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The Starseed Sanctuary Blog

The Origin Story of The Quantum Alchemy Method

Sep 02, 2024

Polaris, The North Star: How to Discover Your True North astrology galactic origins north star polarian starseeds polaris soul mission starseed astrology® starseed origins Jun 12, 2024

Polaris, commonly known as the North Star or Pole Star, holds a special place in astronomy and navigation as it is located very close to the celestial North Pole. In Starseed Astrology, it represents the Polarians, one of the most ancient galactic families. Where Polaris falls in your natal chart shows you how to discover your "True North" and adds another layer of depth to the reason you are here on a soul mission as a cosmic being of light.

In this article, I will be covering everything you...

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Your Moon Sign's Psychic Superpower astrology moon psychic gifts starseed astrology® the starseed sanctuary® Jun 02, 2024

In astrology, the moon is connected to ancient wisdom, divination, and feminine power. For that reason, your strongest psychic ability can be linked to the zodiac sign energy of your moon sign AND the fixed stars with which your natal moon is conjunct.

Your Moon sign is part of what’s called your Primal Triad or "Big Three" – your Sun sign (ego/core outward shining energy), Moon sign (emotional inner self/inner intuitive energy) and Ascending or Rising sign (the way you appear to...

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February 2024 QUADRUPLE Dragon Full Moon asteroid astrology astrology draco dragon full moon rituals lunar new year starseed astrology® Feb 23, 2024

FULL MOON Conjunct Alpha Draconis in Draco (The Dragon Constellation) & Asteroid Drago on February 24th @ 4:30am PST @ Virgo 5º (Tropical); 11º Leo (Sidereal)

This is a VERY powerful Full Dragon Moon with Alpha Draconis, The Dragon Star, Asteroid Drago (Divine Masculine Dragon Energy), Asteroid Drakonia (Divine Feminine Dragon Energy), Asteroid and Cadmus (The Dragon Slayer) all making BIG aspects, in addition to, The Year of The Dragon we began celebrating earlier this month...

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