal at all - it's the original norm!

Many people think psychic m...

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Arcturian Starseeds & The Arcturian Alignment arcturian arcturus starseed alignments starseed astrology starseeds Oct 17, 2024

Discover the magic of one of the most ancient galactic groups: The Arcturians. Unlock your Arcturian Starseed Codes, and Learn How to Celebrate The Arcturian Alignment in this cosmic article.

Arcturian Starseeds and the ancient collective we call The Arcturians hail from a planet near fixed star, Arcturus, in The Boötes Constellation. Boötes is the13th largest constellations and is located in the northern celestial hemisphere. The constellation’s name comes from the Greek word, Boōtēs, which me...

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Spica Starseeds galactic history galactic origins spica starseeds starseed alignments starseed astrology starseeds virgo Oct 16, 2024

Spica Starseeds come from one of the three planets near fixed star Spica, Alpha Virginis, which is the brightest star in the Virgo Constellation and 15th brightest star in the night sky.

The Virgo Star System

The Virgo Constellation has 20 stars with known planets - MORE than any other constellation!

The name Spica comes from the Latin Spica Virginis, which means “Virgo’s Ear of Grain.” Spica was the star that helped the Greek Astronomer Hipparchus discover the precession of the equinoxes in ...

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